
  1. 性别、性别化对内隐领导理论具有预测作用,尤以性别化的预测作用显著。

    Gender , sex-role have predictive effects on ILTs .

  2. 采取加强组织领导、强化预测预报、实施综合治理、加大科技投入、制定应急预案等措施是应对和预防生物灾害,促进畜牧业持续稳步发展的有效途径。

    It 's an available and sustainable way to promote animal husbandry development by enhancing management , strengthening forecast and report , implementing comprehensive control measures to prevent the biological disasters .

  3. 行为面试与无领导小组讨论的预测效度研究

    A Study of the Predictive Validity of Behavioral Interview and Leaderless Group Discussion

  4. 第二,领导的外向性对转换型领导的所有变量预测均是显著的;

    The supervisors'extraversion were significantly related to all variables of transformational leadership ; 3 .