
  • leadership;Leadership Skills;Leadership Challenge
  1. 在所有的项目中,受训者要学习领导力的重要性,并且参与到更宏大任务当中去,这时团队合作就很重要了。

    With all the programs , teamwork is key as trainees learn the importance of leadership and being part of a bigger task .

  2. 很多有才华的年轻人得以通过这个发展领导力的项目掌握了职业生涯的主导权。

    Many talented young people are in the driving seat thanks to this leadership programme .

  3. 福布斯领导力编辑弗莱德·艾伦经常用这个,我认为它是一个合适的、暖心的词。

    Forbes Leadership editor Fred Allen uses it regularly and I think it 's an appropriate , warm thing to say .

  4. 他们需要看到你们的领导力——你们是我们一直以来都在等待的人。

    They need to see your leadership — you ’ re the folks we ’ ve been waiting for to come along .

  5. CEO领导力的挑战:提供明确的战略和坚定的信心

    The CEO Leadership Challenge : Providing Clarity and Confidence

  6. 哥伦比亚商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool),一节领导力课已经进行了将近一个小时,50多名学生仍然正襟危坐,双眼紧闭。

    About an hour into a leadership class at Columbia Business School , all 50-odd students were sitting rail-straight with their eyes closed .

  7. 领导力成长于特定的环境,在这种环境里领导力将获得其最重要的特性:认可度(legitimacy)。

    Leadership grows in context , where it gains its most important characteristic : legitimacy .

  8. 在最近沃顿商学院(WhartonSchool)的一次会议上,阿什比向《财富》杂志(Fortune)畅谈了在太空&这块最后未开拓疆土(FinalFrontier)所需的领导力。

    Ashby talked to fortune about leadership in the final frontier at a recent conference at the Wharton School .

  9. 事实证明他是错误的:科学家们首次发现了一个和领导力相关的特定DNA序列。

    Turns out he was wrong : For the first time ever , scientists have identified a specific DNA sequence associated with occupying a leadership position .

  10. 这个世界将面临几项新挑战,而迎接这些挑战将需要g20的领导力。

    The world faces several new challenges that will require leadership from the G20 .

  11. 在当前这个节骨眼上,人们会认为G20需要展示领导力。

    At this juncture one would think that the G20 needs to demonstrate leadership .

  12. 本文作者卡米尔o普勒斯顿是虚拟领导力专家、作家、演讲家、高管教练和领导力培训公司AIMLeadership的创始人兼CEO。

    Camille Preston is a virtual leadership expert , author , speaker , executive coach , and the founder and CEO of AIM Leadership .

  13. 这种领导力模式与已退休的杰克•查恩将军的想法不谋而合。他曾在多家公司董事会任职,并曾担任美国空军战略司令部(StrategicAirCommand)领导人。

    This leadership model resonates with retired General Jack Chain , who sat on a number of corporate boards and , at one time , headed the Strategic Air Command .

  14. 建筑师、城市规划专家特里法雷尔爵士(SirTerryFarrell)认为,领导力是关键。

    Sir Terry Farrell , an architect and urbanist , believes leadership is the key .

  15. 学习管理和领导力技巧只是EMBA的一方面。

    Management and leadership skills are just one aspect of EMBAs .

  16. 我越来越把MBA视为更深入理解企业和领导力的下一步。

    Increasingly , I came to see an MBA as the next step to understand businesses and leadership in more depth .

  17. 从今年开始,专为MBA开设的个人领导力与成功课程将每年增加60个听课席位。

    This year , the personal leadership & Success Program for MBAs is expanding to take on 60 more students per year .

  18. 巴泽曼是哈佛大学肯尼迪学院(HarvardKennedySchool)公共领导力中心(CenterforPublicLeadership)联席主任,哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)施特劳斯教席教授,曾出版过多部作品。

    Bazerman is the co-director of the Center for Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School , the Straus Professor at the Harvard Business School , and the author of numerous books .

  19. 琼•高登(JonGordon)是一位领导力培训师,也是《不抱怨原则》(TheNoComplainingRule)一书的作者,他收集的很多研究素材表明,感恩有助于减少压力,增进健康。

    Jon Gordon , a leadership trainer and author of'The No Complaining Rule , 'has collected research showing that gratitude reduces stress and improves health .

  20. 作者莎朗•纳皮尔是Partners+Napier广告公司的首席执行官,也是全球战略领导力团队世界性工程(Project:WorldWide)的成员之一。

    Sharon Napier is CEO of partners + Napier , and a member of the global strategic leadership team of project : worldwide .

  21. 在把粮食问题纳入g20议程方面,萨科齐已展现出了自己的领导力;g20必须采取行动,把食品问题放在第一位。

    Mr Sarkozy has shown leadership in putting this issue on the G20 agenda ; the G20 must now act to put food first .

  22. 西北大学凯洛格高管领导力学院(KelloggExecutiveLeadershipInstitute)主席道格拉斯o科南特对领导力的精辟见解备受各界珍视,他单场演讲费的起价为4.5万美元。

    Douglas Conant , chairman of the Kellogg Executive Leadership Institute at Northwestern University , delivers highly prized insights on leadership at prices starting at $ 45,000 per speech .

  23. 其次,商学院、董事会、媒体、mba毕业生和首席执行官都必须调整对领导力表现的衡量标准。

    Second , business schools , boards of directors , the press , MBA holders and chief executives need to reset the metrics of performance for leadership .

  24. 第一学期,她选择了标准MBA核心课程中常见的三个课题:管理、商业道德和领导力,另外还包括金融与会计。

    Her first semester tackles three topics generally found in a standard MBA core curriculum : management , business ethics and leadership , as well as finance and accounting .

  25. 她承担了公司若干多元文化项目的领导工作,包括IBM女性技术委员会和女性领导力委员会,是IBM女性领导者委员会的高级主办者之一。

    She is a leader in diversity initiatives including the Women in Technology Council and the Women 's Leadership Council , and is one of the senior sponsors of the Women 's Executive Council at IBM .

  26. 全球服务公司EY对体育运动和高管层领导力的关系进行了研究。

    Global services firm EY has studied the link between sports and leadership in the C-suite .

  27. 只有美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)能够带来人们所期望的领导力:他没有污点、颇得人心,而他领导下的国家不管怎么说仍占据着主导地位。

    Only Barack Obama , the US president , can provide the desired Leadership : he is untainted , popular and leader of the country that , for good and ill , remains central .

  28. 领导力培训机构“学院”(TheAcademies)的老板苏珊•惠特科姆称,多年来,她一直把感谢行为充分应用于这家位于加州弗雷斯诺的公司的管理之中。

    For years , Susan Whitcomb says she has made good use of gratitude at her Fresno , Calif. - based leadership coaching business , The Academies .

  29. 就连酷爱足球的咨询师、《主教练》一书作者迈克•卡森(MikeCarson)也写道,穆里尼奥及其同行传授给我们的经验,更多的是关于领导力而非管理。

    Even football-mad consultant Mike Carson , author of The Manager , writes that lessons taught by Mr Mourinho and his peers are more about leadership than management .

  30. 大家今天也会听到,Xerox的创新仍然,很活跃,这大部分要归功于Sophie的领导力。

    As you 'll hear today , the innovation process is alive and well in Xerox , largely as a result of Sophie 's leadership .