
  • 网络leadership;leadership arts;The art of leadership
  1. 最近我读了很多有关企业领导艺术的书籍,从托马斯·内夫(ThomasNeff)与詹姆斯·斯垂恩(JamesCitrin)合著的《高层的教训》到杰弗里·加藤(JeffreyGarten)的《CEO的理念》。

    I 've been reading quite a few books lately about corporate leadership , from Thomas Neff and James Citrin 's Lessons from the Top to Jeffrey Garten 's The Mind of the CEO .

  2. 领导艺术是一种催化剂,把众人的才智转化成业绩。

    Leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into result .

  3. 为什么我们欣赏通用电气公司(GE)的领导艺术?

    Why do we think the way we do about leaders from GE ( GE ) ?

  4. 领导艺术在手术室晨会中的应用

    Application of leading art in morning shift meeting in operating room

  5. 现代企业领导艺术若干问题研究

    The Research on Some Problems on Modern-Times Enterprise Leading Art

  6. 大学校长领导艺术之有所为有所不为

    Art of University Presidents ' Leadership : Do Something but not Everything

  7. 谈企业领导艺术与管理效益

    On the art of leadership in enterprises and the effect of management

  8. 新时期呼唤领导艺术的创新。

    The new times want the innovation of the art of leadership .

  9. 浅析学校管理的领导艺术

    The Preliminary Analysis of the Leading Art of School Management

  10. 手术室护士长的领导艺术

    Art of leadership of head nurse in operation room

  11. 谈运动队管理的领导艺术

    A Research for the Leading Art in the Administration of an Athletic Group

  12. 关于农业科研单位领导艺术的几点探讨

    Art of Leadership of Agricultural Science and Research Unit

  13. 它在领导艺术领域与激励员工的领域中格外重要;

    It 's particularly important in the areas of leadership and staff motivation ;

  14. 论行长开局的领导艺术

    Talk about the art of leadership of president beginning

  15. 新世纪图书馆馆长的素质与领导艺术探析

    On the Quality and Leadership Style of Library Director in the New Epoch

  16. 浅论工会领导艺术及特点

    A Brief Study on Characteristics of the Art of Leadership in Trade Unions

  17. 领导艺术是领导方法的有效运用。

    The arts of leadership is how to effectively apply approaches of leadership .

  18. 知识型企业中的领导艺术成为企业管理中的崭新课题。

    Leader arts in Knowledge Enterprise become a new research area of Business Management .

  19. 论领导艺术基础与个人风格特征

    On the Art & Individual Style of Leadership

  20. 领导艺术的哲学透析

    An Philosophical Research on the Art of Leadership

  21. 但一个人如何学会领导艺术呢?

    But how does one learn to lead ?

  22. 思维艺术是重要的领导艺术,是想的艺术。

    Thinking art is an important leadership skill , an art of " thinking " .

  23. 从领导艺术到软科学

    Promotion From Leading Art to soft Science

  24. 既是个领导艺术问题,又是个治军方略问题。

    It is concerned with both art of leading and strategy of training the army .

  25. 浅析《三国演义》中刘备的领导艺术

    An analysis of LIU Bei 's leadership skill in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  26. 论行政领导艺术

    On the Art of Administrative Leading ship

  27. 然而,在领导艺术中有时你甚至要充分利用你的弱点。

    In leadership , though , you can sometimes even take advantage of your weaknesses .

  28. 现代领导艺术是一门综合艺术,是科学性和艺术性的统一。

    The modern leadership art is a comprehensive art , an unifying science and art .

  29. 也谈工程项目总监的领导艺术

    On Project Administrators ' Leadership Skills

  30. 企业家的领导艺术&访美国奥林商学院院长葛林博博士

    The Art of Leadership for Entrepreneurs