
  • 网络leadership
  1. 他面临迄今为止对自己的领导工作最严峻的考验。

    He faces the toughest test of his leadership so far .

  2. 领导工作和教育工作在提高士兵气方面起着重要作用。

    Leadership and education play an important part in raising morale .

  3. 约翰勇敢的个性适合作领导工作。

    John 's intrepid personality made him a good choice for team leader .

  4. 她承担了公司若干多元文化项目的领导工作,包括IBM女性技术委员会和女性领导力委员会,是IBM女性领导者委员会的高级主办者之一。

    She is a leader in diversity initiatives including the Women in Technology Council and the Women 's Leadership Council , and is one of the senior sponsors of the Women 's Executive Council at IBM .

  5. 约翰承担了足球队的领导工作。

    John has taken the leadership of the football team .

  6. 项目经理的领导工作很优秀。

    The manager 's leadership of the project was excellent .

  7. 选举新的国家领导工作人员。

    To elect the new leading personnel of the state .

  8. 努力提高市场经济条件下的城市领导工作水平

    Strive to Improve the Urban Leadership Under Market Economy Conditions

  9. 为党的领导工作提出了一个新的价值目标;

    The new value object given to the leading work ;

  10. 田野调查法在民族地区领导工作中的运用

    Application Field Investigation Method in Leaders Works of Minorities Region

  11. 在这种情况下,要提高士气还是要依靠领导工作。

    Raising morale under such circumstances again depends on leadership .

  12. 关于当前领导工作中的科学决策问题

    On scientific decision - making in present leading work

  13. 她领导工作人员促成了哈勃天文望远镜的诞生。

    She led the effort that the creation of the Hubble Space Telescope .

  14. 提高领导工作的效能之我见

    My Opinion to Improve the Working Efficiency of Leadership

  15. 比起承担领导工作,合伙人们更喜欢的还是客户工作,而来自专业领域以外的管理者又缺乏影响力。

    Partners still prefer client work to leading , while outside managers lack influence .

  16. 领导工作要取得绩效,领导者各方面素质的发挥尤为重要。

    Leaders ' qualities are of great importance for great achievements of leading work .

  17. 创新在当代领导工作中的重要意义

    The Importance of Innovation in the Leadership

  18. 谈创造性地做好基层领导工作

    Creatively Performing Leading Work at Grass-root Level

  19. 她被训练准备从事领导工作。

    She was being groomed for leadership .

  20. 本文运用结构方程建模等方法对数据进行了分析处理,探讨和验证了电子政务环境下领导工作特征和胜任力模型;

    The thesis employs structural equation modeling to analyze data , discuss and validate the competency model .

  21. 做好领导工作意味着对必须产生什么有一个十分清晰的概念,并且要准确地传达出去。

    Leading well means forming a crystal clear image of what must happen and communicating that precisely .

  22. 他鼓励我尽可能多地担负起项目的责任和领导工作。

    He encouraged me to take on as much responsibility and leadership of the project as I could .

  23. 大学三年级,在你已经选择的一些课外活动中担当一些领导工作。

    Junior year is atime to take on leadership positions in the extra curricula activitiesthat you 've chosen .

  24. 如何创造性地做好基层领导工作,很值得探讨。

    So it is well worth probing how to creatively perform the leading work at the grass root level .

  25. 在现阶段,正确处理突发事件是领导工作面临的一项重要课题。

    At present , one of the leader 's important task is to cope with the emergent events properly .

  26. 文中就超前意识涵盖的内容及对领导工作科学决策的作用作了阐述。

    The paper expounds the content of the advanced consciousness and its effect on the leading cadre 's scientific decision .

  27. 长期担任我国大型企业的领导工作和主管国家企业改革与发展工作及政策研究工作。

    Rich experience in large SOE management and have long been engaged in policy research for SOE development and reform .

  28. 国务卿女士,这显示了你有能力激起热情,领导工作。

    And that 's a statement about your ability to inspire , Madame Secretary , as well as to lead .

  29. 他遵循他所经常引用的关于领导工作的四个步骤:“听取、学习、帮助、引导。”

    He followed the four leadership steps he constantly invokes : " listen , learn , help , lead . "

  30. 在革命过程中,孟什维克和社会革命党都积极参与了苏维埃的组织和领导工作。

    In the process of the revolution , both Menshevik and Social Revolutionary Party actively participated in the organization of Soviet .