
  • Red Bull;Bull-Racing;Red Cow
  1. 最新研究成果表明,市面上流行的能量饮料会给孩子的身体健康带来极大风险。饮用诸如怪兽、红牛、摇滚明星之类的能量饮料可能会引起癫痫、心脏病以及其他致命的疾病。

    Young children may face serious health risks from popular energy drinks , such as Monster , Red Bull and Rock Star , potentially causing seizures , heart problems and other life-threatening conditions , according to the findings of new research .

  2. 福布斯家族在斐济群岛上有座小岛,这座小岛被卖给了红牛(RedBull)的创始人迪特里希•马特希茨。

    The island in the Fiji archipelago was sold to Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz .

  3. 草原红牛染色体核型与C带分析

    Study on the Karyotype and C-b and of Red Steppe

  4. 红色(英文)草原红牛染色体核型与C带分析

    Study on the Karyotype and C-band of Red Steppe

  5. 郏县红牛细胞色素B序列测定及多态性分析

    Sequence Analysis and Polymorphism Analysis of Cytochrome B in ' JiaXian Red Cattle '

  6. 红色(英文)草原红牛群体中微卫星DNA多态性的研究

    Polymorphism of Microsatellite DNA in Grassland Red Cattle Population

  7. 草原红牛及其杂交群体中微卫星DNA多态性研究

    Study on Polymorphism of Microsatellite DNA in Grassland Red Cattle and its hybrid Population

  8. 红牛中国和红牛(RedBull)是两家独立的企业,后者是这款畅销功能饮料背后的奥地利公司。

    Red Bull China is a separate company from Red Bull , the Austrian company behind the popular energy drink .

  9. 少量的伏特加和红牛(RedBull),或者杜松子酒和汤力水都达不到相同的效果。

    A small quantity of vodka and Red Bull , or gin and tonic , does not achieve the same effect .

  10. 这些产品种类繁多,比如红牛,怪兽,RippedForce,SpeedStack,5-HourEnergy。

    These products have names like Red Bull , Monster , Ripped Force , Speed Stack and 5-Hour Energy .

  11. 丹尼尔・里恰尔多(DanielRicciardo)幸运地夺得了赛车运动中最热门的位子:红牛队的二号车手。

    Daniel Ricciardo won the sweepstakes for the hottest seat in racing : the No. 2 spot at Red Bull .

  12. 草原红牛IGF-I基因5′调控区序列的生物信息学分析

    Bioinformatics Analysis on 5 ′ UTR of IGF-I Gene in Red Steppes

  13. 红牛(RedBull)能量饮料和万斯(Vans)鞋等品牌,即便经过多年的高速增长,依然采取过类似的措施。

    Brands like Red Bull energy drinks and Vans shoes have pulled off similar moves , even after years of plentiful growth .

  14. 在郏县红牛群体中,不同基因型对腰角宽和胸宽显著相关,突变型个体大于野生型个体(P0.05)。

    In Jiaxian Red cattle population , different genotypes were striking associated with the hip width and Chest width of which the mutational individuals were greater than wildtypes .

  15. 现在的形势一片不好。雷诺,红牛和丰田是另外三支明确表态可能因类似缘由退出F1的车队。

    The proposal has prompted Ferrari to threaten to quit F1 , with Renault , Red Bull and Toyota holding a similar view .

  16. 德国车手塞巴斯蒂安・维泰尔(SebastianVettel)和他的红牛车队(RedBullRacing)连续第四年称霸赛场。

    For the fourth year in a row , German driver Sebastian Vettel and his Red Bull Racing team utterly dominated the competition .

  17. 我原来预计这些平板电脑都需要喝红牛饮料(RedBull)才能赶得上我日常工作的节奏,包括同时打开10个或更多的网站,然而它们的表现都可圈可点。

    I expected the tablets to need Red Bull to keep up with my daily routine , including having 10 or more websites open at once , yet they held their own .

  18. 虽然红牛(RedBull)依然主导全球市场,但占据美国功能饮料1/3市场的MonsterBeverages正在迎头赶上。

    And while Red Bull dominates the world market , monster beverages is catching up , account for a third of the energy drink market in the United States .

  19. 红牛(RedBull)过去三年一直在积极拥抱电子竞技,一开始它把重点放在暴雪公司(BlizzardEntertainment)的《星际争霸2》上,后来又加入了《Dota2》。

    Red Bull has embraced eSports over the past three years , focusing first on Blizzard Entertainment 's StarCraft 2 and adding Dota 2 to the mix .

  20. 草原红牛MSTN基因第一外显子SNPs分析

    Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms ( SNPs ) Analysis on the First Exon of Myostatin Gene ( MSTN ) in Grassland Red Cattle

  21. SaO2较服药前及对照组增高,差异显著(P<005)。结论红牛饮料、高原维康片及乙酰唑胺均能改善高原移居青年的肺通气及提高做功效率。

    Conclusion Taking acetazolamide and vitamin tablets could improve the pulmonary ventilation and work efficiency at high altitude .

  22. 草原红牛C带带型特征与已报道的普通牛C带特征相一致:所有常染色体着丝粒区深染,常染色体臂和整个X染色体为浅染,Y染色体为半深染。

    The C-band of Red Steppe was the same as that of the Bos taurus : centromere region of all autosomes was deep stain ; autosomal arm and whole X - chromosome were superficial stain ; Y - chromosome is semi - deep stain .

  23. CBO首批商业合作伙伴名单里,中国移动、太平洋保险、摩腾、特步、红牛等著名品牌赫然在列。

    The first business partners of CBO include China Mobile , Pacific Insurance , Molten , Xtep , Red Bull and other famous brands .

  24. 事实证明,他们对可口可乐的兴趣远小于美国人而与此同时,美国人正从甜味汽水转向健康的果汁,以及斯奈普(snapple)和红牛(redbull)等替代产品。

    Their appetite for cola proved much smaller than that of Americans who , meanwhile , were switching from sweet carbonated drinks to healthy fruit juices and alternative products such as Snapple and red bull .

  25. 他从俱乐部方面——西班牙巴塞罗纳俱乐部(BarcelonaFC)——拿到的薪水是1450万美元,但他大部分收入来自于耐克(Nike)、红牛(RedBull)、松下(Panasonic)和吉列(Gillette)等赞助商。

    While he enjoyed a salary of $ 14.5m from his club side , FC Barcelona , the majority of his earnings come from endorsing brands including Nike , Red Bull , Panasonic and Gillette .

  26. 和早年的维泰尔一样,古夫亚特也将效力于红牛队姊妹车队、在F1比赛中起到培养新人作用的红牛二队(ToroRosso)。

    Like Vettel early in his career , Kvyat will race for Toro Rosso , the Red Bull sister team that operates as the finest finishing school in the sport .

  27. 草原红牛m-calpain基因的多态性及其与肉质性状的关系

    Analysis on polymorphism of calpain gene in China red cattle and its relationships with meat quality traits

  28. 我是说,从昨天练习赛,今天早上,一直到排位赛我们的速度都很棒,Q2我们使用了与红牛相同的超软胎,性能表现也与他们非常接近。

    I mean we were pretty competitive yesterday , this morning , in the qualifying and even when we were on the same tyres as the Red Bulls in Q2 , the supersoft , it was also close .

  29. 美国最大的椰汁销售商VitaCoco周一宣布达成协议,以1.66亿美元左右(约合10亿元人民币)的价格,把25%的股权出售给红牛中国的所有方。

    Vita Coco , the biggest seller of coconut water in the United States , agreed on Monday to sell a 25 percent stake in itself to the owner of Red Bull China for about $ 166 million .

  30. RB:是啊,我们一直都知道铃鹿这条赛道简直就是为红牛度身定制的,低温、潮湿,铃鹿可能让他们比在其他任何地方都强大。

    RB : We always knew coming to Suzuka that is a track that will very much favour Red Bull so we had that in mind . It 's been a little bit more humid than normal for Suzuka and I think that could help us .