
  • 网络National Economic Policy
  1. 民营企业发展和国家经济政策对其支持是正相关的。

    The development of private enterprises is positively related to national economic policy .

  2. 近年随着国家经济政策的激励,中小企业如雨后春笋般展现在我国市场经济的舞台上,在我国的地位也越来越重要。

    Along with the national economic policy incentives , small and medium-sized enterprises in China have mushroomed and play an increasingly important role .

  3. 那个国家经济政策的短暂异常引起了公众的抗议。

    The temporary aberration in the economic policy of the country caused public outcry .

  4. 为了重新抓住主动,IMF提出了一套新机制,希望通过聚焦于一个经济体影响其它经济体的方式,加强该组织对不同国家经济政策的监督。

    To try to regain the initiative , the IMF has proposed a new mechanism to enhance its scrutiny of different countries ' economic policies by focusing on the ways one economy affects others .

  5. 他们的研究已对许多国家经济政策的制定起到重要作用,未来也是如此。

    But their research has been and remains important to economic policy in many countries .

  6. 新经济政策是1920年代苏联所实施的一项国家经济政策。

    The New Economic Policy started in 1920 was a national economy policy of the Soviet Union .

  7. 改革开放以来,国家经济政策的巨大成功带动了社会各个方面的全面进步。

    Since Chinese reform happened , the successful national economical policy has forced the social development in different aspects .

  8. 一个是大环境因素即国家经济政策和教育政策的改变,另一个是小环境因素即温州区域环境因素。

    The one is the big environmental factor which refers to the change of national economy and education policy .

  9. 现时要考虑其他运输方式竞争和国家经济政策对运量的影响;

    Nowadays the influence of competition from other modes and the national economic policies on ridership must be taken into account .

  10. 变化的社会需要刑法的变化,刑事政策一般需要配合国家经济政策。

    The changed society needs the changes in the criminal law and the criminal policies need the coordination of state economy policies .

  11. 似乎显而易见的是,要对欧元进行有效管理,未来就需要对国家经济政策的制定进行更大的相互干预。

    It seems obvious enough that effective management of the euro will in future require greater mutual interference in national economic policymaking .

  12. 我国应采取渐进式的投资自由化,并保持外资准入政策与国家经济政策的一致性。

    China should carry out liberalization of investment gradually and maintain the identity between domestic economic policy and accession policy of foreign investment .

  13. 在欧洲层面,这需要更严厉的法规以及更好的国家经济政策监督机制的支持。

    At the European level , this needs to be supported by stricter rules and better mechanisms for surveillance of national economic policies .

  14. 粮食流通政策作为国家经济政策的重要组成部分,近些年来,一直是社会关注的热点话题。

    The grain circulation policies as a national economic policy an important part of that in recent years , has been a hot topic of social concern .

  15. 税收政策作为国家经济政策的重要组成部分,是国家调控经济,促进社会经济可持续发展的重要经济杠杆。

    As an important component of the national economic policy , the policy of tax is the economic lever of national economic regulation , so it protects socio-economic sustainable development .

  16. 经济建设的高速发展,伴随着国家经济政策的宏观调控,就使得国家基础设施投资的银根受到了一系列的冲击。

    Along with the economic policies of the state macro-control , the rapid development of economic construction makes national infrastructure investment by the impact of a series of monetary policy .

  17. 就国家经济政策对火电厂烟气脱硫的作用、烟气脱硫产业发展和存在的问题及如何推行烟气脱硫设施运营市场化进行了探讨。

    The problems related to the effect of national economic strategy on the FGD of coal-fired power plant , the industrialization development of FGD and how to promote FGD operation marketing were discussed .

  18. 在对垄断的认定方面,各国并没有一个统一标准,因为垄断是一个具体的,历史的概念,这是与特定的生产力发展状况以及特定的国家经济政策相适应的。

    There is no uniform criteria as to the definition of monopoly , because monopoly is a concrete and historic concept and in accordance with specific productivity level and specific state economy policy .

  19. 具体来说国家经济政策、区域经济结构、投资、人力资本、区际经济关系等是导致西部各省区当前区域经济差异的主要因素。

    Generally speaking , nation economic policy , Regional economic structure , investment , human resource and economic relation between regions are the main factors leaded to the economic differences in western regions .

  20. 同时,经济学对于解释经济现象、解决市场失灵、有效配置资源、提高经济效率、服务于国家经济政策起着重要的积极作用。

    It is very important and active for economics to explain economic phenomenon , solve the market failure , configure the resources , improve the economic efficiency , and serve the national policies for economic development .

  21. 税源管理是治税思想和国家经济政策的具体体现,是税收管理工作的起点和基础,贯穿于税收征管工作的全过程。

    The management of the tax sources is the embodiments of the Tax management and the national economic policy . It is the beginning and basis of tax administration and runs through the whole taxation administration .

  22. 市场失灵领域不断扩大不仅是由于市场经济的成熟和发展所致,而且还受到不同经济理论、国家经济政策的变化和特殊国情的影响。

    Development and maturation of the market economy are major reasons for expanding the scope of market failure , which could be influenced by the economic theory , the economic policy and the special national condition .

  23. 历史中挂靠曾作为特定时期产生的一种经济类型存在并发展,随着国家经济政策的调整和市场经济的深入改革,挂靠逐渐被清理和禁止。

    As an economic type in a specific economic period , it has produced existence and development , but with the state economic policy adjustment and the deepening of the market economy reform , it has been cleaned and banned gradually .

  24. 引起民营企业快速发展的原因是多方面的,除有产权清晰、国有企业战略结构调整、劳动力成本优势等方面原因外,还有国家经济政策对民营企业支持的原因。

    There are many reasons leading to the rapid development of private enterprises . In addition to clear property rights , strategic adjustment of state-owned enterprises , the labor cost advantage , national economic policy on private enterprises is one of the major reasons for the rapid growth .

  25. 实现经济可持续发展问题一直是中外经济学、伦理学等关注的热点问题,也是各国政府、政党把握国家经济政策,实现国家经济良性发展所关注和重视的问题。

    Sustainable Development of economy have been a little bit hot problem that the Chinese and Foreign academic circles pays attention to , also it is a problem that all countries government , political party to hold national economic policy , carry out national economic positive development pay attention to .

  26. 此外,通过对国家宏观经济政策和产业政策的研究,以及结合F公司的自身情况和特点提出适合F公司发展的规模化战略。

    In addition , through the study of the national macroeconomic policy and industrial policy , and its own conditions and characteristics with F company put forward the strategy of large scale for F company development .

  27. 而税收政策又是国家宏观经济政策中的主要政策。

    Tax policy is a policy of national macroeconomic policies .

  28. 近几年国家宏观经济政策对钼工业的影响

    The effect of state macroeconomic policies on molybdenum enterprises in recent years

  29. (二)经济法是市场经济管理之法1.经济法首先是一种法,具有法的根本属性和法的一般特点,这使它与普通的经济规则以及国家的经济政策相区别。

    Part two : Economic law is the law of market economic supervision .

  30. 论近代德国的国家干预经济政策

    The Economic Policy of State Intervention in Modern Germany