
  • 网络Charisma
  1. 直至今日,人们仍然传颂着布托先生的超凡领袖魅力。

    Even today people talk of Mr Bhutto as a man of great charisma .

  2. 据说潘基文态度温和,用陈词滥调来说,即缺乏领袖魅力。

    Mr Ban is said to be bland , given to platitudes , lacking charisma .

  3. 在英特尔(Intel)新任CEO布莱恩•克兰尼克(BrianKrzanich)上任之初,一些投资者担心工程学专业出身的他是否具备必不可少的领袖魅力。

    New Intel CEO Brian Krzanich 's roots in engineering initially worried some investors who wondered whether he had the necessary oomph .

  4. 但历史似乎表明,IMF中最优秀的领导人是那些获得能干经济学家支持的富有领袖魅力的技术官僚。幸运的是,全球有许多此类技术官僚在央行行长或政府部长职位上表现出色。

    But history suggests that charismatic technocrats , supported by strong economists , make the best leaders at the fund . Happily , there are many fine such technocrats around the world who have done an excellent job managing central banks or government ministries .

  5. 他阻止了苹果在急转弯下脱轨,并成功发展和拓宽了苹果的产品线,这与其他有领袖魅力而强势的创始人的继任者不同——包括上世纪80年代中期苹果挤走乔布斯时的约翰•斯卡利(JohnSculley)。

    Unlike others who have succeeded charismatic and forceful founders , including John Sculley when Apple forced out Jobs in the mid-1980s , he has stopped it veering off track and managed to develop and broaden its product line .

  6. 那是我的导师本身的师父——一位具有领袖魅力的伟大瑜伽士,我在此仅以“思瓦米吉”(Swamiji)(梵文意即“敬爱的僧侣”)称之。

    It was my Guru 's own master - a great charismatic Yogi I will refer to here only as " Swamiji " ( which is Sanskrit for " beloved monk " ) .

  7. 巴黎——伊夫·卡塞勒(YvesCarcelle)是一位富于领袖魅力的执行官,曾一手将路易威登从古板的法国手包和旅行箱制造商改造为世界最为知名的奢侈品牌之一。他于周日在巴黎逝世,享年66岁。

    Yves Carcelle , the charismatic executive who transformed Louis Vuitton from a staid French maker of handbags and travel trunks into one of the world 's most recognizable luxury brands , died on Sunday in Paris . He was 66 .

  8. 能观察到世上最具领袖魅力的掠食动物

    to observe some of the world 's most charismatic predators .

  9. 以前的学生都说艾扬格温和且富有领袖魅力,但也非常严格。

    Past students recalled Mr. Iyengar as warm and charismatic , but also strict .

  10. 20世纪70年代,一群富裕、充满热忱、年轻的西方探求者,和一群具有领袖魅力但来历不明的印度导师发生了冲突。

    In the 1970s a number of wealthy , eager , susceptible young Western seekers collided with a handful of charismatic but dubious Indian Gurus .

  11. 就像很多缔造自我神话的人、拥有领袖魅力的人与所谓怪人们一样,他仿佛总在出演一部只有他自己能看到的电影。

    Like many self-mythologizers , charismatics and plain old eccentrics , he has always appeared to be performing in a movie only he himself could see .

  12. 国外改造型领导有四个因素,即理想化影响或称领袖魅力、激发鼓舞、个别关怀、智力启发;

    Transformational leadership in the west has 4 factors , that is , idealized influence or charisma , stimulation and encouragement , individual concern , intellectual inspiration ;

  13. 总之,潜在地会有许多具有领袖魅力和有影响力的人物可能成为真正的激发人们兴趣的引导者,把人们的目光聚集到某个特定的问题。

    In summary , there are potentially many very charismatic and influential people that can be truly motivational leaders and focus a society 's attention on a particular problem .

  14. 相反,选举则主要赢得了缺乏教育的农村选民,他们大部分受到通货膨胀、就业、薪水和甘地家族统治者领袖魅力的影响。

    Elections , by contrast , are won mainly among ill-educated , rural voters , most influenced by inflation , jobs , welfare and the charisma of the ruling Gandhi clan .

  15. 曾荫权缺乏领袖魅力,但民调表明,他会赢得令人安慰的大多数支持,因为他有经验,以及他与北京“监管员们”相投。

    Mr Tsang lacks charisma , but opinion polls suggest he would win a comfortable majority because of his experience & and his ability to get on with those overseers in Beijing .

  16. 故事从当代美国追溯到南美以及柏林墙倒塌前的东德,围绕皮普家族的神秘历史以及她与一位颇具领袖魅力的黑客与揭发者的关系展开。

    The narrative stretches from contemporary America to South America to East Germany before the collapse of the Berlin Wall , and hinges on the mystery of Pip 's family history and her relationship with a charismatic hacker and whistleblower .

  17. 改革开放初创时期(1978&1992),政治信任发生了较大的波动,政治信任的私人化转向日趋显著,政治信任的基础由领袖魅力动员下的意识形态信仰转变为理性计算基础上的政府绩效认同。

    The initial period of reform and opening-up ( 1978 & 1992 ) witnessed great fluctuations and a noticeable privatization trend in political trust . The foundation of political trust shifted from ideological persuasion mobilized by charisma to identity with government performance based on rational calculation .

  18. 他具有领袖的品质魅力、精力和口才。

    He possessed the qualities of a leader , charisma , energy and eloquence .

  19. 然而,在那顿历时90分钟的午餐中,他却没有表现出一丁点儿领袖气质或超凡魅力。

    Yet his performance during those 90 long minutes of lunch showed not a trace of charisma or charm .