
  • 网络indirect communication
  1. 东方哲学强调平衡与和谐,而间接沟通则将冲突最小化。

    Eastern philosophy emphasizes balance and harmony , and indirect communication minimizes conflict .

  2. 间接沟通也被称为高语境沟通,在这种交流中,没说出口的比说出口的更重要。

    In indirect communication , also known as high-context communication , what 's not said is more important than what is said .

  3. 心理健康水平受到中文能力、英语水平、间接沟通风格、人格开放性、情绪稳定性和社交主动性影响。其中中文能力和间接沟通风格对心理健康的影响的负向的。

    The psychological well-being is affected by Chinese and English language ability , indirect communication style , openness , emotion stability and social initiative , but Chinese language ability and indirect communication style have the negtive affect on psychological well-being .

  4. 停止不交付实际客户价值的工作,无论是直接还是间接的,并沟通你将要停止的工作。

    Stop doing work that does not deliver real customer value , directly or indirectly , and communicate what you will stop doing .

  5. 设计师和用户都从各自的角度出发,通过产品进行间接的交流和沟通,当两者的视域达到一种动态的融合时,产品的意义就能得到合理的诠释。

    In addition to this , the designer and the user can communicate from their own view . When their horizons achieve to the dynamic integration , product semantics is to be reasonable annotated .