
  • 网络Pfizer;PFIZER Inc;Pfizer Co
  1. 由美国辉瑞公司(Pfizer)开发的新一代治疗心血管疾病药物氨氯地平是第三代1,4-二氢吡啶类钙拮抗剂的典型代表,已在全世界几十个国家和地区上市销售。

    Amlodipine is a kind of new drug in the treatment of cardiovascular disease developed by Pfizer . As a typical kind of the third generation 1,4-dihydropyridines calcium antagonists , amlodipine has been sold in many countries and areas in the world .

  2. 在巴西,默克沙巴已经从瑞士罗氏公司和美国辉瑞公司那里拿到了二十多种药品的许可。

    It already has some two dozen drugs under licence for Brazil from Roche and Pfizer .

  3. 据《广州日报》报道,日本近日暂停使用疑致日本4名儿童死亡的两款疫苗,分别为由美国辉瑞公司生产的“沛儿”和法国赛诺菲安万特的“安尔宝”疫苗。

    Japan has stopped using the US 's Pfizer Inc 's Prevenar and France 's Sanofi Aventis SA 's ActHIBor vaccines while it investigates the deaths of4 children who were inoculated .

  4. 欧洲药品管理局的一个专家小组将于周一召开会议,评估美国辉瑞公司和德国合作伙伴生物新技术公司联合开发的疫苗,预计该疫苗可在圣诞节前获得批准。

    An expert panel of the European Medicines Agency will convene on Monday to evaluate the vaccine made by U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech , with an approval expected before Christmas .

  5. 股票期权(ExecutiVeStockOption)于1952年由美国辉瑞制药公司为避税引入薪酬体系之中。

    Executive stock option which originated from using the Stock Option into the employee 's salary system for the purpose to avoiding the tax law by Pfizer pharmaceuticals company , United States in 1952 has become classic encouraging mode over a long period of time .

  6. 同时,世界最大的药品制造商---美国的辉瑞公司也不甘示弱地买下了Teuto(巴西仿制药公司)40%的股份。

    Not to be left out , America 's Pfizer , the world 's biggest drugmaker , bought 40 % of Teuto , a Brazilian generics company .

  7. 科菲教授计划与美国医药公司巨头辉瑞公司(pfizer)合作,对黄斑退化症进行干细胞治疗的临床试验。

    Professor Coffey is planning a clinical trial of a stem cell treatment for macular degeneration , an important cause of blindness , in partnership with Pfizer , the giant US drug company .

  8. 哈佛肯尼迪政治学院的BenHeineman称,此次美国司法部门对辉瑞公司罚款力度相对较轻就是为了表明会对那些协助调查的公司宽大处理。

    The relatively small fine imposed on Pfizer was the Justice Department 's way of showing that firms that co-operate will be treated leniently , says Ben Heineman of Harvard 's Kennedy School of Government .