
  1. 因此,在日常办公中引入了实时协作系统用于远程视频会议沟通。

    As a result , day-to-day in the office of the introduction of real-time collaboration system for remote video conferencing communication .

  2. 11.用邮件或电话把会议和沟通安排在相邻的时间段,保证有持续工作的时段。

    11 . Schedule meetings and communication by email or phone back-to-back to create blocks of uninterrupted work .

  3. 他们通常通过会议方式进行沟通,虽然这可能带来冲突。

    They often use meeting to communicate , although they try to avoid conflict .

  4. 软件可以安排会议,增强沟通。

    Software schedules meetings and smooths communications .

  5. 如果开发团队位于同一个地理位置,那么敏捷开发方法会强调面对面的会议来进行沟通,而不是撰写文档来进行交流。

    When the team is in same location , agile methods emphasize face-to-face meetings over written documents to facilitate communication .

  6. 讨论会议使得通过沟通和协作开发解决方案和构建整个团队的技能形成了一种制度。

    The scrum meetings institutionalize communication and collaboration as a means of nurturing the solution and building the skills of the entire team .

  7. 戴维说:每周开一次家庭会议能够增强沟通,提高效率,降低压力,让每个人都更乐于成为家庭中的一员。

    As David explained , ' Having weekly family meetings increased communication , improved productivity , lowered stress and made everyone much happier to be part of the family team . '

  8. 第二,良好的信息管理系统的应用、必要的协调会议是解决沟通问题的良好途径,而良好的企业文化、管理理念是保证良好沟通的关键;

    Secondly , proper application of information management system and necessary coordinating meetings are the solutions to communication problems , good enterprise culture and management methodology are the key to ensure good communications ;

  9. 通过内部网络、文件、宣传材料、会议等形式进行沟通。

    Communicate through internal network , documents and meetings .

  10. 需要提高会议管理和会议沟通能力的经理和员工。

    Staffers and managers who want to improve capabilities of administration and communication of meetings .

  11. 世界各国领导人将会在星期二再次会面,以取得在这次为期2天的会议总更多的沟通。

    World leaders will meet again Tuesday to hash up more agreements before finalizing a communicate at the end of the 2 day summit .

  12. 早上是进行设计的最佳时间,下午可以开员工会议,与客户沟通,或是进行一些管理上的事务。

    Mornings are the best time for design ; afternoons are for meetings with staff , calling clients , and taking care of office administrative tasks .

  13. 弗林的团队成员遍布世界各地,这些研究人员不是每天都通过视频会议和电话来沟通,而是根据各自的时间一起完成长期的项目,每年只有两周的时间会碰面开会。

    Ms. Flynn 's team is based all over the world . Rather than scheduling video conferences and calls to stay in daily contact , the researchers work on long-term projects on their own time and meet in person only two weeks a year .

  14. 并着重从建立教学双评制度,定期召开带教老师会议,加强师生沟通,组织好小讲课,加强思想道德和专业知识学习方面进行建设与培养,收到较好效果。

    We have recieved better effects by building a double assessment system between teachers and nurses , having meetings with nursing teachers regularly , improving the relation between teachers and nurses , having feature lectures and strengthening the study of the knowledge in ideological morality and specialty .

  15. Sanders:通常有大约10到12个人,通过电话会议和实时会议进行沟通。

    Sanders : Usually , about ten to twelve people , communicating via conference calls and live meeting sessions .

  16. 如果你被邀请参加某人的会议,那么就和会议的组织人员沟通一下你只参加和你相关的那一部分。

    If you are asked to participate in someone else 's meeting , communicate with the meeting leader that you would prefer to attend only the portion that relates to you .