
nài yònɡ xiāo fèi pǐn
  • durable consumer goods;consumer durable;durables
  1. 文章通过分析目前我国农村耐用消费品市场的现状,剖析制约因素,最后提出一系列促进农村耐用消费品市场发展的对策。

    This article analyses the current situation of the rural durable consumer goods market of our country , analyzes the restricting factors and finally puts forward a series of countermeasures to promote the development of the rural durable consumer goods market .

  2. 在分析皮尔曲线模型增长特性的基础上,提出了14种推广模型,并依据这些模型建立了几种主要耐用消费品拥有量的预测模型。

    This paper puts forward 14 popularization models of the Pearl Curve Model based on the analysis of its increase features , and sets up models for the possessive quantity of some major durable consumer goods by means of the 14 models .

  3. 冰箱、电视、自行车等耐用消费品被大批量地生产出来。

    Consumer durables such as refrigerators , television sets , bicycles and so on were produced in large quantities .

  4. 利用Logistic模型预测耐用消费品社会拥有量

    Forecast social possessive quantity of durable commodity by logistic model

  5. 伯南克发表上述言论前,美国商务部(DepartmentofCommerce)发布的数据显示,耐用消费品订单在经过1月份的大幅下降后,2月份出现了微弱的回升。

    His comments came as the Department of Commerce released figures showing that durable goods orders bounced back weakly in February after a plunge in January .

  6. 家电行业在国内是一个充分竞争的行业,特别是作为耐用消费品的大家电,行业的竞争就更加激烈。

    Home appliances industry is a very competitive industry in China .

  7. 我国耐用消费品过剩及对策研究

    The Study on the Surplus of Durable Goods and Countermeasures

  8. 工业:食品加工,汽车,耐用消费品,纺织。

    Industry : food processing , motor vehicles , consumer durables , textiles .

  9. 提高耐用消费品消费,能改善居民生活。

    Developing the consumption of durables can improve living standards of the residents .

  10. 第二,居民对耐用消费品已经达到了一个很高的消费层次;

    Secondly , consumption of durable products has achieved a very high level ;

  11. 耐用消费品销量的动态模型

    The Dynamic Model of The Consumption In Consumer Durables

  12. 一类耐用消费品的市场需求函数

    Market Demand Functions of a Kind of Durable Goods

  13. 第三,探讨对于汽车这种可选耐用消费品,消费者的价值取向包括哪些维度。

    Third , to explore consumer values includes what kind of dimensions for automobiles .

  14. 另外,美国国内耐用消费品的订单出现了16个月来的最大增幅。

    In addition durable-goods orders in the country rose by the most in16 months .

  15. 农村市场对耐用消费品的需求不断增长。

    The need of rural market for consumption goods is in a constant increase .

  16. 居民拥有耐用消费品数量迅速增加。

    The number of durable consumer goods owned by local residents is increasing rapidly .

  17. 人力资本理论认为,教育不仅仅是耐用消费品,更是最重要的人力资本投资方式。

    Education is more likely an important human investment approach than the consumer durables .

  18. 选取了运动鞋和牙膏分别作为耐用消费品和非耐用消费品的代表。

    We choose the running shoes and toothpaste .

  19. 耐用消费品拥有量预测的研究

    A Research on the ways of Forecasting the Possessive Quantity of Durable Consumer Goods

  20. 他们经常需要购买耐用消费品。

    They frequently require more major durable purchases .

  21. 在耐用消费品行业,品牌的重要性也被广泛认同。

    The quilt also accepts the significance in durable consumer goods industry , the brand broadly .

  22. 游艇,是一种水上娱乐用高级耐用消费品。

    The yacht is a kind of advanced consumer durables , which is used for water recreation .

  23. 在城镇居民家庭中,家用电器等耐用消费品逐年增加。

    The numbers of electrical household appliances and other durable goods are increasing each year in urban families ;

  24. 与此同时,考虑到耐用消费品在农村市场启动中的重要意义,本论文第七章对此进行了专项研究。

    Chapter VII specially studies the durable goods which play an important role in exploiting the rural market .

  25. 住房本身作为特殊的商品,既具有耐用消费品的性质,也具有投资的价值。

    House , as a special commodity , has both the nature of durables and the value of investment .

  26. 调低利率及放宽融资条件,亦有助刺激民众对耐用消费品产生更大需求。

    Lower interest rates and the relaxation of financing terms have stimulated quite strong demand for durable consumer goods .

  27. 与以往任何时候相比,信贷使得印度人能购买更多的摩托车、汽车、电器和耐用消费品。

    Credit has allowed Indians to buy more motorcycles , cars , electronics and consumer durables than ever before .

  28. 耐用消费品的逐年统计实时预测方法

    A Method of the Yearly Statistics and the Forecasting in Times for Analysis on the Durable Consumer Goods Market

  29. 进入新世纪以来,汽车作为耐用消费品开始步入中国普通家庭。

    Since entering the new century , the automobile as a consumer durable goods entered ordinary families in china .

  30. 太阳能热水器已成功地成长为与燃气热水器、电热水器并驾齐驱的日常耐用消费品。

    Solar energy water heaters have successfully become daily durables like fuel gas water heaters and electric water heaters .