
  • 网络LEAN Logistics
  1. 伴随着精益物流思想的日渐发展,世界级制造(WCM)的概念产生了。

    The concept of World-class manufacturing ( WCM ) is introduced as the method of lean logistics .

  2. 构建精益物流,组织合理运输

    To Construct the Lean Logistics , to Organize the Reasonable Transportation

  3. 基于精益物流分析的航空叶片生产流程优化研究

    The Study of Production Procedure Optimization for Aero-blade Based on Lean Logistics

  4. 汽车制造企业精益物流管理创新及应用研究

    Study on Lean Logistics Management Innovation and Application in Automobile Manufacturing Enterprise

  5. 发展精益物流提高企业竞争力

    Improving the Competitive Edge of Enterprises by Developing Efficiency-oriented Logistics

  6. 基于精益物流的工程项目物资管理研究

    Research of Engineering Project Material Management Based on Lean Logistics

  7. 我国企业建立精益物流系统的思考

    How to Establish Lean Logistics System in China Enterprises

  8. 电子商务形势下中国精益物流代理宏观运作模式研究

    Problems & Countermeasures in China 's Lean Logistics Agent Model under the E-Commerce

  9. 精益物流在工程机械企业中的应用研究

    Application Research on Lean Logistics in Construction Machine

  10. 采用精益物流体系对面临激烈竞争的我国企业具有非常重要的意义。

    It 's very important to for enterprises of China to adopt Lean Logistics .

  11. 基于精益物流的制造企业生产物流系统优化研究&以安徽省为例

    How to Optimize a Production Logistics System in Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Lean Logistics

  12. 最后笔者对中国机械制造企业提出了实施精益物流的建议。

    Finally the author put forward the implementing lean logistics proposal to China manufacturing enterprise .

  13. 第六章为汽车制造企业提出了引入精益物流的合理建议。

    The sixth chapter proposed some reasonable suggestions on introducing lean logistics for motor manufacturing enterprises .

  14. 精益物流在一汽轿车生产过程中的应用

    Application of Lean logistics in the Process of Sedan Production in the 1st Automobile Manufacturing Group

  15. 构建精益物流服务体系无疑会为港口企业寻找到这样一条成功之路。

    Constructing a lean logistics system will undoubtedly help port enterprises to find the road to success .

  16. 精益物流系统可以提供准时、准确、快速、低成本、高质量的物流服务。

    Lean logistics system can provide timely , accurate , rapid , low cost , high-quality logistics services .

  17. 接着从技术的角度提出实施精益物流可以采用的控制方法和策略;

    Then advances the control methods and strategy which the lean logistics can adopt in terms of technology ;

  18. 文中提出的精益物流规划的思想、分析方法与规划步骤对其它物流系统的设计也有借鉴意义。

    Lean logistic planning concept , methodology and procedure is also reference for logistic planning in other logistic system .

  19. 针对各阶段物流的整合过程中的精益物流一体化,进行了相关的分析并总结出实施措施。

    At the same time , it analyzed the logistics integration in the conformity process and proposed the implementation scheme .

  20. 运用戴尔计算机公司成功实施精益物流管理的实例对该理论进行验证;

    By using the successful example of Dell Computer Company , it certified the operation of the Lean Logistics Management .

  21. 精益物流作为一种新型的生产组织方式,精益制造的概念给物流及供应链管理提供了一种新的思维方式。

    The lean manufacture provides a new way of thinking about the logistics and lean logistics play an important role in manufacture .

  22. 精益物流是伴随着制造企业的精益生产方式而产生的,是精益思想在物流领域的应用。

    Lean logistics , which originates from lean production model of manufacturing enterprises , is the application of lean thinking in the logistics realm .

  23. 【摘要】精益物流的历史背景、涵、法等角度全面介绍了精益物流这一崭新的物流管理思潮。

    Abstract : From the point of historical background , intension and method of lean logistics , completely introduced its new ideological trend of logistics management .

  24. 可由于企业的物流运作复杂,精益物流的引入还需要长时间磨合才能达到企业整体的协作性。

    Due to the corporate complex logistics operation , the adoption of lean logistics also need a long time to run-collaboration with the whole enterprise operation .

  25. 运用基于精益物流的管理理念,从技术的角度上提出实行精益物流可以采用的方法和策略,对企业进行精益物流体系设计。

    From the technology aspects , it presents the methods and tactics of doing lean logistics management . Set up the lean logistics system of this company .

  26. 精益物流是一种科学的、高效的现代化物流管理模式,能显著降低物流成本,有效提高客户满意度。

    Lean logistics is one kind of scientific and efficient mode of modern logistics management . It can reduce logistics cost distinctly and enhance customer satisfaction effectively .

  27. 但是,实施精益物流强调协调、强调与上下游企业的合作,以实现物流供应链的整体利润。

    But the harmony and cooperation in supply chain are emphasized in the application of lean logistics aiming at realizing the whole profits of the logistics supply chain .

  28. 论文作者从精益物流运送普及化入手,运用物流管理系统化理论解决单一企业以外的各种物流问题,以追求经济效率解决区域商贸物流合理化。

    The writer of this thesis started from popularization of logistics , solved various logistic problems for enterprises except single enterprises to chase the rationalization of territorial business logistics .

  29. 精益物流理论的产生,为我国的传统物流企业提供了一种新的发展思路,为这些企业在新经济中生存和发展提供了机遇。

    The lean logistics theory produce a new development ideas for the traditional logistics enterprises in China , to provide opportunities for survival and development of these enterprises in the new economy .

  30. 现代物流管理理念正在朝着一体化物流、精益物流、柔性化物流、信息化物流、绿色物流、虚拟物流、全球物流的战略方向发展。

    The strategies of modern logistics management ideas are now oriented by integration logistics , lean logistics , flexibility logistics , information logistics , green logistics , virtual logistics , global logistics .