
  • 网络Boutique Investment Bank
  1. 尽管Kik和微信相互了解已经有一段时间,但是这一融资决定是在Kik进行了战略评估之后做出的。该项评估是在硅谷精品投行QatalystPartners帮助下,从今年春天开始进行的。

    Though Kik and WeChat have known each other for some time , the investment grew out of a strategic review process that the Western app began in the spring with the help of Qatalyst Partners , the Silicon Valley boutique investment bank .

  2. 要判断并购市场反弹后,精品投行能否继续扩大市场份额,目前还为时尚早。

    It is too early to tell whether boutiques will be able to continue to win market share when the M & a market picks up again .

  3. 它们还可以为证券承保,并为并购交易提供咨询服务,尽管一部分此类业务可能会转移至精品投行,这些投行不那么受到针对银行家薪酬的规则约束。

    They may also underwrite securities and offer advice on mergers and acquisitions , though some of this business may shift to boutiques that are less constrained by rules on bankers ' compensation .