
  • 网络merrill lynch;Merrill Lynch & Co;Bank of America Merrill Lynch
  1. 另据知情人士说,就在那一天美林公司向SEC举报了这一非正常交易。

    That same day Merrill Lynch referred the unusual trade to the SEC , according to people familiar with the matter .

  2. 相比之下,美林公司、士信贷第一波士顿、根斯坦利、旗集团和JP摩根大通则正在等待进入。

    By contrast , Merrill Lynch , Credit Suisse , Morgan Stanley , Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase are still lining up for an entry .

  3. 参与此次公开募股的其他银行还包括美国银行美林公司(BoAMerrillLynch)、巴克莱资本公司(BarclaysCapital)、以及Allen&Co等。

    Others bankers include BoA Merrill Lynch , Barclays Capital , Goldman Sachs and Allen & Co.

  4. 要将这个比例恢复到第二财季水平的话,美国银行的业绩在遭受美林公司(MerrillLynch)大笔冲销带来的冲击之外,可能还要再次承受沉重压力。

    Building it back up to second-quarter levels would cause another big hit to earnings , already set to be hammered by a big Merrill Lynch write-down .

  5. 在李宁宣布了此项收购交易之后,美林公司(MerrillLynch&Co.)分析师DeniseChai将李宁股票的目标价格上调25%,至32港元。

    After the deal 's announcement , Merrill Lynch analyst Denise Chai raised her target price for Li Ning stock by25 % to HK $ 32 .

  6. 美国银行-美林公司(bankofamerica-merrilllynch)亚太区并购业务负责人已宣布计划离职,成为最新一名退出该问题银行的高管。

    The head of Asia-Pacific mergers and acquisitions for Bank of America-Merrill Lynch has announced plans to leave , becoming the latest senior executive to quit the troubled bank .

  7. 1998年美国美林公司正式提出了企业信息门户的概念。随着许多大企业进入企业信息门户的成功,EIP再也不是水中月、镜中花了。

    American Merrill Lynch Company put forward the concept of the enterprise information portal formally in 1998 . As a lot of big enterprises enter success of the enterprise information portal , EIP is no longer remote .

  8. 蓬钢曾经掌管美林公司(MerrillLynch)在中国的房地产投资。他在去年第三季度完成了基金的第一轮资金募集,从国内投资者手中融资人民币10亿元,并计划在明年年中以前完成30亿元的投资。

    Mr. Peng , who used to run Merrill Lynch 's property investments in China , closed the first part of his fund in the third quarter of last year , raising one billion yuan from domestic investors , and plans to have invested three billion yuan by the middle of next year .

  9. 很高兴来到沃顿,这里向来是美林公司理想的人才库。

    I 'm happy to be here at Wharton , traditionally a wonderful source of Merrill Lynch talent .

  10. 美林公司在2005年收购了Advest,格拉泽父子的客户们督促他们自立门户。

    When Merrill Lynch acquired Advest in 2005 , the Glazers ' clients urged them to strike out on their own .

  11. 美国银行曾向其股东承诺,在股东未许可的情况下,不会向美林公司的银行家支付奖金。

    Bank of America had promised its shareholders that no bonuses will be paid to bankers at Merrill Lynch without its express permission .

  12. 要购买这些道琼斯股票,王勤竞夫妇仅凭其当时在美林公司所开帐户上的钱是不够的。这些帐户上当时可用于购买证券的现金及现金等价物为433000美元。

    To buy the Dow Jones stock , the Wongs needed more money than they currently had in their Merrill Lynch accounts , which held $ 433,000 in cash or equivalents available to buy securities .

  13. 麦克斯我在美林证券公司实习过

    Max I interned at Merrill Lynch .

  14. 希望能够对和香港美林集团公司财务控制模式相似的公司,在财务控制模式方面提供一定的参考。

    With hopes of corporate financial control Hong Kong merrill lynch similar company financial model of the control model of choice to provide certain reference .

  15. 该法案于1999年被废除,商业银行进而得以从事证券业务,并最终有实力与贝尔斯登和美林等公司竞争。

    The repeal of Glass-Steagall , in1999 , allowed commercial banks to break into the securities business and ultimately gain the heft to compete with the likes of Bear Stearns and Merrill .

  16. 美林表示,公司还重新启动了实习生计划。

    Merrill has also revitalised its Trainee Programme , it said .

  17. 在美国,美林作为经纪公司的最出名之处,就在于它将华尔街推广到了美国的大街小巷。

    Merrill Lynch is best known in the US for being the brokerage firm that brought Wall Street to Main Street .

  18. 本公司是由美国美林证券投资公司及摩根?约瑟夫投资银行为主要发起人设立的为在中国投资项目的中国项目投资基金。

    The company is China project investment fund leadingly sponsored by investment banks Merill Lynch and Morgan Joseph which is engaged in investing in China projects .

  19. 到了1981年,我对自己一方面要工作,一方面又交易不顺而彻底苦恼。于是我搬到芝加哥,在芝加哥交易所美林证券经纪公司找了一份工作,做经纪人。

    By1981 , I was thoroughly disgusted with my inability to trade effectively while holding another job , so I moved to Chicago and got a job as a broker with Merrill Lynch at the Chicago Board of Trade .

  20. 美林全球财富管理公司(MerrillLynchGlobalWealthManagement)估计,中国百万美元富翁约85%的财富位于国内,这限制了外资银行可以在管理这些资金方面所发挥的作用。

    Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management estimates that about 85 per cent of the wealth of Chinese millionaires is held in the country , limiting the role foreign banks can play in managing it .

  21. 奇怪的是,像美林集团这样的公司目前可能以比在线投资时尚盛行的巅峰时期更大的热情来看待电子中介业。

    Curiously , firms like Merrill Lynch may view electronic brokerage with greater enthusiasm now than at the height of the online investing fad .