
  • 网络Durables;Durable;durable good;consumer durables
耐用品 [nài yòng pǐn]
  • [durables] 能较长时间使用的物品

  1. Markov动态决策过程在耐用品购买中的应用

    Markov Dynamic Decision Model for Purchase Decision of Durable Goods

  2. 德国IFO商业数据、瑞士央行季度公报、美国耐用品订单和GDP数据,以及英国央行金恩的讲话一同构成今天的日历事件。

    German IFO business confidence , SNB quarterly bulletin , US durable goods orders , GDP figures , and BOE 's King 's speech form today 's calendar .

  3. 此条件表明BASS模型仅适用于耐用品的销售预测,而无法很好的应用在非耐用品的产品领域。

    This condition only applies to forecasting durable sales , would not make good application in non-durable products .

  4. 公司主要从事车载用品、USB产品、视听类产品、LED产品、生活耐用品等几个系列,几百个品种的产品制造。

    The company mainly engaged in on-board products , USB products , audio-visual products , LED products , life durable products and so on several series , several hundreds variety products .

  5. 周一公布的美国耐用品订单数据大幅上升,无疑强化了这样一种市场观点,即美联储(FederalReserve)可能比市场此前的预期更早退出非常规货币操作。

    The big jump in US durable goods orders revealed on Monday certainly reinforced the impression that the Federal Reserve may retreat from its unconventional monetary measures sooner than hitherto expected .

  6. 与联合包裹服务(UPS)运送图书或耐用品不同,生鲜食品快递需要选择最短的线路、进行周密的计划、采用先进的技术,还要与时间赛跑。

    Unlike shipping books or durable products via UPS , fresh food delivery requires specific short routing , planning , technology , and a race against the clock .

  7. Mintel公司的数据显示,2011年美国婴儿耐用品的销售额为27亿美元。

    According to Mintel , sales of baby durables in the US were $ 2.7bn in 2011 .

  8. 耐用品动态古诺模型的建立及分析

    Building and analysis on a dynamical Cournot model with durable goods

  9. 上个月,耐用品和高价商品的订单减少。

    Orders for durable goods , big-ticket items fell last month .

  10. 基于创新扩散的耐用品品牌扩散模型探析

    Research on the Model of Durables Brand Diffusion Based on Innovation Diffusion

  11. 消费品价格指数及耐用品订货指数的公布。

    When US consumer prices and durable goods orders will be released .

  12. 耐用品增长模型评论

    Comments on " A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables "

  13. 存在非耐用品时耐用品的出租或销售问题

    The Durable - good Sales Versus Rentals with a Non durable Good

  14. 耐用品订单暗示投资开销可能将会从最近的低谷中恢复。

    Durable-goods orders suggest investment spending may be recovering from its recent funk .

  15. 耐用品订单提供给市场参与者有关制造业各部门的信息。

    Durable goods orders provide market participants with insights on the manufacturing sector .

  16. 我们重点考察了存在借贷约束,只有耐用品市场的经济。

    We examine the economy of only durable goods sector with borrowing constraint .

  17. 十一月,美国耐用品需求量增大。

    Businesses step up demand for durable goods across the border in November .

  18. 美国消费者偏好从耐用品转向服务

    US consumer preferences shifting from durables to services

  19. 诸如商业设备等耐用品的订单在增加。

    Orders for some durable goods , such as business equipment , are rising .

  20. 耐用品的直销与分销对渠道利润的影响

    Effect of Direct Marketing and Distribution of Durable Goods on the Distribution Channel Profit

  21. 含有耐用品的消费模型分析

    An analysis on consumer model with durables

  22. 这些政策包括提高粮食收购的最低价格,以及对耐用品和汽车的购买提供补贴。

    These include higher minimum grain purchase prices and subsidising purchases of durables and cars .

  23. 耐用品包括像汽车、计算机和电器那样的物品。

    Durable goods include such items as cars , computers , bed , and breakfast .

  24. 消费者信心大幅下跌,住房和耐用品的购买量也显著下降。

    Measures of consumer confidence are plunging , asare purchases of housing and durable goods .

  25. 收入分布、厂商定价与耐用品的消费扩张

    Income Distribution , Pricing of Firms , and the Expansion of the Consumption of Durable Goods

  26. 耐用品动态古诺模型的长期产量解和短期产量解研究

    Study of the Long-Term and the Short-Term Product Solutions of Dynamical Cournot Model with Durable Goods

  27. 有进入威胁时耐用品行业企业策略的博弈分析

    Game Theory Analysis of Business Strategies in the Industry of Durable Goods under the Threat of Entry

  28. 耐用品完全耐用时,厂商的最优策略是全部出租耐用品。

    In the absolute durable condition , the optimal policy is to rent the durable goods completely .

  29. 在低于趋势线的50年最低水平下,从耐用品消费到服务消费的转变可能很大。

    Running at 50-year lows below trend . Move from durables to services consumption could be big .

  30. 贴现因子对耐用品垄断者选择的影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Discount Factors on Choosing Between Renting and Selling in the Durable-goods Monopoly