
  • 网络DANONE;groupe danone;Group Danone
  1. 事实上,幸福家庭公司的业绩非常优秀,以至于引起了法国跨国食品巨头达能集团(Danone)的关注。

    Happy family has performed so well , in fact , that it caught the eye of France-based multinational food giant Danone .

  2. 隶属达能集团(GroupDanone)的Karicare在公司网站上宣布,由于前所未有的旺盛需求,公司无法找到足够的高品质羊奶。

    The company , a unit of Group Danone , says on its website that due to ' unprecedented demand ' it cannot find enough high quality goats milk .

  3. 联合利华(Unilever)、达能集团(DanoneSA)、星巴克(StarbucksCorp.)和麦当劳(McDonald’sCorp.)最近几个月都力推一欧元商品,刺激处于深度衰退之中的消费者市场。

    Unilever , Danone SA , Starbucks Corp. and McDonald 's Corp. in recent months have pushed one-euro products to light a fire under a consumer market in deep recession .

  4. 今年5月,法国达能集团(Danone)宣布收购幸福家族92%的股权,这起交易据媒体报道价值数亿美元。

    In May , Danone announced an agreement to purchase a 92 % stake in happy family , a deal reportedly worth hundreds of millions of dollars .

  5. 隶属达能集团(GroupDanone)的Karicare在公司网站上宣布,由于“前所未有的旺盛需求”,公司无法找到足够的高品质羊奶。

    Even that might not be enough . The company , a unit of Group Danone , says on its website that due to ' unprecedented demand ' it cannot find enough high quality goats milk .

  6. 在与中方合作伙伴娃哈哈(wahaha)的争执中,法国达能集团(danone)昨日取得了部分胜利,因娃哈哈创建人宗庆后已经宣布辞去双方软饮料合资公司的董事长一职。

    Danone won a partial victory yesterday in its dispute with Chinese partner Wahaha when Zong Qinghou , the founder of the Chinese company , resigned as chairman of their soft drinks joint venture .

  7. 据BBC商业通讯记者艾玛-辛普森报道,达能集团表示,该公司会采取一定措施来填补英国的供应短缺现象,其中包括提高奶粉的产量,而这意味着它旗下的品牌产品每周都会有额外的供应。

    Danone said it was taking action to respond to the shortfall in the UK , including increasing production of milk , which means extra supplies of all its brands are arriving every week , according to BBC business correspondent Emma Simpson .

  8. 达能集团(GroupeDanone)在亚洲遇到的合资企业问题似乎愈演愈烈,印度某部长此前表示,这家法国食品集团要在印度成立新的奶制品公司,必须征得政府同意。

    Groupe Danone 's joint-venture troubles in Asia appear to have deepened after an Indian minister said that the French food group would need the government 's consent to set up a new dairy business in the country .

  9. 达能集团研发与质量中心,巴莱索(法国)

    Research Centre for Quality & Development , Palaiseau ( France )

  10. 达能集团随后撤下了广告中对与产品能提高免疫系统的话语。

    Danone has subsequently dropped most of its claims that Activia yoghurts and Actimel drinks boost the immune system .

  11. 这一法律上的“花招”也是造成目前达能集团和宗私人家族公司之间的争议的基础。

    This legal trick forms the basis of the current dispute between Danone and Zong 's now privatised family company .

  12. 依云是一个水源来自数个靠近法国埃维昂莱班的矿泉水品牌。1991年由达能集团所有。

    Evian is a water source from a number of mineral water near the French Evian-les-class brand.1991 by the Danone Group .

  13. 达能集团新西兰纽迪西亚分公司已经召回部分可瑞康名下的婴儿配方奶粉。

    In New Zealand , Nutricia , a division of Danone , recalled some types of infant formulas sold under the Karicare brand .

  14. 达能集团,总部设立于法国巴黎,全球拥有近9万员工,是世界著名的食品和饮料集团之一。

    Group Danone is one of the most famous food and beverage group in the world with its headquarter in Paris and90000 staff worldwide .

  15. 为了满足中国市场的需求,达能集团同时提高了旗下产品的产量与供应量,并且已经向中国供货。

    Danone is also increasing production and supplies of its brands that are already available in China , in order to meet demand there .

  16. 爱他美和牛栏婴儿奶粉的制造商达能集团透露,大多数超市正进行奶粉限售,一位顾客只能买两罐奶粉。

    Danone , the manufacturer of Aptamil and Cow and Gate baby milk powder , said most supermarkets were introducing a restriction of two cans per customer .

  17. 达能集团曾发表声明说:“我们了解到,非法向中国出口奶粉是为了满足中国父母对西方品牌奶粉的需求,这激起需求量的不断上升。”

    Danone said in a statement : " We understand that the increased demand is being fuelled by unofficial exports to China to satisfy the needs of parents who want Western brands for their babies . "