
  1. 目的本研究观察大剂量牛胰抗癌免疫核糖核酸(以下简称BP素:吉林敖东药业集团生产)联合化疗对恶性肿瘤患者近期疗效的影响及对其T细胞亚群的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of BP combined with chemotherapy on patients with malignant tumors .

  2. 中铁二局,吉林敖东是否还可以持有?应该在什么价位卖出?谢谢!

    In iron 2 bureaus , it is OK whether is Jilin Ao Dong returned hold ? In what price should sell piece ? Thank !

  3. 吉林敖东足球队的基础条件分析&与全国其它13支足球甲A联赛参赛队的比较

    The analysis of the basic conditions of Ao Dong Football Team of Jilin province & The comparation with the other thirteen Football Teams in group A