
ɡōnɡ kāi shì chǎnɡ zhènɡ cè
  • open market policy
  1. 今天,美联储决策机构联邦公开市场政策委员会在华盛顿展开为期两天的会议。

    The Federal Reserve 's policymaking Federal Open Market Committee began two days of meetings in Washington today .

  2. 大多数联储观察员认为低通货膨胀,高失业率,经济增长缓慢会使联邦公开市场政策委员会推迟缩减每月850亿美元的债券购买计划,即量化宽松计划。

    Most Fed watchers think the mix of low inflation , high unemployment and slow growth will lead the FOMC to delay scaling back its 85-billion-dollar monthly bond-buying or quantitative easing .

  3. 货币经济学家和联邦公开市场委员会的政策会紧随这些指标的变化而变化,后者运用这些指标作为构成货币政策的基本依据。

    These indicators are followed closely by monetary economists and the Federal Open Market Committee , who use them as a basis for forming monetary policy .

  4. 美联储一些旧将回忆,在联邦公开市场委员会的政策讨论中,格林斯潘通常会在询问其他人的意见之前,告诉委员会他认为美联储应该怎么做。

    Old hands recall that during policy discussions at the FOMC Mr Greenspan used to tell the committee what he thought the Fed should do , before asking for comments from others .

  5. 市场关注热点主要是来自大公司的新闻、经济数据和美联公开市场委员会公布的政策三个方面。

    Trading was highlighted by corporate news from some widely-held names , economic data and the FOMC policy announcement .

  6. 公开市场业务与货币政策有效性&1997后中国货币政策传导梗阻的症结探析

    Business of Open Market and Monetary Policy Effect-Analysis on the Reasons of Chinese Monetary Policy Conducting Obstruct after 1997

  7. 而为了消除这些影响,央行所采取的法定存款准备金和公开市场业务等货币政策工具的有效性受到一定制约。

    Some monetary policy tools such as re-lending , statutory reserves and open market operations are employed to eliminate these negative impacts , but they have limited effects .

  8. 培育市场化、间接化的货币政策调控工具,注重利率和公开市场操作在货币政策调控中的作用。

    To cultivate indirect and marketable tools of monetary policy , put premium on the role of rate and open market operation in the regulation of monetary policy .

  9. 然后本文通过对三大货币政策工具的比较分析,阐明了公开市场业务在货币政策体系中的优势地位,并且简要介绍了公开市场业务的操作方法和操作工具。

    Then compared with three major monetary policy tools , the texts expounds its advantage status in monetary policy system , and introduce briefly the working techniques and the operation tools of open market service .

  10. 此外,信用卡的使用还将减少中央银行的铸币税收入,削弱再贴现政策、法定准备金政策、公开市场操作等货币政策工具的效力,增大金融系统的流动性风险和信誉风险。

    Besides , the use of credit cards will also reduce the seigniorage revenues of central banks , weaken the effects of monetary policy tools and raise the liquidity risk and credit risk in financial system .

  11. 因此,我国目前的货币政策应将单一目标改变为多重目标,调整中介指标,选择以公开市场业务为主的政策工具,考虑股票市场因素。

    Therefore , monetary policy in China at present should have multiple targets instead of single target and adjust intermediate goals , choosing open market operation as its main policy instrument and taking stock market into consideration .