
  • 网络Red Label;Red Tagging;Red Tag;Red Tag Event
  1. 你有没有给他们看红标签?

    Did you show them the red tag ?

  2. 在巴尔欣的书中,军方官员被称为“贴着红标签的龙套型无脑职业”,但是对于艾伦来说,军队已经不是“荒唐”所能形容。

    The army officers emerged in Balchin 's book as ' red-tabbed stooges ' who had entered a ' profession for fools ' , but to Alan the army system was less pernicious than ludicrous .

  3. 第三组既能看到数字又能看到红绿灯标签。

    A third group saw both numeric counts and traffic lights .

  4. 于是他又加上白红不干胶标签表明次报告要立即执行的标签,依然没有回应。

    Then he added white-and-red stickers marked IMMEDIATE ACTION , yet the report still went nowhere .

  5. 还有一些人他们的菜单上有着红绿灯标签:绿灯(表明食物含有140-400卡路里),黄灯(400-55-卡路里),红灯(550-950卡路里)。

    Others had a menu with traffic light labels : green lights ( indicating meals with 140-400 calories ) , yellow lights ( 400-550 calories ) , and red lights ( 550-950 calories ) .

  6. Gao说,研究者用一个复杂的计算机程序去计算每一样本的绿或红的荧光标签分子数量。

    The researchers used a sophisticated computer program to count the number of molecules with green or red fluorescent tags in each sample .