
  • 网络Communication Channel
沟通渠道 [gōu tōng qú dào]
  • [a way of exchanging ideas] 指政府与民众之间意见交流的途径,是民主政治基本条件之一

  1. Google内部有一套很复杂的网络,我们能看到所有东西,这成了我们第二套沟通渠道。

    We have a very dense network inside Google , you see all kinds of stuff . It 's become a secondary communication channel .

  2. 建立医院与医保部门的沟通渠道反馈与监督机制。

    The establishment of the hospital and medical insurance sector communication channel feedback and oversight mechanisms .

  3. 莫斯科和波罗的海诸共和国正在重启沟通渠道。

    Moscow and the Baltic republics are reopening channels of communication .

  4. 谈判专家说他们保持着沟通渠道的畅通。

    Negotiators say they 're keeping communication lines open .

  5. 具备一个强大的沟通渠道可供内部技术支持、QA以及技术写手来实现与API变更的交流

    A powerful channel for internal tech support , QA and tech writers to communicate API changes

  6. 我国加入WTO后,中国的贸易环境发生了巨大的变化,中美双边经贸关系的沟通渠道和活动舞台从双边领域扩大到了多边领域,双边经贸关系已成为世界多边贸易体制的一个组成部分。

    After China 's WTO accession , great changes have taken place to China 's trade environment , with the bilateral trade relations expanding to a multilateral scenario , and integrated into the world multilateral trading system .

  7. 设计了企业信息结构的评价指标;通过分析企业信息资源的沟通渠道,改进了EIS内、外结构模型。

    Renew the definition of enterprise information structure and design some evaluation norm and data-communication model and improving the inside and outside structural model of EIS ;

  8. 所有的沟通渠道(包括Facebook、Twitter和电话)都列在一个集成条(Hub)里&这是一个向里点击就会显示在屏幕左侧的主收件箱列表。

    Instead , all communication channels ( including Facebook , twitter and phone calls ) are listed in the hub & a master in-box list that appears at the left edge when you swipe inward .

  9. USBD所描述的开发的另一方面是如何通过简洁,而完全的形式化文档集支持生产者和消费者之间的沟通渠道。

    Another aspect of development that USBD addresses is how to support communication channels between producers and consumers via a concise , yet complete , set of formal documents .

  10. 他们跑向监控墙,看看什么地方出了问题,我们便临时使用别的沟通渠道,比如IRC聊天,我们还使用BUG报告系统沟通。

    They run to the dashboards and figure out what 's gone wrong . In a larger outage , we all switch to an alternate communications channel like IRC . We also use the bug reporting system inside Google to communicate during outages .

  11. Kelly没有说明外交官Bosworth和Kim是否受到正式邀请,但是他说,美国与平壤有多中沟通渠道,朝鲜会喜欢这种对话,这不是秘密。

    Kelly would not say if a formal invitation for a visit by diplomats Bosworth and Kim had been received , but said the United States has various channels of communication with Pyongyang and that it is no secret North Korea would like such talks .

  12. 不过耶利米•欧阳近日在科技博客Mashable的一篇文章中警告称,一旦这个沟通渠道失去了真实性,它们可能会褪变成“另一个过度品牌化的企业媒体”,失去最初的吸引力。

    When authenticity leaves the room , Owyang warns in a recent Mashable article , these channels may become " yet another over-branded corporate medium , " losing their primary appeal .

  13. 中越之间的沟通渠道是通畅的。

    The channel of communication between China and Vietnam is open .

  14. 与业务相关的项目团队之间增强的沟通渠道

    Enhanced lines of communication across project teams that know the business

  15. 社会背景下青少年对沟通渠道的选择

    On Social Background and Young People 's Choice of Communication Channels

  16. 拓宽沟通渠道促进相互理解

    To Broaden Channels of Communication and to Promote Mutual Understanding

  17. 与压力集团建立沟通渠道的建议受到热烈欢迎。

    The proposal to establish contact with pressure groups was warmly welcomed .

  18. 所有沟通渠道都得保持畅通无阻。

    All channels of communication need to be kept open .

  19. 当他们之间的文化差异扩大时,沟通渠道就会中断。

    Communication lines break when they stretch across cultural divides .

  20. 同学们间的沟通渠道是很重要的。

    The duct for comunication between students is very important .

  21. 充分利用网络媒介资源完善沟通渠道。

    Make full use of network media resources perfect communication channels . 7 .

  22. 我们想开辟一些沟通渠道并提供更多的信息。

    We want to open up lines of communication and provide more information .

  23. 非正式沟通渠道将为班级管理带来很多助益。

    Informal ways of communicating will take many advantages to the class management .

  24. 建立更多退伍军人和职业空缺之间的沟通渠道。

    More tools to connect veterans to job openings .

  25. 加强组织学习,完善沟通渠道;

    Strengthen organization learning , complete communicating ways ;

  26. 另一方面,救助机构经费不足,社会力量及政府所提供的支持还不能满足需要,支持源和被支持者之间沟通渠道不畅通。

    Moreover , the agencies had insufficient funds from the support of social forces .

  27. 因此一定要谨慎:要事先进行计划,并保持沟通渠道的畅通。

    So , be cautious : Plan ahead , and keep the communication loop open .

  28. 第三,要完善信息沟通渠道,降低劳动力供需双方的信息成本。

    Thirdly , make information communication system perfect to reduce information cost of two parties .

  29. 如果需要进行数模信息的交换,是否建立了相关的沟通渠道?

    If communication link for math data exchange is needed have appropriate contacts been taken ?

  30. 就是在他们所处的沟通渠道中,

    is , in fact , they are sort of , with their communication channels ,