
  • 网络lean management
  1. 本论文从精益管理的基础5S入手,对NIKE公司在中国实行的5S管理情况展开了理论研究和实证分析。

    Based on 5S , the foundation of lean management , the paper has launched the fundamental research and the real diagnosis analysis on 5S management situation which implemented in China at NIKE Corporation .

  2. 同时,管理者们需要致力于敏捷和精益管理的学习。

    And , commit to learning about agile and lean management .

  3. 经典的EOQ模型是库存管理实践中一种简单的基本模型,但在现实生活中,能够满足其假设条件的情况十分罕见,它已远远不能满足物品的个性化和现代精益管理的要求。

    The economic ordering quantity EOQ model is simple and basic for stock decision , but seldom situation can satisfy its suppose . It is far from meeting the requirements of modern inventory management .

  4. 基于价值管理理论的精益管理会计研究

    The Study of Lean Management Accounting Based on Value Management Theory

  5. 大力推行品质的精益管理,不断改进和提升产品的品质。

    Vigorously promote better quality management and continuously improve product quality .

  6. 基于精益管理的Y企业生产流程再造研究

    The Study of Y Enterprise Production Process Reengineering Based on Lean Management

  7. 基于精益管理思想的仓储中心作业优化

    Optimization of Warehouse Center Operations Based on Toyota Production System

  8. 精益管理对高校师资队伍建设的启迪

    The Enlightenment of Lean Management on the Teacher 's Team-building

  9. 关于精益管理对改善运输企业运营效率的探讨

    How to Apply Lean Management in Improving Operational Efficiency of Transport Enterprises

  10. 新建矿井内部市场化精益管理体系的构建

    Formulating internal market-oriented elaborate management system in newly-constructed coal mines

  11. 制造企业精益管理模式理论和应用研究

    Research on the Theory and Application of Lean Management Mode in Manufacturing Enterprises

  12. 这其中包括我们熟知的“六西格玛管理理论”以及“精益管理”。

    Among them are the methods known as Six Sigma and lean management .

  13. 精益管理会计的职能包括预测、决策和评价三个方面的职能。

    The functions of lean management accounting include prediction , decision-making and evaluation .

  14. 船舶建造涂装作业及油漆配送精益管理研究

    The Study on the Painting Application during Shipbuilding & Painting Lean Distribution Management

  15. 精益管理是低成本航空运营成功的关键&美国西南航空公司运营管理案例分析

    Lean Thinking is the Key Factor of the Success in the Operation of LCCs

  16. 基于精益管理理念的企业经营绩效评价体系构建及应用

    The Design and Apply of Corporation performance Estimate System Based on keep Improving Idea

  17. 精益管理和创新是引导企业成功的两种重要力量。

    Lean management and innovation are two driving forces of today 's business success .

  18. 院校实施精益管理的探讨

    On the Practice of Campus Lean Management

  19. 建立新型供应商关系,推进企业精益管理

    Establishing New Supplier-Partnership Advancing Enterprise Lean Management

  20. 目前,他们培训员工操作不同的机器,加强员工队伍的精益管理。

    Today employees are trained to operate different machines , allowing for a leaner workforce .

  21. 精益管理的评价体系

    Evaluation System of Lean Management

  22. 引入精益管理思想,有利于改变本土企业经营观念,提高企业运作效率。

    Lean management thinking is helpful to change the concept of local enterprises , improve the operational efficiency .

  23. 因此,减少浪费、优化资源、加强高校的成本管理显得如此的迫切,笔者认为,把先进的精益管理的思想与高校的成本管理相结合是一条有效途径。

    Therefore , to strengthen the cost management of university is so pressing to reduce waste and optimize resource .

  24. 精益管理会计除收入、成本、利润等传统要素外,还包括价值流、增值和核心竞争力。

    The elements of lean management accounting , besides the traditional elements , still include value stream , appreciation and core competence .

  25. 专门阐述了借助一些保障措施来达到精益管理的可维持性,包括精益竞赛、精益成熟度跟踪、精益文化。

    Specifically elaborated with some security measures to achieve lean management and maintenance , including competition , lean maturity tracking , lean culture .

  26. 然而,二者根本概念不同,精益管理一定程度上对创新有负面影响。

    However , with fundamentally different concepts , lean management may negatively affect a company 's capability to be successful to some extent .

  27. 该部分主要是对精益管理会计理论框架的部分构成要素进行了系统论述,这里论述的要素主要有精益管理会计的对象、要素、目标、职能和原则等。

    Some components in the framework of lean management accounting are discussed , including object , elements , objective , functions and principles .

  28. 基于伺服驱动的解决方案现在紧密地与精益管理相结合,因为基于伺服驱动的机械在机械生产中就相当于更多的可靠性。

    Servo drive-based solutions are now tightly aligned with lean initiatives as servo drive-based machinery is equated with greater reliability in production machinery .

  29. 完善这一点的手段就在我们全球标准化指标基础上的“卓越”战略以及零缺陷启动、精益管理、智能解决方案当中。

    The tools to improve here lie within our EXCELLENCE strategy with ZDS , LEAN , Smart Solutions , supported by Global Standardized Metrics .

  30. 精益管理源于精益生产,精益管理的核心在于最大限度地降低各种形式的浪费,不断提升企业价值。

    Lean management roots in lean production , the core of lean management is to reduce multiform waste furthest and advances enterprise value continually .