
  • 网络Performance evaluation system;performance appraisal system;performance measurement system;PAS;Common Performance Assessment System
  1. 本文提出选择绩效评估系统的一个基本框架,并较为详细地阐述了任何供应链绩效评估系统中必须存在的四个指标。

    Four types of performance measurement indexes are identified as necessary components in any supply chain performance measurement system .

  2. 政府绩效信息问题是构建政府绩效评估系统的基础。

    The government performance information problem is the basis of setting up the government performance measurement system .

  3. 基于Internet高校人才绩效评估系统的安全设计研究

    Research on the safety designing of system used to evaluate the performance of college talents based on Internet

  4. CIMS环境下的选煤厂质量绩效评估系统

    Quality performance assessment system of coal preparation plant in CIMS Environment

  5. 建立科学的绩效评估系统,完善绩效管理的各个环节;

    Establish scientific performance evaluation system and make up evaluation process ;

  6. 绩效评估系统是风险管理系统的重要组成部分。

    Performance evaluation system is a crucial part of Risk Management System .

  7. 建立科学合理的绩效评估系统

    Enterprises Should Establish Scientific and Reasonable Achievements Assessing System

  8. 商业银行员工绩效评估系统的构建原则

    Approaches to Performance Appraisal System in China Commercial Banks

  9. 新疆气象通信网络绩效评估系统研究

    Research on the Performance Assessment System on Communication Networks of Xinjiang Meteorological Bureau

  10. 利用开发框架实现城市土地利用绩效评估系统。

    Use framework to develop the performance evaluation system .

  11. 基于校园网的高校人才绩效评估系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and design of the campus network & based performance evaluation system of college talents

  12. 剖析了城市土地利用绩效评估系统所使用的设计模式,以及在实施过程中使用的关键技术。

    Analyze design patterns used in urban land use performance evaluation system and key technologies .

  13. 战略管理中的绩效评估系统探讨

    Performance Evaluation System in Strategy Management

  14. 因此对于未来在环境绩效评估系统的建置,我们建议可以运用小群体决策技术提高其效能。

    Therefore , constructing the environmental performance evaluation system in terms of NGT can increase the system effectiveness .

  15. 本文案例中,M房地产公司改革低效益的员工考核制度,设计和完善新的员工绩效评估系统。

    In this dissertation , M company reforms its existing employee performance evaluation , and design new one .

  16. 然后,探讨了如何将公司的战略与绩效评估系统及报酬系统相联系。

    Secondly , this dissertation Studies on how to correlate the company strategy with the performance evaluation system and the payroll system .

  17. 绩效评估系统的建立,包括:在对工作进行科学分析的基础上,制定科学合理的绩效评估标准;

    Constituting employee performance evaluation includes the following factors : Constitute scientific and reasonable performance evaluation standards with basing on scientific job analysis ;

  18. 公会官员表示教师不满的是新的绩效评估系统,系统将用于重新雇用下岗教师。

    Union officials say teachers are unhappy with a new performance evaluation plan and the system that 'll be used to determine which laid-off teachers will be rehired .

  19. 最后将四个重要性较高的构面,依策略阶层分成三个层级的策略,由上而下拟定达成策略目标的行动方案,发展出以顾客关系管理为核心的绩效评估系统。

    Finally , used three levels of strategic hierarchy , four dimentions can be made a set of strategy and a suitable solution to upgrade the performance of CRM .

  20. 他表示:当你实行一个全方位的绩效评估系统时,会引起很多人的担忧,需要你去解决。

    When you go to a 360 degree performance evaluation system , as we did , that creates a lot of anxiety which needs to be overcome , he says .

  21. 主要策略包括完善人力资源部的建设、改进知识员工的引进和培养方式,优化公司知识员工的薪酬策略并改进公司的绩效评估系统。

    Main strategy contains how to perfect human resource department , how to improve the system of induction and training , how to optimize the pay strategy system and strengthen the performance appraise system .

  22. 通过分析电子政务绩效评估系统的构成要素,进一步阐述了电子政务绩效评估管理体系的构成,并明确电子政务绩效评估的基本流程,构建出了电子政务绩效评估系统。

    After analysis of the elements of the system , further elaboration of subsystems of the e-Government performance evaluation management system and clear definition of evaluation process , the e-Government performance evaluation system is built .

  23. 随后结合我国地方政府的特点和实际情况,构建了平衡计分卡绩效评估系统,从而为地方政府绩效评估提供了可操作性的管理工具。

    It has succeeded in private department and will have the opportunity and possibility of success in government . Then on the feature and practical condition , the paper constructs the Balanced Score Card system , provides an operative manage tool for local government performance measurement .

  24. 这八大系统是:网络系统、客户开发与管理系统、配煤加工系统、采购与物流系统、资金流管理系统、信息系统、风险管控系统、绩效评估系统。

    These eight systems are : the network system , the customer development and management system , the coal blending system , the procurement and logistics system , the financial management system , the information system , the risk management and control system , the performance evaluation system .

  25. 大学绩效评估指标系统的信度与效度分析

    The Reliability and Validity Analysis of University 's Performance Evaluation Index System

  26. 论文尝试构建一个公共服务绩效评估理论系统。

    This paper try to integrate to construct a public service performance evaluation theory system . 2 .

  27. 第二完善喀左县乡镇政府绩效评估主体系统,加强评估主体的多元化,避免评估工作主体过于单一。

    Secondly , perfect government performance assessment system of Kazuo County to enhance the diversification of assessment avoiding the main assessment too oversimplified .

  28. 开发了县级政府绩效评估软件系统,给出一个使用该软件系统进行县级政府绩效改进模糊综合评估的应用实例,并给出部分评估结果界面。

    This paper explores the county-level government performance evaluation software system , and uses the software system to evaluate the county-level government performance level , and gives some evaluation interface .

  29. 供应链流程绩效评估模型及其系统实现

    Supply Chain Process Performance Evaluation Model and Implementation of Its System

  30. 总的来说,政府绩效评估指标缺乏系统性和有机性,难以全面反映政府的组织效能、服务质量和管理水平。

    All in all , the present standard that is lack of system and organization is hard to reflect the overall civil organizing efficiency , service quality and administrative standard .