
  1. 应用DEA方法和模型进行各省农业经济效益分析及评价

    DEA Method and Model is used for Analyzing and Appraising the Agriculture Economic Benefit of Each District

  2. 健全信息服务网络提高农业经济效益

    Perfecting information service network and raising agricultural economic benefits

  3. 促进农产品商品流通,提高农业经济效益等。

    To enhance the circulation of agricultural products and increase the agricultural economic benefits .

  4. 温室环境和结构安全性对农业经济效益和社会效益有直接影响。

    The environment in the Greenhouse and structural safety has a direct impact on agricultural economic and social benefits .

  5. 化学氮肥施入农田后的大量损失不仅造成能源的巨大浪费、农业经济效益的降低,而且对环境带来前所未有的潜在危机和一系列的不良效应。

    The massive nitrogen losses not only cause energy waste and reduce economic efficiency , but also bring unprecedented environmental risks .

  6. 在现阶段要进一步提高农业经济效益和农民收入水平的关键措施之一是要抓好农业标准化工作。

    In order to improve the agricultural profit and peasant ′ s income , it is key to operate the agricultural standardization efficiently .

  7. 统计指标体系能全面地反映农业经济效益,但指标过于繁杂,不便于对比分析。农业经济效益评价的综合指数法探讨

    Statistic indicator system is comprehensive to evaluate agricultural performance , but the indicators are miscellaneous and difficult to comprise . Reflections on Comprehensive Index Method of Agricultural Performance

  8. 为了兼顾农业经济效益和生态环境,促进农业可持续发展,变量施肥技术是现阶段一种可行的选择。

    The variable rate fertilization technology is a feasible choice for give attention to agricultural economic benefit and entironment , also for accelerate the continuance development of agriculture .

  9. 数量庞大的农村剩余劳动力不仅降低了人均耕地面积和农业经济效益,还严重制约了农民收入水平的提高和社会经济的发展。

    A huge number of surplus rural labors not only reduces the cost per capita arable land area and agriculture , but also restrains their income levels and socio-economic development .

  10. 盐碱地普遍存在盐碱重,返盐强烈,盐分垂直变化明显等问题,造成土壤产出率低且不稳,农业经济效益不高。

    The phenomena of high salinity content , violent salt return , soil salinity changed frequently in vertical direction , which made the soil have very low output and agricultural benefit .

  11. 如何提高我市重要农产品的比较优势是关系到提高农业经济效益,增加农民收入,改善农村生态环境,实现农业可持续发展的重大课题。

    How to raise comparative advantage of the important agricultural products of Chongqing is related to the economic performance of agriculture , farmer income , village ecosystem environment and agriculture sustainable development .

  12. 我们应从提高农民素质,提高农业经济效益,减轻农民负担,加快农村剩余劳动力转移以及提高农业综合生产能力等方面着手解决问题。

    So , we should solve the problems from improving farmers'quality , increasing agricultural profits , lessening farmers'burdens , accelerating the change of the unemployed labor force in suburbs and improving the synthetic productivity of agriculture .

  13. 发展劳务经济,不仅有助于农民增收和城市化进程的推进,也有利于农业经济效益的提高和国民经济的增长。

    Developing labor service economy is not only benefit to the improving farmers ' income and the promotion of urbanization process , but also favorable to the improvement of agricultural economic benefit and the development of national economy .

  14. 第四部分公共财政投入规模与农业经济效益的实证分析从公共财政支农支出的规模与农业总产值和农民收入的长期关系出发,对它们进行了计量分析。

    The fourth part of " public financial investment scale and agricultural economic benefit from empirical analysis of the " public fiscal support spending scale and agricultural output and income of farmers based on their long-term relationship , the measurement analysis .

  15. 我国工厂化农业企业经济效益影响因素分析

    Analysis of impact factors of economic benefits of industrialized agribusiness in China

  16. 城市生活垃圾堆肥化的农业生态经济效益

    Agro - eco - economic Benefit of Making Compost by Using Urban Rubbish

  17. 氮肥料利用率低不仅影响农业生产经济效益,而且因氮素向环境损失造成了严重的负面影响。

    Economic benefits of agricultural production is not only influenced by low use efficiency of nitrogen ( N ) fertilizer , and the ecological environment is seriously negative affected by leaching loss of N in environment .

  18. 甘肃省财政农业支出的经济效益研究

    The Study on the Economic Benefit of Fiscal Expenditure in Gansu Province

  19. 黄土丘陵区主要农业生态经济模式效益评估

    Research on Evaluation of Agricultural Eco-Economic Mode in Loess Hilly and Gully Region

  20. 农业节水灌溉经济效益的分析和计算

    The analysis and calculation of the economic benefit on the agriculture saving water irrigation

  21. 全国农业机械行业经济效益因子分析和评价

    Factor Analysis of Performance of Agricultural Machinery Industry

  22. 根据物能产投关系及其它有关指标,对农业生态经济系统效益进行了综合评估,其结果能客观反映农业生态建设的成就。

    The comprehensive evaluation results of the agricultural ecological system reflect the field construction achievements well .

  23. 第四章是两岸持续深化农业合作的经济效益及条件。

    The fourth chapter is the economic benefits and conditions of the two sides continue to deepen agricultural cooperation .

  24. 对农业节水灌溉经济效益的分析和计算从理论上进行了系统的阐述,供相关人员参考。

    The article irrigates systematically the economic benefit on the agriculture saving water irrigation from theoretically for the related personnel to consult .

  25. 辽西走廊地区传统农业存在着经济效益低,环境问题严重等问题;

    The traditional agriculture of the corridor area of the west of the Liaoning Province had the follow problems such as the lower economy benefit and the several environment issue .

  26. 节水灌溉的目标是获得农业的最佳经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,因此节水灌溉效益的评价研究就显得尤为重要。

    The goal of water-saving irrigation is to achieve the best economic effects , social effects and ecological results of agriculture , therefore the study on evaluation of water-saving irrigation effects is very important .

  27. 为此要探寻影响海南热带农产品可持续发展的主要制约因素,并结合海南实际,制定出海南热带农产品的绿色营销策略,以提高海南热带农业的整体经济效益。

    The paper explores the restrictive factors of conducting the sustainable development of Hainan tropical agricultural production . It proposes the green marketing tactics in order to enhance the economic benefits of Hainan 's overall tropical agriculture .

  28. 与此同时,农业发展的经济效益状况,在很大程度上决定着国家经济社会的发展水平,直接决定了农业综合生产能力的提升,是农业发展的基础和保障。

    At the same time , economic benefit in agricultural production is a fundament and guarantee for agricultural development which has decided the level of economical and social development in a great extent and agriculture integrated production capacity .

  29. 实施非充分灌溉是农业获得最大经济效益的有效方法,可以节约灌溉水量,提高灌水利用效率,达到作物高产条件下的高效用水。

    The efficient method of getting the most economic benefit is deficient irrigation . It can save the irrigation water , improve using efficiency of irrigation water and get the aim of highly efficient water using under high crop yield .

  30. 沼气生态农业技术是经济效益、生态效益、社会效益相统一的低投高效现代生态农业技术,其推广普及是国家十一五期间实施农村和农村经济生态家园富民工程的重要内容。

    Methane eco-agriculture technology is an effective and modern agriculture technology with features of low cost and economic , ecological and social benefits . Its popularization is a major matter in the Eleventh Five Plans and the Project of Eco-countryside and Wealthy Peasants .