
  1. Agile领导的价值观反应并鼓励他们不断的去做出提高。

    The Agile leader values reflection and encourages team members to take time to reflect and evaluate themselves for the purpose of improvement .

  2. 本文研究内容和创新之处主要体现为:第一,采取比较分析方法,阐释了领导干部价值观的本质内涵。

    The main contents and innovations are manifested as follows : Firstly , the essential connotation of the leading cadres ' is explained through a comparative analysis .

  3. 领导干部价值观是关于领导干部行为选择的价值观念系统,而作为一个系统的基本要素包括结构、功能、机制,三者共同决定该系统的特征及运行效果。

    Leading cadres ' values is a value system about what action they choose to take . As the basic elements of a system , namely , structure , function and mechanism , the three jointly determine the features of the system and its performance .

  4. 在综合分析了愿景领导的价值选择、社会演化、组织变迁、文化变革和科技进步五个影响因素的基础上,架构出愿景领导的实施过程和所应具备的领导素质和组织条件。

    Based on the analysis of five factors : value choice , social evolution , organizational change , cultural change and technological progress , the paper gives the framework of how the Visionary Theory put into practice , the leadership qualities needed and the organizational conditions .

  5. 企业高层领导在顾客价值创造中的作用

    The Role of Top-level Leadership in the Customer Value Creation

  6. 科研骨干对领导行为和价值理念的评价普遍低于其它群体。

    The evaluation for leadership behavior and value beliefs of the key researchers was lower than that of other groups .

  7. 在问及他的继任者,他说主要原则将是寻找具有领导特质、价值观和充沛精力的人士。

    To questions on his successor he said that the key criteria that would be looked for were leadership traits , values and vitality .

  8. Sweet-wordsbribery指不送钱和礼,而用阿谀奉承之词讨领导或有利用价值的人欢心,以达到自己的目的,即“精神贿赂”。

    Sweet-words bribery words , instead of cash and gifts , that some people use to win over the heart of their boss or someone who might be useful , in order to get what they want .

  9. 以人为本:新时期领导文化的核心价值指向

    Human-oriented Concept : the Core Value of New Leadership Culture

  10. 企业高层领导行为与顾客价值创造关系的研究

    Research on the Relationship between Top-leader 's Leadership Behavior and Customer Value Creation

  11. 从而,一种全新的领导理论&基于价值观的领导便应运而生。

    Thus , a kind of brand-new theory of leading - the leader based on values arises at the historic moment .

  12. 从领导文化创新的价值取向来看,必须充分实现领导文化的世俗性、容性和开放性。

    From the value orientation of the innovation of leadership culture , we should realize secularity , forgiveness and openness of leadership culture .

  13. 新的校长标准关注每一位学生的学业成就和校长的教学领导职责等核心价值,这对我国校长专业标准建设具有借鉴价值。

    The revised standards'core value is the improvement for all students and the pedagogy leadership , which will certainly make contributions to the construction of professional standards in our country .

  14. 他透过精简过度的浪费、关闭厂房并减少库存量以增加利润,证实他具有领导该公司的价值与实力。

    The exec would soon prove himself an invaluable and no-nonsense leader within the confines of Cupertino , trimming excess fat , closing down factories , reducing inventory levels and pumping up margins .

  15. 校长领导行为方式的不同是校长领导素质、领导价值观及领导水平高低的直接体现,直接决定着学校办学质量的高低。

    Different styles of principals ' leadership behavior directly reflect the quality , ability and value tropism of the principals , and play the decisive role in the school educational qualities .

  16. 政绩观是领导干部创造政绩的思想基础,反映了领导干部从政的价值取向。

    As an ideological basis of leading cadres ' performing , their performance concept reflects their value orientation .

  17. 本文希望通过对基于价值观的领导理论的阐释及其在教育组织中的运用和实施分析,来探讨教育领导如何进行价值观领导,以促进教育组织的变革。

    Through the explanation , analysis of application and implementation of value-based leadership in educational organization , this thesis probes into educating leaders to lead on the basis of values so as to promote the reform of the educational organization .