
  • 网络Leadership Distance
  1. 基于领导距离的魅力型CEO模型

    A Model of CEO Charismatic Leadership Based on Leadership Distance

  2. 领导距离&一种领导学研究视角

    Leader Distance-An Angle of Leadership Research

  3. 因此,本文基于印象管理理论,以建言行为为研究对象,试图探讨建言行为、领导权力距离、领导绩效导向和绩效评价之间的关系。

    Therefore , based on the theory of impression management , in order to explore the relationship between voice behavior , power distance , performance orientation and performance evaluation .

  4. Velcroid指随时与重要领导保持近距离,拍照的时候尤其如此,这样可以增加自己的媒体曝光度。

    Velcroid is a person who remains to an important leader , particularly during photo sessions , to achieve increased media exposure .

  5. 如果共和党在接下来的几个月选出一位总统,他将在某种程度上和党内领导阶层保持一定距离;

    If the Republican Party chooses a champion in the next couple of months , he will to some extent cede the leadership of his party ;