
  • 网络lean construction
  1. 精益建造(LeanConstruction,LC)是一种新型的建筑项目管理模式,特别适用于复杂、不确定和快速项目。

    Lean Construction is a new construction management paradigm , and particularly suits for complex , uncertain , and quick projects .

  2. 精益建造:一种先进的建造体系

    Lean Construction : A kind of Advanced System of Construction

  3. 精益建造体系在房地产企业管理中的运用

    Applying Lean Construction System in Management of Real Estate Enterprises

  4. 精益建造中的施工质量控制模式初探

    Simple Study on Construction Quality Control Model in Lean Construction

  5. 精益建造体系的建筑管理模式研究

    Research on the Construction Management Model of Lean Construction

  6. 精益建造理论促进工程项目管理改进的研究

    Application of lean construction to promote the study on improvement of construction management

  7. 精益建造&建筑企业发展方向研究

    Lean Construction & Development Research in Construction Enterprises

  8. 基于精益建造的施工临时照明问题研究

    Temporary Lighting Based on Lean Construction

  9. 最后对精益建造在我国建造的实践运用提出了建议。

    At last , a few suggestions are brought up for practicing Lean Construction in China construction .

  10. 最后对精益建造管理今后的研究方向提出了建议和展望。

    Additionally , the paper put forward some proposals about the research direction of lean construction management .

  11. 其中,精益建造就是一种先进的适用于现代建设工程项目管理的新型建造管理方法。

    Lean construction is a new and advanced construction management method that is suitable in the modern construction project management .

  12. 面向过程的成本控制只是基于精益建造的成本管理体系的一个部分,其它部分的成本管理仍需要进一步的研究与探索。

    Process Oriented Cost Control is only one part of cost management system , other parts still need further study .

  13. 随后,作者针对精益建造的特殊性,引进了一种新的计划控制体系&最后计划者体系。

    Afterwards , to the particularity of lean construction the author introduces a new control system named last planner system .

  14. 实践证明精益建造是可行的,而且也是今后建筑业发展的方向。

    The practice proved that lean construction is feasible , and it could be the guiding landmark of architecture industry development .

  15. 为此,借鉴精益建造的思想和技术,构建新的成本管理模式,是目前精益建造研究的重点之一。

    Therefore , to develop a new cost management system based on Lean Construction is currently an important research for Lean Construction .

  16. 运用精益建造的思想对可持续性建筑的流程管理进行优化,深入精益流程持续改进的研究。

    This paper uses lean thinking to optimize process management of sustainable construction , and further studies continuous improvement of lean process .

  17. 通过以上的分析得出精益建造理论适合当前项目管理需要,能够从整体提高工程领域的管理水平。

    By the above analysis , lean construction theory can meet the current project management requires and improve the overall level of the project management .

  18. 提出了本文的研究主题,以及主题所涉及到的三个概念:精益建造、基于价值的管理、项目成本控制。

    Proposed theme of this paper , as well as themes related to the three concepts : lean construction , " value-based management ", project cost control .

  19. 国外一些建筑企业为了适应新的形势,已经开始采用精益建造的思想对其建造管理过程进行了指导,实践也证明了精益建造的可行性和先进性,也是今后建筑业发展的方向。

    Some foreign construction enterprises have already begun to adopt the lean thought to supervise the management of construction in order to adapt to the new situation .

  20. 另外,将精益建造应用于铁路施工项目成本管理,为整个产业成本管理的变革提供理论借鉴和思考。

    In addition , to apply LC to the cost management of railway construction management could provide theory reference and consideration for the cost management of the whole industry .

  21. 然后分别从成本计划、成本控制、成本核算、成本分析等角度讨论了传统的管理方法与精益建造之间存在的潜在冲突,进而提出精益建造对成本管理的启示。

    Then this paper discusses potential conflicts lying in cost plan , cost control , cost accounting and cost analysis , then put forward the implication of Lean Construction for cost management .

  22. 最后对房地产企业现实情况进行了详细的分析,并结合精益建造提出了一些改进的建议,主要是基于精益建造体系对组织和流程提出一些新的变革。

    At last , the reach does detailed analyses of the real estate enterprise , then combined with the lean construction , the author bring forward some upswing advice which including some new transforms of organize and flow based on the lean construction system .

  23. 基于精益六西格玛建造的工程项目优化研究

    Research on Optimization of Construction Project Based on Lean and Six Sigma Construction

  24. 提出精益六西格玛建造的概念,建立基于精益六西格玛建造的工程项目优化系统,包括三个子系统:工序流程优化子系统、多目标优化子系统、绩效保证子系统。

    Using the thinking of system analysis , the article built up the system of the optimization of construction project based on Lean and Six Sigma construction . The system includes three subsystems , named : process optimization subsystem , multi-objective optimization subsystems , performance guarantee subsystem .