
  • 网络performance measurement;Performance Measure
  1. 供应链绩效测量系统的本质与设计

    The Essence and Design of Supply Chain Performance Measurement System

  2. 国家卫生系统绩效测量与统计指标的概念框架

    A Conceptual Framework of Performance Measurement and Statistical Indicators for National Health System

  3. 本文利用固定样本组数据(PANELDATA)对基于Dirichlet模型的品牌绩效测量方法进行了实证研究,并将该方法与传统观测法进行了比较分析。

    The paper analyses brand performance measures through Dirichlet model based on the panel data .

  4. 基于Dirichlet模型的品牌绩效测量实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Brand Performance Measures Using Dirichlet Model

  5. 基于多重任务的心理信息加工原理,提出一种可以更好地利用分离的双重任务操作绩效测量和计算操作者手脚协调能力的方法,并提出手-脚协调估计值K的计算方法。

    A new method of measuring subjects ' ability to coordinate hand-foot movements by an index of Coordination Level of Hand Foot was suggested on the basis of principles of time-sharing and dual tasks performance .

  6. 企业R&D绩效测量研究

    Research on the Measurement of Corporate R & D Effectiveness

  7. 多指标下的制造绩效测量研究

    Study on the Multi-Dimensional Manufacturing Performance Measurement

  8. 注:绩效测量包括职业健康安全管理活动和结果的测量。

    NOTE : Performance measurement includes measurement of OH & S management activities and results .

  9. 组织如何确保其绩效测量系统与业务需要和发展方向保持同步?

    HOW do you keep your PERFORMANCE measurement system current with business needs and directions ?

  10. 产品开发与研究课题年度绩效测量方法探讨

    Investigation on the Method of How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of R & D Subjects Yearly

  11. 对于不同的工作场所,这些环境因素和绩效测量指标或目标有哪些显著差异?

    What are any significant differences in these factors and PERFORMANCE MEASURES or targets for different workplace environments ?

  12. 不过主观评估结果与绩效测量结果并不完成一致。

    But the subjective evaluation measures were to some extent not consistent with the result of the performance .

  13. 职业健康与安全管理体系的培训、危险源辨识和绩效测量规范运行研究

    Study on Standardizing Running of Training , Hazard Identifying , Achievement Measure of Occupational and Health Safety Management System

  14. 在实践中,准确的绩效测量是理解新创企业和小企业成功与失败的关键。

    In practice , accurate measurement and prompt control of performance are vital to the success of new ventures or small enterprises .

  15. 本实验条件下,客观绩效测量与心理负荷主观评定之间出现了某种程度的分离现象。

    It was found that there was some " dissociation " between the objective performance measurement and the results of subjective evaluation .

  16. 用于控制和改进工作过程的关键绩效测量项目、指标以及过程测量项目是什么?

    What are your KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES or INDICATORS and in-process MEASURES used for the control and improvement of your work PROCESSES ?

  17. 另外,在凝聚力与运动成绩关系的研究中还应考虑绩效测量的选择问题。

    In addition , in studying the relation between group cohesiveness and athletic results the choice of performance measurement should also be considered .

  18. 主动性的绩效测量,即监测是否符合职业健康安全管理方案、运行准则和适用的法律、法规要求;

    Proactive measures of performance that monitor compliance with the OH & S management programme , operational criteria and applicable legislation and regulatory requirements ;

  19. 基于工作结果的非判断性绩效测量有其难以克服的局限,各种基于工作行为的判断性绩效测量方法相继开发出来。

    There are some invincible limitations in nonjudgmental measures based on job outcome , so different kinds of behavior-based judgment measures have been successively developed .

  20. 被动性的绩效测量,即监测事故、疾病、事件(包括未遂过失)和其它不良的职业健康安全绩效的历史证据;

    Reactive measures of performance to monitor accidents , ill health , incidents ( including near-misses ) and other historical evidence of deficient OH & S performance ;

  21. 现代企业为了增强其竞争优势而日益关注R&D,与此同时,对R&D的绩效测量研究显得越来越重要。

    Abstract In order to improve the competitive advantage , firms spend more and more fund on R D. It become important to measure R D performance .

  22. 考虑到现有渠道绩效测量研究的不足,论文将关系价值作为测量渠道绩效的代用指标,以全面反映权力运用对渠道关系的影响和作用。

    Given the measure deficiency , this paper uses relationship value as predictor of channel performance measure , fully reflecting the impact and role of power exercise on channel relationship .

  23. 文章通过借鉴美国顾客满意度指数模型的组织绩效测量方法及其在公共部门的应用模式,结合我国公共部门的特点,设计出了适合我国公共部门的公众满意度测评模型与指标体系。

    Based on ACSI and its application to public organizations , this paper offers a design of public satisfaction test model and index system which is appropriate for public organizations in our country .

  24. 它是一个定量值,表明了用户观看或使用一个系统的主观评价和意见,不必要象绩效测量那样以任务完成所需的时间和错误数为指标。

    A quantitative value representing the subjective rating or opinion of users reacting to seeing or using a system , as opposed to performance measures like task completion time or number of errors .

  25. 通过成立变更控制委员会,应用工作分解结构、绩效测量、变更处理程序等变更控制技术,可以科学、及时、有效地控制并处理变更,使项目沿着既定或修正后的目标进行。

    Changes can be controlled adequately and effectively through establishing a change control board , applying work breakdown structure , performance measurement and utilizing programs to deal with the changes . In this way , the project can still go ahead and achieve the fixed or modified objectives .

  26. 能否真实可靠地对政府绩效进行测量与评估是实现政府绩效评估价值目标与导向作用的关键问题。

    Whether authentic Government Performance Measurement and Evaluation Evaluation of Governmental goals and guiding role of the key issues .

  27. 在对绩效的测量中加入周边绩效维度,使对绩效的预测更为完整。

    Besides , the author joins contextual performance in measurement to performance , so that the prediction of performance is more intact .

  28. 第五部分,介绍了本文涉及到的变量及其测量,并重点介绍了因变量跨国并购绩效的测量方法&事件研究法。

    Part V describes the variables related to this article and its measurement , and specially introduces the event-study method to measure the cross-border M & A performance .

  29. 现代企业管理人才测评是通过一系列科学有效的手段和方法,对管理人员的综合素质及其表现出的工作绩效进行测量和评定的活动。

    The evaluation of management people means the activities of measuring and determining the all-around personality and ability of management people by a series of scientific approaches including performance evaluation .

  30. 后续研究可在此基础上扩大被试行业范围,也可以进一步挖掘企业社会责任营销绩效的测量指标,重构理论模型。

    Follow-up study could be industry-wide , expanded on this basis and also can be further tapped the corporate social responsibility marketing performance measurement indicators to reconstruct the theoretical model .