
  • 网络Red Chip;red chip stock
  1. 市值最大的红筹股即在香港注册的中国内地公司中国移动(chinamobile),计划回归上海证交所上市。

    China Mobile , the biggest red chip , or Hong Kong-incorporated mainland company , plans to supplement its listing in the territory with a Shanghai offering .

  2. 红筹股法律监管问题初探

    A probe to the red chip 's legal administration problem

  3. 纽约市场上美元兑日元的即期汇率对中国A股、H股、红筹股和HS市场有着显著影响。

    Spot USD / JY in New York has significant impact on two A shares , H share , Red-Chip , and HS .

  4. 引入优质红筹股或H股公司CDR积极意义的探讨&站在提高上证综指稳定性的角度

    The Positive Role of CDRs Representing High-quality Red-chip and H-share Companies : the Improvement of the Stability of SSEC Index

  5. 香港恒生指数(HangSengindex)——包括香港蓝筹股和中国内地领先企业的红筹股——本月已上涨逾10%,今年1月以来累计上涨25%。

    Hong Kong 's Hang Seng index - comprisingHong Kong blue-chips as well as leading China " red " chips - has rallied by more than one-tenth this month , and returned one-quarter since January .

  6. 专业服务公司普华永道(PwC)预测,2008年A股市场筹资额将超过650亿美元,预计红筹股将于今年下半年获准发行A股。

    PwC , the professional services firm , has forecast that A-share offerings in 2008 will raise more than $ 65bn , with red chips expected to be allowed to list in the second half of the year .

  7. 香港红筹股战略定位与未来发展

    The Strategic Role and the Future Development of Bonus Stock in Hong kong

  8. A股、红筹股及美国股票市场定价比较

    Market Pricing Comparison among the A Stock , Chinese Concept Stock & American Stock

  9. 在香港注册上市的大陆公司发行的股票被列为红筹股。

    Mainland-funded corporations registered and listed in Hong Kong are referred to as red chips .

  10. 红筹泡沫最终爆破,大部分红筹股都跌破招股价。

    The red-chip bubble ultimately burst , with most now trading at below their issue prices .

  11. 红筹股亦受沽压。

    Mainland-related shares also traded negatively .

  12. 市场分割状态下红筹股回归A股的经济影响

    Analysis on Economic Effects of Chinese Concept Stock Returning to A Stock Market under Market Segmentation

  13. 尽管港股市场沽压涉及的行业和板块都较广,其中H股及红筹股表现尤其疲弱。

    H-shares and Red Chips were particularly weak , although the sell-down was broad-based , affecting most sectors .

  14. 此外,论文还进一步分析了B股与H股及红筹股之间的溢出效应与信息流动,而已有文献主要探讨的是A股与H股和红筹股之间的溢出效应与信息流动。

    Moreover , the thesis discusses the spillover effects and information flow among B - shares , H-shares , and Red Chip Stocks .

  15. 香港还有34家“红筹股”注册地不在中国内地却在香港上市的中国内地公司。

    Hong Kong is also home to 34 " red chips " , mainland companies incorporated outside the mainland but listed in the city .

  16. 我们在未来的着力点是吸引这些(红筹股),特别是那些已经与台资企业结成战略伙伴关系的公司,朱士廷表示。

    Our focus in the future is on attracting these [ red chips ] , particularly those that already have strategic partnerships with Taiwanese companies , Mr Chu said .

  17. 中国A股市场存在一定的泡沫,市场的大起大落以及可供上市的潜在资源相对匮乏,使得红筹股回归成为稳定市场的选择之一。

    With extremely fluctuation of market and shortage of potential resources , Chinese concept stock in Hongkong market returning to A stock market becomes a selection to stabilize our market .

  18. 国企股及红筹股市场的集资额达259亿元,占整个香港市场年内集资总额约四成。

    Funds raised in H-shares and red-chips markets amounted to $ 25.9 billion , some 40 per cent of the total funds raised in the Hong Kong market during the year .

  19. 我们在香港的投资能力有限,因为我们只关注H股和红筹股,我们不具备品牌效应,而且我们没有长期记录。

    We have limited investment capabilities here as we 're focused on H-shares and red-chips , we have no existing branding , and we don 't have a long-term track record .

  20. 即便这部分公司的资源枯竭,两地上市仍将扮演重要角色;于是,举例来说,就有了当前对推动所谓在港上市红筹股回归的考虑。

    Even once this pool of companies has been exhausted , dual listings will still play a big role ; hence , for example , current deliberations on facilitating dual listings of so-called red-chips which are listed in Hong Kong .

  21. 什么叫蓝筹股?与红筹股的区是什么?假如你喜欢要这股票的股权(分红或送、赠红股),则你什么都不用做。

    What cries blue chip ? With red prepare what is the area ? If you like to want the equity of this stock ( share out bonus or send , give bonus ) , criterion your whats need not be done .

  22. 本文用股息的代理理论分析我国A股、H股和红筹股公司的派现行为。由于股东保护法制不完善,公司内部人对股东的剥夺导致A股公司低派现。

    The paper analyzes the differences of cash dividends among A share , H share and red chip companies , using the agency theory of dividend , which argues that the low dividend is the outcome of weak legal protection to the minority shareholders .

  23. H股(在香港上市的内地公司的股票)或红筹股(在境外注册但在香港上市的内地公司的股票)2010年的预期市盈率约为13.5倍,预期涨幅约为20%,其估值仍颇具吸引力。

    Trading at about 13.5 times forecast 2010 earnings , projected to grow by about 20 per cent , the valuation of H shares ( Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong ) or red chips ( Chinese companies incorporated outside the mainland but listed in Hong Kong ) remains attractive .