
  1. 将更加关注创业型领导绩效机制的研究;

    The performance mechanism of entrepreneurial leadership will be emphasized in future studies ;

  2. 基于科学发展观的政府领导绩效评价方法研究

    Study on Evaluating Way of Government Leaders ' Performance Based on Scientific Developing Outlook

  3. 从危机这一特定情景出发,通过领导者的素质对领导绩效的作用分析,为不同危机情景下领导者的选拔提供了参考与依据。

    In this paper , the authors research the correlations between leader performance and traits under the certain crisis , then provided some reference for the selection of leaders under different crisis situations .

  4. 以往关于领导绩效和领导效率的研究,大多是理论研究或定性分析,个别的定量分析通常是通过阶段性统计数据的差异比较或差值比率。

    In former researches there are primarily theoretical studies and qualitative analyses on leaders ' effectiveness and performance , and there are a few studies on quantitative analyses , which mostly rely on the method of comparing differences and ratio of divergence to evaluate leaders ' performance by stage statistics .

  5. 平衡记分卡在党政领导干部绩效考核中的应用研究

    Application Research on the Balanced Scorecard in Functionaries ' Performance Appraisal

  6. 县(处)级领导班子绩效考核体系构建研究

    On the System Construction of the Performance Examination of the County-level Leadership

  7. 领导干部绩效考评体系的设计思想

    The Idea of Designing the Cadre Achievement Assessment System

  8. 电力行业领导干部绩效考评机制和激励机制研究

    A Research on Performance Appraisal Mechanism and Incentive Mechanism for Cadres in Power Industry

  9. 建立县级领导干部绩效结构和考核指标体系的思考

    Reflection on How to Build Job Performance Structure and Appraisal System of Chinese Country - level Government Executives

  10. 重点探讨了目前医疗卫生单位领导干部绩效考核的指标体系、考核方法和激励机制。

    To investigate the establishment of criteria system , evaluating methods and incentive mechanism in managers of medicine and health units .

  11. 天津港设施中心中层领导干部绩效考核机制研究基于核心价值的交通基础设施项目社会影响后评价

    The Study on Middle-Level Management Personel Performance Appraisal Mechanism of TPFC Social Impact Post-assessment of Transport Infrastructure Project Based on Core Value

  12. 基于地方政府环保战略规划的党政领导环保绩效管理体系研究

    Study on Performance Management System of Party and Government Leaders in Environment Proted Based on the Local Government Environmental Protection Strategy Objective

  13. 因此,地方政府部门领导干部绩效评估体系的研究和探讨显得更加迫切和有现实意义。

    Therefore , the government performance evaluation system for leading cadres to study and explore all the more urgent and practical significance .

  14. 高校院系领导班子绩效考评体系初探世博会管理的服务性和目标体系初探

    Performance Evaluation Conducted in the Leading Group in Colleges and Departments of Universities On the Service Concept and Target System of EXPO Management

  15. 这些都是开展党政领导干部绩效考核所面临的巨大挑战和严峻考验。

    These are all carried out of the great challenges facing the party and government cadres performance appraisal management and a severe test .

  16. 同时,结合近年来云南省对县级党政领导干部绩效考评体系建构的实践和探索,认真研究了考核评价指标体系及考核评价方法。

    Meanwhile , by exploring the practice of Yunnan province in recent years , both the standards and methods for evaluation are closely examined .

  17. 目前,我国对领导干部绩效考评的研究,主要集中在县处级以上级别,而对乡镇科级领导干部研究相对较少。

    At present , the research mainly concentrated in the county-level and above , but to the section-level , the study is relatively scarce .

  18. 针对这一情况,本文认为当前基层领导干部绩效考核体系还需要不断探索和完善。因此,本文得出结论:目前我国基层领导干部考核仍处在不断探索的初始阶段,还有许多亟待解决的问题。

    To this situation , this paper concluded : the current leading cadres performance assessment system still at the initial phase , it needs to be constantly explored and improved .

  19. 在以往的研究中,多是对从变革型领导对绩效的影响角度出发进行研究,还从未将变革型的领导行为置于一种特殊情境下进行探讨。

    In the past , studies were carried out from the angle of the achievement of transforming leaders , but the transforming leadership under special situations has never been explored .

  20. 党政领导干部绩效考核平衡记分卡模型应用的主体思路是:按照评价模型所描述的主体选择要求,由干部管理部门结合实际确定评价主体;

    In the specific adopting , the paper builds a balanced scorecard model of functionaries ' performance appraisal , which is made up of the direction model and evaluation model .

  21. 选取的被试是中学校长,因为校长是学校的灵魂,其领导的绩效直接关系到学校的发展和培养学生的质量。

    Those samples chosen for this test are headmasters of the middle school due to their leading role in school and their performance immediate relevant to the development of the school and quality of cultivation of students .

  22. 该体系可根据各企业职能分工不同,分别设置四维指标的权重,计算综合绩效考评得分,并据此评价各企业领导人员绩效水平高低,为选拔任用和确定薪酬提供依据。

    The system according to the corporate division of functions in different , were set four-dimensional index weights to calculate integrated performance evaluation scores , and accordingly evaluate the business leaders of performance levels , for the selection , appointment , determine the salary to provide evidence .

  23. 因此在其领导人员绩效考评中必然要考虑经济、政治乃至社会等多方面的因素,需要在重点考核经济效益的基础上,针对国有企业所肩负的特殊功能设计相应的考核指标体系。

    Therefore , its leaders must be considered in performance appraisals economic , political and even social , and many other factors , need to focus on economic assessment , based on state-owned enterprises to shoulder for the special function of the corresponding evaluation index system design .

  24. 调查结果显示,H公司总体员工工作满意感一般,在工作本身、领导行为、绩效考核、薪酬回报、培训发展这五个主要测量指标中,薪酬回报的满意感最低,培训发展和绩效考核其次。

    Among these five measurement indicators of job , leadership behavior ,' performance assessment , salary and reward , training and development , the satisfaction on salary and reward is the lowest , next is the training and development , performance assessment .

  25. 通过问卷调查获得数据,使用SPSS13.0FORWINDOWS统计软件,采用相关分析、回归分析和双因素方差分析,得出以下几点结论:(1)变革型领导对团队绩效具有正向的影响作用。

    The data of this research is through questionnaire , using correlation analysis , regression analysis and two-factor variance analysis from SPSS 13.0 for windows statistical software to draw the following conclusions . 1st : Transformational leadership has a positive influence of team performance .

  26. 研究授权型领导与团队绩效关系具有现实的指导意义。

    Authorizes the leadership and team performance relationship has practical significance .

  27. 员工满意度与参与式领导行为和绩效的关系

    The Relationship between Employee Satisfaction , Participative Leadership , and Performance

  28. 第三章,变革型领导与员工绩效跨层次模型构建。

    The third chapter constructed multi-hierarchical model between transformational leadership and employee performance .

  29. 特别是最近,很多学者对于团队中的授权型领导与团队绩效有了一定的重视。

    Recently , many scholars have a certain amount of attention for authorized leadership team and team performance .

  30. 本研究旨在系统探讨党政领导干部工作绩效的结构。

    This research was aimed at exploring the structure of job performance of Chinese local party and government executives .