
  • 网络Leadership influence;The Fascination of Leadership
  1. 而领导影响力是领导有效性的一个组成部分。

    Leader influence is a part of leader effectiveness .

  2. 年轻干部应注重领导影响力和领导素质的培养

    Young Cadres Should Pay Ample Attention to the Cultivation of Their Leadership Influence and Leadership Quality

  3. 领导影响力的相关因素

    The Related Factors of Leader Influence

  4. 现存的关于领导影响力的研究,重点主要集中在领导者的个性、个人能力、个人魅力和领导风格等范畴。

    Existing research on leader influence focuses primarily on personality , ability , charisma and leader style .

  5. 但通过学习和借鉴孔子仁学思想的精华部分发挥其领导影响力,现代领导者可以做得更出色。

    However , through studying Confucius Ren thought essence part and developing influence , a leadership can do better .

  6. 领导影响力是指,领导者个人在社会活动过程中产生的影响他人,促使他人为实现领导者目标而产生行为的能力。

    Leadership influence refers to the ability with which the individual leader can influence others and promote others to realize his or her aim .

  7. 得到以下结论:1.领导影响力与组织公民行为之间存在明显相关,领导影响力中的非权力影响力对组织公民行为有明显的预测作用。

    The research findings are as follows : 1 . There is an obvious relationship between leader influence and organizational citizenship behavior , and non-power influence can obviously predict organizational citizenship behavior . 2 .

  8. 领导影响力研究一直是领导科学研究中的一个重点内容,制约领导影响力形成和发挥的因素以及如何提高领导影响力,最终提高领导效能是领导理论和实践研究的核心内容之一。

    The influence research of the leadership is one of the keystones of the science of leadership , the factors restricting the formation and play of the leadership influence and how to enhance the efficacy and influence is one of the keystones of the both theoretical and practical leading research .

  9. 研究结果表明:企业中层管理人员的胜任特征包括团队管理与领导、影响力、组织洞察力、正直诚信、个人驱力、分析与概念思维能力、人际洞察力、创新、沟通、适应性与灵活性十个方面。

    Through investigating nearly 1,000 workers in various enterprises , ten competencies are identified which are Team management and leadership , Influence , Organizational awareness , Ethics , Personal driving , Analytical Conceptual thinking , Interpersonal understanding , Innovation , Communication , Adaptability Flexibility .

  10. 美国国家安全事务助理本·罗兹在情况介绍会上表示,制裁措施将于下周初实施,针对目标为那些他称为“好友”的人——那些在俄罗斯经济中占有大量资产及在俄罗斯领导层有影响力的个人。

    In a briefing with reporters , deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes said the sanctions could be expected early next week , and will target people he called " cronies " - individuals with significant assets in the Russia 's economy and influence with the Russian leadership .

  11. 领导干部的自然影响力主要表现为凝聚力、感召力和亲和力。

    Abstraet : The natural influence of the leading cadres is mainly manifested in their cohesion , inspiration and affinity with the masses .

  12. 国外关于领导有效性及领导影响力的研究多把重点放在了领导者权力方面,而由于受到传统文化等因素影响,研究者认为在中国领导者的非权力影响力在更大程度上促进领导影响力。

    Studies on leader effectiveness and influence abroad emphasize leaders ' power . while influenced by traditional culture , the researcher thinks that Chinese leaders ' non-power influence can promote leader influence to a greater extent .

  13. 领导行为是推动隐性知识转移的重要因素,合理的领导方式与领导影响力可以为隐性知识的转移提供良好的条件。

    Leadership behaviors are important factors favoring tacit knowledge transfer , and proper leadership styles and leaders ' influence could provide good conditions for tacit knowledge transfer .