
  • 网络jurchen;Jurchens;Jurchen people;nvzhen nationality
  1. 金朝(1115-1234年)是公元十二世纪初由女真族在中国北方建立的王朝。

    Jin Dynasty was established by Jurchen in northern China in the early years of 12th century .

  2. 元末明初女真族的迁徙活动主要分为两个阶段进行,第一阶段从元朝末年到明朝初年。

    Jurchen migration activities at Yuan Mo Ming Chu are divided into two stages , first stage , from the Yuan Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty .

  3. 女真族的祖先很早就生活在长白山和黑龙江流域。

    The ancestors of the Nuzhen had first lived in the Changbai Mountains and the Heilongjiang River valley .

  4. 从此,在与女真族建立的后金的对峙中,明朝处于被动地位。

    Since then , the Ming court fell into a passive state in confrontation with the'Latter Jin'set up by Nuzhen ethnic minority .

  5. 辽王朝统治时期,辽宁境内出现了民族杂居的局面,既有汉族,又有契丹族和奚族,还有渤海族和女真族。

    In Liao Dynasty , there were several nations living together , such as : Han , Qidan , Xi , Bohai and Nvzhen .

  6. 公元1101年,辽天柞帝即位,此时随着女真族的兴起,辽国的统治逐渐受到威胁。

    In 1101 , when Emperor of Tian Zuo came into power , Liao was progressively threatened by Jin of Nuzhen , their rising neighbor .

  7. 1115年,女真族伟大的首领完颜阿骨打创立了一个新的朝代——金并自立为帝。

    In 1115 , the great headman of the Nu zhen tribe Wanyan Aguda established a new dynasty ---- the Jin Dynasty and proclaimed himself emperor .

  8. 12世纪初期,女真族的不同部落共同组成了一个巨大的军队联盟,完颜部是其中的核心。

    The various tribes of the Nuzhen organized themselves into a large military federation at the beginning of the 12th century , with the Wanyan tribe at its core .

  9. 以渔猎为基本生产方式的是居住在潢河(西拉木仑河)、土河之间的契丹族以及东北部女真族等。

    The fishing-hunting zone covered the Khitan Tartars9 area between the Huang River ( Xar Moron ) and Tuhe rivers , and the Nuzhen peopled area in the northeast and so on .

  10. 这样,在明朝政府的大力招抚政策背景之下,为了躲避蒙古等族的不断侵扰,女真族开始了长达百年的迁徙活动。

    Thus Under the strong protection by the Ming government policy context , in order to avoid the intrusion of Mongolia and other nationalities , Jurchen began a hundred years of migration activities .

  11. 12世纪左右,由于一系列问题、自然灾害以及东北部女真族的积极发展,辽朝的缓慢衰落加快了。

    Around the 12th century , the empire 's slow decline sped up as a result of succession problems , natural disasters , and the positive progress of the Jurchen in the north east .

  12. 摘要公元11-12世纪初,女真族崛起于黑龙江流域,建立了大金政权,黑龙江流域出现了历史上的又一次经济大发展时期,其中农业和手工业方面表现得尤为突出。

    The Nuzhen nationality rose unexpectedly and established the Jin regime in Heilongjiang valley , during the11th and12th century , where the economy underwent a fast development , especially in agriculture and handcraft industry .

  13. 因此说,女真族的迁徙活动不仅加速了女真族的统一,推动了满族共同体的形成,更为清代女真族的再度崛起奠定了基础。

    Thus , to say , Migration of Jurchen not only accelerated the unification of the Community to promote the formation of the Manchu nationality , but also laid the foundation for the re-emergence of Qing Dynasty .

  14. 金代正处于中国封建历史的巨大变革时期,其统治疆域内民族众多,社会发展极不平衡,女真族的封建化进程对金代女性政治生活的影响复杂而深远。

    It existed in the historical revolution of the feudal period in China . It ruled a multi-national area , social development was unbalanced . The development of feudal society had a complexes influence upon women ' political life .

  15. 而女真族的传统狩猎经济的根基并未摧毁,此时的开发尚处于初级阶段,东北地区仍然地旷人稀,山饶水美。

    The Nv zhen tribe ' foundation of the traditional hunting economy was not destroyed , then it was still at the initial stage of development , the Northeast region who are still rich in the mountain and the river .

  16. 这一时期的女真族通过迁徙,由原来的血缘氏族部落逐步发展到稳定的地域部族集团,在经过重新集结和组合之后,于明朝初年形成了建州女真、海西女真和野人女真三大族群。

    After migration Jurchen has changed from the original tribal progressive development of blood to the stability of the regional tribal groups , after re-assembly and combinations , Jurchen turn to be three large ethnic grope in the early Ming Dynasty .

  17. 北方女真族所建的金国崛起,宋室为了收复燕云诸州,便联金灭辽,但其弱点也为金国所洞悉。

    To recover the sixteen states of Youyun , the Northern Song sent an emissary to the state of Jin to negotiate an agreement for a joint attack on the Liao . However , the resort also exposed its weakness to Jin .

  18. 金时,农业、手工业和商业都得到了发展,但各地区的经济发展存在很大差异,虽然保留和吸收了女真族的某些文化传统,但基本上是继承辽、宋的汉族文化。

    The farming , handicrafts and commerce flourished , but different areas achieved varying degrees of social and economic development in Jin . Although some features of traditional Nuzhen culture were inherited by the Jin , it was the Han culture and Liao culture that dominated the Jin society .

  19. 女真族建立的金朝统治中国北方长达120年之久,其文化的恢复和发展,在中国文化史上占有重要的地位。

    The Jin Dynasty was established by the N ü zhen Nationality . The Jin Dynasty governed the north of China for 120 years . In this dynasty , its culture can restore with the exhibition quickly , and held the important status in the cultural history of China .

  20. 在辽统治初期,它还处于原始氏族形态,但随着人口的增加与铁器的大量使用,使其快速发展起来,到辽末年,女真族已成为北方一支不可小觑的力量。

    The Nuzhen was in preliminary clan stage at the beginning of the Liao and then it grew quickly with the using of the iron tools and expansion of the population . Towards the end of the Liao , Nuzhen developed strong enough . After its Wanyan tribe established a tribal union , all its tribes quickly got unified .