
  • 网络rural public goods;countryside public goods
  1. 第三章对国外农村公共文化产品的国际经验进行分析。

    The third chapter analyses the international rural public cultural experience .

  2. 农村公共文化产品供需现状的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Supply & Demand Status of Rural Public Cultural Products

  3. 新中国农村公共体育产品供给制度的变迁与创新

    Change and innovation of new China rural public sports goods supply system

  4. 当代中国农村公共卫生产品供给问题研究

    Study on the Public Health Goods Supply in Contemporary China Rural Area

  5. 中国农村公共体育产品供给的制度设计

    System design of China 's rural public sports products supply

  6. 新农村公共体育产品投入主体政策的理性思考

    On Policy of investing principal body of public sports products in rural area

  7. 这些文件的发布也为我国农村公共文化产品研究提供了有力的政策导向和支持。

    These released documents provided a strong policy guidance and support for rural public cultural product research .

  8. 从图书消费视角浅议农村公共文化产品的偏离与缺失

    On the Deviation and the Flaw of the Countryside Public Culture Product from the Angle of View of the Books Expense

  9. 作者通过文献分析,在对我国农村公共卫生产品供给现状进行分析的基础上,提出了自己的研究思路。

    The author proposes his own research mentality through the literature analysis based on the analysis of present situation for our country public healthy product supplies .

  10. 全面取消农业税后,广大农民公共文化需求快速增长,农村公共文化产品和公共文化服务的重要性日益凸显。

    The public cultural demand of peasants growed rapidly after abolishment of the agriculture taxation , the importance of the rural public culture production and public culture service marked increasingly .

  11. 然而,由于城乡二元经济社会结构导致城乡差距不断拉大,与城镇医疗卫生保障水平相比,农村公共卫生产品的供给严重不足。

    However , rural-urban development gap is increased by current dualistic structure in urban and rural areas . In comparison with the level of urban medical security , the supply of rural public health products is seriously insufficient .

  12. 目的是了解特殊文化现象的特点与作用,探寻农村公共文化产品对新农村文化建设的借鉴意义。

    The aim is to have the knowledge of the characteristic and effects from the special characteristics of cultural phenomena , and to explore the rural public cultural products references to the new cultural development in rural areas .

  13. 作为公共服务的重要组成部分,农村公共服务和产品也具有效用的不可分割性、非排他性和非竞争性。

    As the public service important constituent , the countryside public service and the product also have certain effectiveness inalienable , the non - exclusiveness and the non - competitiveness .

  14. 农民们常说我们和城市最大的差距是精神文化,这正反映出新农村建设中公共文化产品供给的重要性。

    Farmers always say that the largest gap between citizens and them is the culture . It reflects the importance of public supply of cultural products in the process of new Rural constructing .

  15. 现阶段,我国农村文化建设相对落后,公共文化产品供给严重不足,加快农村文化建设,改善农村公共文化产品供给,是新农村建设的题中应有之义。

    At present stage , the construction of rural culture is backward , the supply of rural public cultural products is acute shortage .

  16. 从农村图书消费的现状分析了当前农村公共文化产品偏离与缺失的原因,在此基础上提出了几点应对措施。

    According to the present situation of the countryside books expense , this paper analyzes the causes of the deviation and flaw of the public cultural product in the current countryside .

  17. 目前学界对新型农村合作医疗制度的研究甚多,而对农村公共卫生产品的研究相对较少。

    Currently in academic circles , there are large amount of research on rural public products and new type of rural cooperative medical institution . However , there is rarely study on rural public health products which belongs to the intermediate-level .