
  • 网络Leader quality;quality of leaders
  1. 领导者素质、政策制定水平和领导行为在政府权威的形成、发展和维护当中作用非常重要。

    Quality of leaders , level of policy-formulating and conduct of leaders plays an important role in forming , developing and safeguarding governmental authority .

  2. 然后借助计算机Excel工具对统计数字加以分析,得出的结论是:遂宁市传统中小民营企业领导者素质的现状在整体上偏低,不容乐观的结论。

    Then we analyse the figure by Excel , and make a conclusion : The actuality about traditional leaders'diathesis of middle and little private enterprises in Suining is low in a whole , we should not be optimism this time .

  3. 科研群体领导者素质探讨

    Discussion on The Leader - diathesis of Scientific Research Group

  4. 论领导者素质与影响力的关系

    On the Relationship Between Leaders ' Quality and Influence

  5. 新时期高校领导者素质

    The College Leaders ' Quality In The New Period

  6. 市场经济条件下领导者素质构成及其发展趋势

    The Formation and Developing Trend of Leadership Qualities in the Environment of Market Economy

  7. 论领导观念和领导者素质

    On Concept of Lead and Quality of Leader

  8. 论领导者素质取向的制度性约束

    On Leaders ' Quality Choice under System Restriction

  9. 高校领导者素质的基本要求及其提高途径

    Basic Requirement and Upgrading Channels of Leadership Qualities

  10. 现代领导者素质研究

    The Study of Leader 's Quality

  11. 其次,在分析差异的基础上,客观评价了中西方领导者素质理论研究各自的局限性。

    Secondly , this thesis evaluates the limitation of each study objectively based on the differences .

  12. 遂宁市传统中小民营企业领导者素质现状分析与对策

    Actuality Analysis and Advices about Leaders ' Diathesis of Traditional Middle and Little Private Enterprises in Suining

  13. 因此,人们自古以来就十分关注对领导者素质的研究。

    Therefore , people pay much attention to the study of the leaders ' quality from ancient time .

  14. 从实证的角度证明了基于情景的领导者素质理论研究的正确性和必要性。

    Thus , it proves the correctness and necessity of theoretical research on leader traits based on situations .

  15. 领导者素质是领导者实施领导行为的内在因素,是开展领导活动的前提、基础和条件。

    The leader 's quality is not only the inner factor of their behaviors , but also the basis of the leader 's activities .

  16. 研究表明,特定的领导岗位类别对领导者素质有着特定的要求,而特定的领导者类型也有与其相适宜的领导岗位类别。

    Researches show that different types of posts require different qualities of leaders , and different types of leaders have different posts to match them .

  17. 建设学习型政府,就是一次政府组织的再造过程,也是对政府领导者素质的再造过程。

    Building the government good at learning is a rebuilding process of a governmental organization and also a rebuilding process of the quality of government leaders .

  18. 首先,从研究对象、内容界定、素质测评和研究方法四个方面剖析了中西方领导者素质理论研究差异的具体表现。

    Firstly , this part anatomizes the concrete manifestations of the differences from four aspects : research object , content definition , quality evaluation and research method .

  19. 本文从组织形式、领导者素质、管理层的稳定性、管理层的经营思想和经营作风等方面来分析管理控制能力。

    The article analyzes the management and control from a several factors such as organizing style , leader 's quality , the stability of managing level , etc.

  20. 31.5万名公司员工以匿名方式提供了他们对领导者素质、专业支持、个人生活以及同事关系的看法,这些原始信息构成了对同类公司进行对比的信任指数。

    Anonymous input from 315000 employees on leader quality , support for professional and personal lives and colleague relationships comprise a Trust Index to compare organizations against peers .

  21. 本人相信,这种指标体系的设计思路以及所使用的评价方法可以向其它企业形式推广,从而为评价其它形式的企业领导者素质提供依据。

    I think , this way of designing targets system and method may be used to the other enterprises , and provide help for envaluing leaders'diathesis to them .

  22. 在决策中,理性人和感性人交织在一起,体现这些人性化特征的领导者素质,从根本上影响和改变着公共决策。

    Rational person and perception person interweave together , and embody leader 's making of these human nature characteristics , from going up the influence with changing the public decision-making at all .

  23. 用世界眼光看问题,是坚持和发展马克思主义的一个重要原则,是时代精神的集中表现,是衡量领导者素质、能力和水平的基本尺度。

    To see things in a global perspective is an important principle of upholding and developing Marxism , the expression of epochal spirit , and basic measure of evaluating a leader 's quality and ability .

  24. 依据新形势下提升企业领导者素质的重要性,对企业领导者应具备的思想道德素质、知识和能力素质问题加以探讨,并阐述提升其素质的途径与方法。

    Based of the importance of improvement of leaders ' quality under new situation , groped into the quality of ideology , morality , knowledge and ability , illustrated approaches and methods to improve quality .

  25. 我们每个人天生都具备领导者的素质;我们只是需要适当的环境来培养这种素质。

    We are all born leaders ; we just need the right circumstances in which to flourish .

  26. 基于领导者能力素质结构模型的我国MBA课程体系再造研究

    The Research on Re-structure of MBA Curricula System Based on Leader Capability Model in China

  27. 不同沟通情景下有效领导者的素质差异

    The difference of the effective leaders ' traits under different communications

  28. 知识经济社会的来临对领导者的素质提出了更高的要求和新的挑战。

    The knowledge economic age issues new and great challenge to the leader .

  29. 领导者德才素质及岗位匹配研究

    Assessment of Leaders ' Virtue & Talent Qualities and Studies on Post Matching

  30. 论高校后勤领导者的素质影响力

    On the Quality Influence of College Rear-service Leaders