
  • 网络public communication
  1. 新的媒体技术以势不可挡之势,将人们带入了一个以直观的视觉形象、声音符号为主流、个人沟通与公共沟通等数字媒体为基础的新的媒体环境。

    Tai into sky , people are shocked by the breathtaking presentation . New media technology overwhelmingly brings people into a new media environment , in which intuitive visual image and sound symbol is the mainstream , and which is based on personal communication and public communication .

  2. 问:设定目标是一项受欢迎的公共卫生沟通策略。

    Q : Setting targets is a favoured public health communications strategy .

  3. 公共关系沟通文章是公共关系的主要沟通手段之一。

    Articles on the communication of public relations is one of the primary means to communicate .

  4. 试论组织内部公共关系的沟通方略

    The Communication Tactics of Organization Inside Public Relation

  5. 诉讼过程是个向社会开放的动态过程,公共政策就是沟通司法与社会的一个桥梁。

    The Process of litigation is an active process , which is open to the judiciary and society , and the public policy is a bridge between judiciary and society .

  6. 而其中的信息沟通则是决定危机管理成败的关键因素,但由于各种原因,我国的公共危机信息沟通机制存在种种问题,对公共危机的管理造成极大的负面影响。

    However , for various reasons , the information communication mechanism for public crisis management is plagued with various problems , which have a huge negative effect on the management of public crises .

  7. 在此基础之上,总结出社会资本对于公共安全信息沟通机制的积极作用,即保证信息沟通的及时、保障渠道的顺畅、减少信息沟通的障碍。

    Then the author discusses the positive meaning of the social capital on the public safety information communication mechanism . & to ensure the information communication timely 、 ensure the channel smooth and reduce the barriers of the channel of the information communication .

  8. 老师不得使用手机布置作业或要求学生利用手机完成作业。学校应通过设立校内公共电话、班主任沟通热线等途径,解决学生与家长通话需求。教育部表示,

    Schools should not assign or ask students to do homework via mobile phones and they should set up public phones and teacher hotlines for communication between parents and students , it added .

  9. 论我国突发公共卫生事件信息沟通机制的建设和完善

    Research on the Construction and Improvement of Public Health Emergency Information Communication Mechanism in China

  10. 公共危机中的沟通效率通常是指经过一定的危机沟通,所产生的有效成果。

    The communication efficiency in the public crisis refers to the effective achievement through certain crisis communication .

  11. 危机研究是政府公共关系和政府沟通理论的一个重要组成部分。

    The crisis research is an important component of the government public relation and the government communicates theory .

  12. 第四,针对第三部分提出的问题提出了消除公共危机中信息沟通障碍的基本思路。

    Finally , it comes up with a thinking to eliminate the barrier of information exchange in public crisis that referred in the third part .

  13. 亚历山德拉•莉维特曾效力于联合电脑公司公关部,之后,作为一名公共关系及市场沟通方面的顾问,她开创了自己的事业。

    Alexandra Levit worked in public relations for Computer Associates and then struck out on her own , as a consultant in publicity and marketing communications .

  14. 第二章首先阐述了公共危机与信息沟通的相关概念,在此基础上分析了食品安全危机管理中信息沟通的价值。

    Chapter ⅱ firstly defines " public crisis " and " information communication ", base on this point out the value of information communication of food safety crisis .

  15. 老师不得使用手机布置作业或要求学生利用手机完成作业。学校应通过设立校内公共电话、班主任沟通热线等途径,解决学生与家长通话需求。

    Schools should not assign or ask students to do homework via cellphones , and they should set up public phones and teacher hotlines for communication between parents and students , it added .

  16. 现代公共理性应成为沟通、协调和统一工具理性与价值理性、个人理性与国家理性、大众理性与精英理性的中介与桥梁。

    Modern public reason should become a medium and bridge in communication , coordination , and unity of public reason and the reason of value , individual reason and that of the country , the mass reason and that of the elites .

  17. 应用文作为公共关系传播、沟通和协调的重要工具,能否有利于主体事业发展和社会文明进步,很大程度上取决于体现公关意识程度的高低。

    Whether practical writing , as an important tool of the spread , communication and coordination of public relations , benefits the development of main careers and social progress of civilization , it depends on the standard of the consciousness of public relations for the most part .