
  1. 企业伦理与领导效率研究&从交易型领导到转换型领导

    On Corporate Ethics and Leadership Efficiency : From Transactional Leadership to Transformational Leadership

  2. 领导者的威信,是影响领导效率的重要因素。

    The prestige of a leader constitutes a very important factor affecting his leading efficiency .

  3. 要提高领导工作效率,必须扩大学校办学自主权,领导者必须由经验领导上升为科学领导。

    However , to enhance the art of leadership and enlarge the scale of initiative school - running , the leadership must be scientific mangement instead of management by experience .

  4. 加强领导,提高效率,完善就业制度体系等五个方面。

    Perfecting employment system by enforcing leadership and enhancing its efficiency .

  5. “事实证明内向型和外向型领导风格的效率不分上下,但成员组合的方式不同,就会对结果造成差异,”格兰特表示。

    " It shows that introverted and extraverted leadership styles can be equally effective , but with different groups of employees ," he says .

  6. 虽然精英结盟有利于提高领导和决策效率,一定程度上能促进农村经济发展、保证农村社会稳定。

    Though elite governance is good for efficiency , leadership and making division and in a degree is able to enhance rural economic development and the social stability . However , elite governance is easy to be disintegrated due to insufficient supervision .

  7. 由于政府组织的公共性显性知识是政府公务员例行公务的必要条件,但在政府公务员的领导特质和行政效率方面,隐性知识却发挥显著作用。

    Because of the public nature of government organizations , civil servants explicit knowledge is a necessary condition for a routine public service , but tacit knowledge play a significant role in the leadership qualities and administrative efficiency .

  8. 追随者的性格特征、追随能力、价值观念、潜在权力以及与领导者建立的各种关系都会对领导者、领导活动和领导效率产生重要的影响与作用。

    The followers ' character traits , abilities to follow the leaders , value concept , potential power , and the various relationships with the leaders have great influence on the leaders , the leadership and the leading efficiency .

  9. 以往关于领导绩效和领导效率的研究,大多是理论研究或定性分析,个别的定量分析通常是通过阶段性统计数据的差异比较或差值比率。

    In former researches there are primarily theoretical studies and qualitative analyses on leaders ' effectiveness and performance , and there are a few studies on quantitative analyses , which mostly rely on the method of comparing differences and ratio of divergence to evaluate leaders ' performance by stage statistics .

  10. 总汇和过滤客户群以提升小组领导、监和团队领导联系的效率。

    Organizes and screens leads to produce efficient procedure for scheduling contacts carried out by the Group Leaders , the Director , and Team Leaders .

  11. 随着现代领导活动的日趋复杂,参谋辅助系统能否充分发挥其作用,直接影响着领导机关的效率与效益。

    Whether the system of advice and assistance can fully play its role directly affects the efficiency and benefit of leading bodies .

  12. 因此,改革高校领导干部制度,加强高校领导权力的统整,是优化高校领导权力结构,提高领导效率,促进学校工作协调发展的迫切要求。

    It is necessary to reform the leadership system of institutions of higher education , so that it can enforce the integration of leadership power , adjust the structure of leadership power , promote effectiveness of leadership , and improve institutional operation .

  13. 本文从油田领导班子的建设出发,从组织、制度、措施、活动等方面就如何提高领导班子的整体效率展开研究。

    From the point of constructing leading group of oilfield , this paper studies how to improve the whole efficiency of leading group in all aspects of organization , system , measures and activities .