
nǚ xiū dào yuàn
  • convent
女修道院[nǚ xiū dào yuàn]
  1. 附近有一所女修道院。

    There is a convent nearby .

  2. 她从女修道院办的寄宿学校回来了,十分激动地等着第二天的礼物,那是我早就买好了的。

    She was home from convent boarding school and was excitedly looking forward to her gifs next day , which I had already Purchased .

  3. 女修道院是修女们一起居住的地方。

    A nunnery is a place where nuns live together .

  4. 他们是上海制造的名为MaryChing的鞋子的高档新款系列,这个女人说道,但这双鞋子让我想到了邦德女郎,在寒冷的西班牙图书馆或者狂风大作的意大利女修道院从事间谍活动。

    They were from an exclusive new line of Shanghai-produced footwear called Mary Ching , the woman said , but the shoes made me think of a Bond Girl going undercover in a chilly Spanish library or blustery Italian convent .

  5. 她在纽伯里的一所女修道院学校里学会了烹饪。

    She learned to cook at a convent school in newbury .

  6. 我因傲慢无礼而被带去见女修道院院长。

    I was taken to mother superior for my insolence .

  7. 我们怕报复,先生,女修道院院长喃喃地说。

    We fear reprisals , signore , the abbess murmured .

  8. 她上个学期从女修道院逃跑了。

    She was bunked from the convent last term .

  9. 她拒绝结婚而进女修道院修行。

    She refused marriage and entered a nunnery .

  10. 但是福尔伯特勃然大怒,为了埃洛伊丝的安全着想,阿伯拉尔把她送进了一间女修道院。

    But Fulbert was furious , so Abelard sent Heloise to safety in a convent .

  11. 女修道院院长是位爱尔兰妇女。

    The mother superior was an irishwoman .

  12. 鞋底、内里、修边机女修道院院长修道院内的女长者

    Trimming machine for inner lining & sole

  13. 在女修道院,我阅读了有关圣人和殉教者的故事的推荐读物。

    In the convent I attended , the recommended readings were stories of the saints and martyrs .

  14. 意大利女修道院大门上的摇篮为绝望的妈妈们而设,给她们抛弃的婴儿们提供了一个安全的庇护所。

    A cradle on the gate of an Italian convent gives desperate mothers a safe place to abandon a baby .

  15. 等跑到一个女修道院,他才停下来。女修士给了他衣服和食物。

    He didn 't stop until he reached a convent , where the nuns gave him clothes and some food .

  16. 欧菲莉亚,你也是其中之一。去女修道院,菲奥纳上一季初次参加社交活动。

    Ophelia , you are one of these dirty ones , too . Go to a nunnery . Fiona came out last season .

  17. 珍妮固执己见的父亲将小女婴自珍妮那抱走,送至一所遥远的女修道院让修女抚养。

    Jeanne 's bigoted father takes the baby away from her and has it conveyed to a remote nunnery to be reared by the nuns .

  18. 维斯塔贞女在自己的居所宣誓贞节,其寓所在建筑上和性别上后来都成为了中世纪女修道院和修道院效仿的典范。

    The home of the Vestals who took a vow of chastity was the model both architecturally and sexually for medieval convents and monasteries to come .

  19. 我曾试过礼貌地要求他保持安静,但他却说,要是我想的话,完全应该去女修道院上班。

    I have tried politely asking him to be quiet , but he said I should go and work in a nunnery if that 's how I felt about it .

  20. 由于禀性聪慧,品德高尚,她终于当了这个女修道院的院长。美国的建国先父们会如何假设品德高尚之人所该具备的条件?

    By her wise and virtuous conduct , she was at length made lady abbess of this convent How did the American Founding Fathers assume the leaders would be men of virtue .

  21. 马德兰先生通过那些修女和本堂神甫的介绍,把那老头安插在巴黎圣安东尼区的一个女修道院里做园丁。

    M.Madeleine , on the recommendation of the sisters of charity and of his priest , got the good man a place as gardener in a female convent in the Rue Saint-Antoine in Paris .

  22. 但事实上这人并没有这么做,而是仅仅说你的性格可能更适合女修道院而不是办公室,这表明他非常成功地守住了自己的职场界限。

    The fact that he did not do this but merely commented that your personality might be better suited to a convent than an office , suggests his professional boundaries are in excellent repair .

  23. 12岁时,他那双美丽的绿眼睛就会放电。在孟买圣·瑟夫女修道院的演唱会上,他就敢一边唱着“我会在黑暗中吻你”,一边舔另一个同学的嘴唇,这一幕,他至今难以忘怀。

    At 12 , the gorgeous green eyes already starting to smoulder , he boldly brushed lips with a classmate as they sang " I 'll k-i-s-s kiss you in the d-a-r-k dark " at a concert in St Joseph 's convent in Mumbai . He never forgot that .