
  • 网络cost of agricultural products
  1. 其中重要的原因之一就是农产品成本过高,导致农业利润下降。

    One important reason is the high cost of agricultural products , leading to decline in agricultural profits .

  2. 随着农业现代化的推进,农业生产对生产资料的依赖性增强,农业生产资料支出成为农产品成本的主体。

    With the advance of agricultural modernization , agricultural production depend on the means of production increased , and agricultural means of production costs become the main cost of agricultural products .

  3. 生物资产及农产品成本核算问题研究

    Study on Cost Calculation of Biological Assets and Agricultural Products

  4. 农产品成本数据库管理系统关键技术的实现

    Key Technologies Realization of Agricultural Product Cost Database Management System

  5. 农产品成本核算体系及控制机理研究

    Calculation System and Control Mechanism of Agricultural Production Cost

  6. 本章主要论述农产品成本动因控制。农产品成本动因是指导致成本发生的因素。

    The chapter mainly discusses macro-cost-driver control and its influence on agricultural product cost .

  7. 农产品成本动因分析

    Cost - Driver Analyses of Agricultural Product

  8. 农产品成本收益评价方法的探讨&数据包络分析的应用

    Research on appraisal methods for cost and profit of AGR-PRODUCTS the application of data envelopment analysis

  9. 本文对中国的农产品成本核算指标体系进行了较系统的研究。

    This thesis studies index system of the costs and returns account of agricultural products in China .

  10. 基于B/S和C/S架构的农产品成本分析系统的设计与开发

    Based on B / S and C / S Architecture Cost Analysis of Agricultural System Design and Development

  11. 中国农产品成本收益核算指标体系演变及改进研究

    Study on the Evolvement and Improvement of the Index System of the Costs and Returns Account of Agricultural Products in China

  12. 主要研究作为农产品成本宏观动因的农业经营规模、农业经营形式和农业生产结构对农产品成本的形成方式、形成内容及补偿程度的影响。

    The paper mainly discusses macro-cost-drivers including agricultural production scale , agricultural business form and agricultural production construction and their influence on agricultural product cost .

  13. 使用机会成本概念作为农产品成本收益核算的计价基础,可以获得农产品的完全生产成本;

    The real production cost of agriculture production could be acquired by using the opportunity cost of factors to account the benefit-cost of agriculture products ;

  14. 沪郊主要农产品成本及质量与市场竞争力研究沪郊水稻生产经营绩效评估与对策

    STUDY ON THE COST , QUALITY AND MARKET COMPETITIVE POWER OF MAIN AGRICULTURAL PRODCTS IN SHANGHAI SUBURBS Performance Evaluation and Countermeasures on Paddy Production in Shanghai Suburbs

  15. 第六章农产品成本抉择控制成本是多种成本动因共同作用的结果。

    Chapter 6 . Cost Trade-off Control of Agricultural Product Cost results from many cost-drivers that influence not only on cost but also on each other themselves .

  16. 2007年至2008年的危机是三十年来的首次,期间大宗农产品成本飙涨至历史最高,从海地到孟加拉国等多个国家发生了骚乱。

    The 2007-08 crisis , the first in three decades , saw the cost of agricultural commodities surge to record highs and riots in countries from Haiti to Bangladesh .

  17. 政府虽在2003年以后停征农业税以减轻农民负担,但农业生产资料价格上涨导致的农产品成本上升依然束缚了农业生产的发展。

    Although the Government has stopped the agricultural tax after 2003 to reduce the burden on farmers , the high cost of agricultural products has constrained the development of agricultural production .

  18. 生物资产和农产品成本核算问题是我国农业企业会计核算中至关重要的一个环节,是生物资产确认与计量的基础。

    Cost calculation of biological assets and agricultural products is a very important part of accounting activity in agricultural corporation , and a basis of accounting recognition and measurement of biological assets in China .

  19. 本文运用定性与定量分析相结合的方法,对1975&1982年扬州地区的主要农产品成本进行了系统的分析。

    The systematic analysis on the costs of the main agricultural products in Yangzhou area , Jiangsu Province during 1975 & 1982 is made by a method of combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis .

  20. 分工的依据是区域间农产品比较成本的大小。

    The comparative advantage is the basis of farm products regional division .

  21. 农产品生产成本偏高的成因分析

    Analysis of Higher Production Cost of Chinese Produce

  22. 国内资源成本法是测算农产品比较成本的较好方法。

    Domestic Resource Cost way is a better method to account farm products comparative advantage .

  23. 农产品的成本上涨了。

    Production costs are up .

  24. 农业生产资料是农业生产的重要投入品,其价格调整直接关系到农产品生产成本变化,间接影响了农民的收入。

    Agricultural production materials price adjustment directly influence the agricultural products costs , indirectly influence the interests of farmer .

  25. 企业想要良好的缓解冲突,克服链条协调的障碍,那么解决农产品质量成本的分摊问题既是当下刻不容缓的任务。

    In order to alleviate the conflict and breakthrough coordinate obstacles , solving agricultural products supply chain quality cost-allocating is the urgent problem .

  26. 我国劳动密集型产品和特色农产品有成本比较优势,却屡屡受到绿色壁垒的阻碍。

    Although the labor intensive and Sinicism agriculture product are in the ascendant in cost , they are often restricted by the greenness violation .

  27. 提高农业生产力,降低农产品生产成本是提高农产品价格竞争优势关键。

    Increasing agricultural productivity while decreasing the production costs of agricultural products is the key to enhance the superiority in competition of agricultural product price .

  28. 首先,基于价值链对农产品物流成本的分析,从内外价值链两个角度对农产品物流成本进行控制分析。

    Firstly , based on the value chain of agricultural products logistics cost analysis , from two angles to analysis agricultural products logistics and cost control .

  29. 农产品生产成本的高低直接关系到农产品生产的经济效益,关系到我国农产品在国际农产品市场上的竞争地位。

    The amount of the cost of produce is directly concerned with the economic benefit of produce production and the competitive status of the Chinese produce in international produce market .

  30. 上海农副产品市场巨大,由于上海土地级差和劳动力成本高,生产同样的农产品,成本比周边地区至少高出15%,产品竞争的劣势显而易见。

    Due to different terra range and high labour cost in Shanghai , the price of the same agricultural products is 15 % higher than that of nearby areas of Shanghai .