
  • 网络leadership;Leadership theory;Theories of Leadership
  1. 本文首先介绍了基于价值观的领导理论(简称VBL理论)的有关概念和发展历程,然后从三个方面切入:一、教育组织中应用VBL理论的必要性与可行性分析;

    This thesis introduces firstly the relative concept of Value-Based Leadership theory ( VBL theory ) and its process of development , and then discusses from three aspects : ⅰ The analysis of the necessity and feasibility of the application of VBL theories in the educational organization .

  2. 情境领导理论在见习期护士培训中的应用

    Application of situational leadership theory in nurse training during probationary period

  3. PM领导理论提供了一个理解领导有效性的理论框架,PM领导行为的最初研究就以工业组织为对象的。

    The Performance-Maintenance ( PM ) theory of leadership provided a theory frame to understand the leadership effectiveness . The original studies of PM leadership behaviors were industrial organization-oriented .

  4. 根据高中管理现状,借鉴PM领导理论,提出做好校长管理的建议。

    The advice is given on how to do well in the management of the senior middle school principals based on the present situation of the senior middle schools and the PM theory of leadership .

  5. 中央集体领导理论的形成。

    Fourth , the theory of the central collective leader group .

  6. 农村能人主政:基于领导理论的分析

    Country Able Person Being Leaders : Analysis Based on Leadership Theories

  7. 变革型领导理论在学校教育创新中的应用研究

    The Research of Application of Transformational Leadership Theories in School Educational Innovation

  8. 权变领导理论在急诊科护理管理中的应用

    The application of Contingency Leadership Theory on emergency nursing management

  9. 这些就构建出宏观的柔性领导理论体系。

    The flexibility to build a macro-theoretical system of leadership .

  10. 运用情景领导理论提高护士长的管理水平

    Using Situational Leadership Theory to increase the management level of head nurses

  11. 道德领导理论视野中的幼儿园管理

    On Kindergarten Management Trough Perspective of Moral Leadership Theory

  12. 基于价值观的领导理论在海航集团的实证研究

    Empirical study on value-based leadership in Hainan Airline Group

  13. 性别、性别化对内隐领导理论具有预测作用,尤以性别化的预测作用显著。

    Gender , sex-role have predictive effects on ILTs .

  14. 教育领导理论与实施,只有通过价值实践才能联系起来。

    Theory of educational leadership is related to practice through value praxis only .

  15. 创业型领导理论研究及发展趋势

    Researches on Entrepreneurial Leadership Theories and Their Trends

  16. 如果你上过商学院的话,你可能学过情境领导理论。

    If you have been to business school you have probably studied Situational Leadership .

  17. 企业组织中的安全领导理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Safety Leadership in Enterprise Organization

  18. 他最早提出了学校道德领导理论。

    Sergiovanni put forward School Moral Leadership theory .

  19. 为什么情景领导理论会风靡全球?

    Why the Situational Leadership is so fashionable ?

  20. 领导理论演变的探析

    The Exploration of Leadership Theories ' Changes

  21. 长期以来,领导理论的研究取得了巨大的成果。

    For a long time , the research on leadership theory has made enormous achievement .

  22. 三种维度是在领导理论发展的不同阶段出现的,并一直成为后续领导理论与实践研究最基本的考量维度。

    Three dimensions are the basic dimension on later research on leadership theory and practice .

  23. 转型领导理论是继领导特质理论、领导行为理论、领导权变理论后于20世纪80年代发展起来的新魅力领导理论。

    Transformational Leadership Theory appeared in 1980s as a kind of new charismatic leadership theory .

  24. 教育领导理论新进展

    The New Development of Educational Leadership Theory

  25. 马克思的人学思想和马克思主义领导理论是其理论基础;

    Second , Marx ' thought about human and Marxism leading theory is its fundamental theory .

  26. 内隐领导理论对领导者的招聘、培训、考核、选拔等提供了方法。

    Implicit leadership theory provides the method of recruitment , training , evaluation and selection for leadership .

  27. 领导理论的新进展

    New Advances on Leadership Theory

  28. 基于价值观的领导理论是由豪斯教授在二十世纪九十年代提出的最新领导理论。

    Value-based leadership theory is the most recent leadership theory proposed by professor House in the 1990s .

  29. 领导理论刍议

    Thinking about Leading Theory

  30. 途径-目标领导理论

    Path-goal theory of leadership