
  1. 品牌目标:成为中国动保行业的创新型领袖企业!

    Brand objectives : To become an innovative animal health industry leaders in business !

  2. 我们的愿景:在动物药业领域成为中国的领袖企业。

    Our Vision : in the field of animal medicine enterprises to become China 's leaders .

  3. 而实践证明大型行业领袖企业往往在突破性产品创新中失败。

    But mature firms often failed in the process of the radical innovation according to the practice .

  4. 我国经济发展速度虽快,但缺乏世界级领袖企业。

    There is almost no world-class leading enterprise in China , although the economy is developing faster and faster .

  5. 今年夏天,塔克商学院成立了由斯劳特教授领导的全球商业与政府中心(centerforglobalbusinessandgovernment),帮助未来的企业领袖认识企业和政府之间的复杂联系。

    This summer tuck launched the center for global business and government , headed by Prof slaughter , to prepare future business leaders with an understanding of the complex interactions between companies and governments .

  6. 审计及咨询公司普华永道(pwc)周二发表的一份调查显示,目前全球商界领袖对企业前景的乐观程度,几乎与金融危机爆发前一样。

    Business leaders round the world are now almost as optimistic about the outlook for their companies as they were just before the financial crisis erupted , according to a survey released on Tuesday from PwC , the audit and consultancy group .

  7. 指出了领袖型企业正式治理机制与非正式治理机制在模块簇群中的共存性。

    It reveals that the formal and informal corporate governance mechanisms coexistence in modular clusters .

  8. 为从制度视角研究领袖型企业治理问题提供了定性和定量分析基础。

    It lays a foundation of qualitative and quantitative analysis in leading corporate governance mechanisms .

  9. 领袖型企业的非正式治理机制是正式治理机制的有效补充。

    The fourth , the informal governance mechanisms is an effective complement to formal governance mechanisms .

  10. 运用文献分析和访谈法等,界定了领袖型企业的识别标准。

    Furthermore , it defines leader cooperate identification standards by using of comprehensive literature analysis and interviews .

  11. 第四部分分别从传统企业,模块簇群,领袖型企业治理要素比较的角度探讨领袖型企业治理的必要性及特殊性。

    The fourth part explores the necessity and the particularity of the leading corporate governance by comparing with traditional enterprises and modular clusters .

  12. 同时分析了领袖型企业非正式治理的作用,分析探讨了非正式治理机制的内容,主要特征和运作机理。

    It also analyzes the role of corporate informal governance and explores the contents of informal governance mechanisms , the main features and operation of the mechanisms .

  13. 不过它也指出许多逐步升级的弱点,例如政府债务攀升、政治领袖和企业伦理的公众信念降低。

    But it also cited " a number of escalating weaknesses " such as rising government debt and declining public faith in political leaders and corporate ethics .

  14. 区别于单一的企业,论文是在模块簇群的网络视角下探讨领袖型企业治理问题,揭示了领袖型企业的关系治理特征。

    Distinguished from a single enterprise perspective , this dissertation discusses leading corporate governance issues in the modular clusters network perspective , revealing the leading corporate relationship governance characteristics .

  15. 第四,通过问卷调查与统计分析等实证手段检验了模块簇群视角下领袖型企业正式治理机制和非正式治理机制对于合作绩效的共同作用。

    Fourthly , through questionnaires , statistical analysis and other empirical means , it tests that both formal and informal governance mechanisms contribute to leading cooperate cooperative performance from the module clusters perspective .

  16. 仅仅是在钢铁行业,俄罗斯就有4家规模大到足够成为潜在全球领袖的企业,对它们而言,扩张的唯一途径就是跨越本国国界。

    Russia has four companies in the steel sector alone that are all big enough to be a potential world leader , and the only way for them to expand is outside their own borders .

  17. 湖南省旅游企业尤其是领袖型企业必须去应对产业价值链上价值重心的不断转移和变化,使自己始终处在高价值的关键环节中,保持竞争优势。

    The tourism enterprises in our province , especially the leading enterprises , should manage to keep themselves in the key positions and to maintain their competitive advantage by adapting to the continual changes of the value chain .

  18. 民营企业文化建设应该是以企业家为领袖、以企业为主体的企业全体员工参与的一种集体创造,是企业家与职工的生动结合。

    The construction for the nongovernmental business culture should regard the enterpriser as the leader and take the enterprise as the principal part . It is the collective creation by the whole employee .

  19. 韦斯表示:这些军官所做的绝大多数事情是管理小镇,与当地社区的宗教领袖和小企业主打交道,但(在参加课程之前)他们几乎从未接受过任何谈判培训。

    The vast majority of what these officers are doing is running small townships , dealing with religious leaders and dealing with small business owners in local communities , and yet [ prior to the course ] they had virtually no training in negotiation , says Mr Weiss .

  20. 在昨日召开的一个会议上,英国首相布莱尔(TonyBlair)向来自欧洲大陆的实业界领袖们表示,企业界未能进行有效的游说,以支持欧洲开放市场并进行经济改革。

    Business is failing to lobby effectively for open markets and economic reform in Europe , Tony Blair told a meeting of industry leaders from across the continent yesterday .

  21. 但也有一些说服力强的反对论点:一些企业领袖反驳称,企业实际上最好把精力集中于主要职能(赚钱)上,而让政府去操心那些更大的社会目标。

    But there is a powerful counter-argument , too : some business leaders retort that companies would actually do better to focus on their primary function – namely the business of making money – and leave governments to worry about those bigger social goals .