
  • 网络T-bills;US Treasury Bill;U.S. Treasury securities;Treasury bills
  1. “即使私人公司降级,美国国库券在世界需求的是,”经济部长与谢野馨说。

    " Even if a private company downgraded , US treasury bills are in demand from the world ," Economics Minister Kaoru Yosano said .

  2. 另一个衡量标准是美国国库券,也就是美国政府借入的短期贷款,眼下它堪称最安全的投资品种。

    Yet another measure comes from US Treasury bills , short-term loans to the US government that are arguably the safest investments in existence .

  3. 标准普尔将美国国库券的等级从AAA降低到AA+。

    Standard & Poor 's lowered its opinion of Treasury securities one step from the highest rating , triple-A , to AA-plus .

  4. 他是美国国库券的主要购买者。

    He is the main buyer of U.S. Treasury bonds .

  5. 美国国库券就以这种方式招标。

    US Treasury bills are tendered in thisway .

  6. 3月份经济数据恶化前,10年期美国国库券收益率为3.58%。

    The 10-year Treasury recently yielded 3.18 % , down from 3.58 % in March before economic data turned sour .

  7. 在近期恐慌情绪最严重的时候,美国国库券收益率达到0.02%,为1940年以来最低,目前也几乎没有回升。

    At the worst of the recent panic , T-bill yields reached 0.02 per cent , their lowest since 1940 .

  8. 许多人仍然乐于持有美元资产,市场对美国国库券的需求亦相当大。

    Many are still happily holding on to us dollar assets and US Treasury securities are still in great demand .

  9. 组合中的大部分资产均投资于美国国库券等流通性和信贷素质均属于高水平的计息证券。

    The majority of the assets in the portfolio are invested in interest-bearing securities with high liquidity and credit quality , such as us treasuries .

  10. 另外一种形式是荷兰式拍卖,它是十七世纪荷兰的郁金香商人以及今天竞拍美国国库券竞标人所熟悉的一种拍卖形式。

    At the other extreme is the Dutch auction , familiar to17th-century tulip-traders in the Netherlands as well as to bidders for American Treasury bonds .

  11. 年期较长的外汇基金债券与同期美国国库券的收益率差距维持于正水平,但息差已于年内收窄。

    The yield differentials between the Exchange Fund Notes and US Treasuries remained positive at the long end , but had narrowed during the year .

  12. 另一个影响债券市场的就是国际投资者不愿意购买美国国库券。

    Another influent sound ( influence on ) the bond market is the willing this ( willingness ) of foreign countries to buy US government debt .

  13. 经济学家把这种现象归因为以下猜测:日本机构可能会出售美国国库券来募集资金,而且日本本土公司可能会将资金汇返该国以支付地震损失。

    Economists have attributed this phenomenon to speculation that Japanese institutions could sell US Treasuries to raise money , and that domestic companies might repatriate money to pay for earthquake damages .

  14. 中国拥有世界最大的货币储备金,足以买下纽约所有的股价,或者降低美国长期国库券的收率曲线。

    China holds the world 's largest currency reserves , enough to buy up the share prices in New York or sell down the yield curve of the T-bond .

  15. 日本是除中国之外美国债务的最大买家,当其弄清楚救援和灾后清理到底需要多少资金时,也可能会立即停止购买美国国库券。

    Japan , the largest buyer of US debt after China , could also momentarily stop buying Treasuries while it figures out how much it needs to spend on rescue and clean up efforts .