
  1. 不同组织文化情景间有效领导者性格差异的研究

    The Difference Study of the Effective Leader 's Characters Among Different Organizational Culture

  2. 然而,在领导者的性格中,却不应该出现情绪的顶峰和低谷。

    However , in the leader 's personality , there should not emotional peak and trough .

  3. 中国领导者的分裂性格中的自信一面,是很容易理解的。

    The confident side of the Chinese leadership 's split personality is easy to understand .

  4. 要注意到,区分上述不同领导方式的,不是领导者个人的性格特点,而是受领导者的禀性和需求。

    Note that what distinguishes each leadership style above is not the personal characteristics of the leader , but rather the nature and needs of those who are being led .

  5. 从我给各种领导者做培训和指导的经历来看,我还没有发现哪个领导者对外向性格有特别偏好,因为这两种性格对领导者来说各有优缺点。

    In my experience of developing and coaching leaders , I have not observed a preference for extroversion over introversion in the ranks of leaders , and both types bring both strengths and weaknesses to the leadership table .