
  1. 混合股线也可用差异膨化效应来变形。

    Aging and humidity effects of optical surface deformation after deposition Combination yarns can also be texturized with differential bulk effects .

  2. 我们在测量中将股直肌中肌肉混合部与股直肌腱性组织的交界处称作股直肌肌腱的起点,止于髌骨上极的部分称为止点。

    In the measurement , the rectus femoris muscle mixed department and tendon tissue at the junction known as the starting point of the rectus femoris tendon , end to the part of the patella on the upper pole called ending point .

  3. 腈纶混合条与混纺股坯纱收缩率的相关分析

    Correlation Analysis between Shrinkage Percentages of Acrylic Blended Sliver and Blended Grey Ply Yarn

  4. 如果沉淀动力学的时间尺度远长于混合时间,两股液体的混合过程快于反应,此时最后产物特性主要依靠物化参数,而不是混合条件。

    If the time scale of precipitation kinetics is much longer than that of mixing , the mixing of two liquid streams is faster than the reaction .