
  • 网络leadership communications
  1. 通过和社保局领导沟通,确定该社保局需要一套内部的电子政务系统,用以映射主要的日常业务办理。

    By the communication with leaders of the Bureau , we confirm that they need a set of internal e-government system to map major routine transactions .

  2. 尽管时间紧迫,按照Cicalese的说法,由于开展了“卓越的领导、沟通和协调”,没有出现任何惊慌或混乱的局面。

    Despite the time pressure , there was no panic or confusion because of what Cicalese terms ," excellent leadership , communication and coordination " .

  3. 信息化领导团队沟通对共识的影响机制研究

    The Effect Mechanisms of ISS Leadership Team Communication on Shared Understanding

  4. 美国当选总统乔·拜登任命主要竞选人员及顾问来领导其沟通团队,该团队成员均为女性。

    U.S. President-elect Joe Biden has tapped key campaign staff and advisors to lead his all-woman communications team .

  5. 第三,万一碰到疑问,我会及时跟领导深入沟通,找到一个合理的解决方案。

    Thirdly , when there are questions , I will communicate in-depth with my supervisors to achieve a functional and proper solution .

  6. 内聚力是非正式群体的一个重要特征,规范、领导、沟通、动力因素甚至群体性质都可以从内聚力上有所体现和变化。

    Cohesion is an important trait of formal groups , Specification , leadership , communication , power factor even group properties can be reflected from the cohesion and change .

  7. 国家公务员是国家和地区的精英分子,担负着代表国家和政府对群众进行组织、领导、沟通、宣传的任务。

    As the elite of the society , the public servants shoulder he task of organize , lead and communicate with the masses on behalf of the country and government .

  8. 有些人想成为专业演说家,有些人则利用他们所学的领导与沟通技巧,应用在教练、训练、裁判、或其他个人的职业目标上。

    For some , that has meant pursuing opportunities as professional speakers ; others have used their leadership and communication skills for coaching , training , refereeing or other endeavors .

  9. 相关分析表明,CPAI的和谐维度与工作能力和工作态度的多个指标有正相关,CPAI的领导维度与沟通能力有正相关。

    Correlation analysis showed that the variable of harmony of CPAI was positively correlated with the measures of work ability and work attitude , and the leadership was positively correlated with communication ability .

  10. 非民营企业领导型态、沟通满足与领导效能之研究

    Leadership Style , Satisfaction with Communication and Leadership Effectiveness in Non-private Enterprise

  11. 领导行为、沟通满意感与组织绩效的相关性研究

    The Correlation Study of leadership 、 Communication Satisfaction and College Performance ; organizational effectiveness

  12. 良好的团队领导能力及沟通技巧。

    Good team-building leadership and communication skill .

  13. 卓越的领导能力和沟通技巧对成功扭转局势是至关重要的,这是女性领导者的一个优势。

    Great leadership and communication skills are crucial to successful turnrounds and this is a strength of women leaders .

  14. 重要的是平时多与领导、同事沟通,从而发现本身在工作上的不足,以便及时改正;

    What is more , I will often communicate with the higher-ups and associates to find my deficiency in the job so that I can mend it in time .

  15. 高校图书馆应借鉴唐僧团队的经验,从建立统一的价值观、提高领导者的组织领导能力及沟通管理三方面进行高校图书馆的团队建设。

    University libraries should learn from their experiences , and strengthen the establishment of university librarian team from uniting values , improving leaders ' organization ability and communicative management .

  16. 本文根据人际关系理论、需要层次理论、激励理论、领导理论、沟通理论、劳动关系理论、人本管理理论、组织行为理论等。

    This study is based on the theory of human relationship , therefore this needs level theory , motivation theory and paternalistic leadership theory and by a mold of human cooperation .

  17. 现在他是个拥有卓越领导能力以及沟通能力的人,但他同时也将在从大萧条以来我们国家最受到挑战的时刻接下总统大任。

    Now he is an individual who has extraordinary leadership and communications abilities , but he is also taking office at the time of our most challenging transition since the Great Depression .

  18. 政府管理中领导与下属互动沟通的障碍与应对措施

    The Interactive Communications Dilemma between Leaders and Subordinates in Administrations

  19. 领导才能与有效沟通的研究

    Studies on Talent of Leading and Effective Communication

  20. 主管领导型态与员工沟通满足间、员工沟通满足与领导效能间以及主管领导型态与领导效能间均呈现显著正相关。

    Leadership style , employee 's satisfaction with communication and leadership effectiveness are significantly correlated with each other .

  21. 就项目现状和问题的解决方案与本部门员工和其它部门领导进行协调和沟通。

    Coordinate and communicate with department staff and other department team leaders on project status and problem resolutions .

  22. 项目领导能力强,沟通技巧佳,团队精神强,分析及解决问题能力强。

    Strong project leading ability , excellent communication skill and teamwork spirit , excellent analytical and problem solving skills .

  23. 藉著筹划是次活动,同学能锻鍊个人的领导能力、提升沟通技巧及自信心。

    He said that in planning the activity , students had improved their leadership abilities and communication skills and raised their self-confidence .

  24. 在项目实施阶段,通过专业组领导和协调员直接沟通,保证技术协调,并受各项目经理的监督。

    Technical coordination during project execution phase will be guaranteed through the direct communication of discipline leaders and coordinators , and supervised by the respective project managers .

  25. 懂得如何在工作上影响他人,如何高效地进行激励、领导、授权及沟通、配合、协调的有效方法,建立相互信任和应付变化。

    Learn how to influence others , to motivate , lead , empower , communicate , cooperate and coordinate , how to establish mutual trust handle change effectively .

  26. 改革对现有的两门核心课程领导学和领导力沟通进行了修改,以培养更多领导技能,如影响他人的能力。

    In the overhaul , a pair of existing core courses , Leading People and Leadership Communications , had been restructured to offer additional leadership skills , such as the ability to influence others .