
  • 网络Performance Management System;the Management System by Performance
  1. 发电企业绩效管理制度研究与改革方案设计

    The Performance Management System of Electricity Power Enterprise Studies and Reforms Conceptual Design

  2. 关于建立政府绩效管理制度基本框架的思考

    Reflection on the Establishment of Government Performance Management System

  3. 本文以H供电公司绩效管理制度为例,设计了基本完整的绩效管理制度。

    Taking H Power Supply Company as an example , author designed full performance management system .

  4. 本文通过对XK公司的绩效管理制度进行分析,找到公司在绩效管理中存在的主要问题,并基于绩效管理的相关理论知识,对公司的绩效管理重新进行了设计。

    Based on some relative theoretical knowledge of performance management , this article makes a re-design on its performance management .

  5. 韩国警察的绩效管理制度及其启示

    Enlightenment of South Korean Police 's Achievements Management

  6. 管理薪酬,福利和绩效管理制度,安全和娱乐节目。

    Administer compensation , benefits and performance management systems , and safety and recreation programs .

  7. 国内的外资企业也无不例外的施行绩效管理制度。

    It is an integrated management system combining strategy , resource and business of the company .

  8. 第一章阐述了企业建立绩效管理制度的重要性。

    The first chapter states the importance for an enterprise to establish the performance management system .

  9. 电力企业作为国有能源事业单位,其绩效管理制度是在计划经济体制下形成和发展起来的。

    Power enterprise as the state-owned energy institution , its performance management system is formed in planned economic system .

  10. 本论文的主要目的是:一是,推行绩效管理制度,促使公司建立科学的战略规划和计划体系。

    First , the implementation of performance management system can urge the company establish strategic planning and system science .

  11. 公务员培训管理部门的绩效管理制度改革在政府效能实践中占有重要的地位与作用。

    The revolutionary of official performance management rules plays the important position and function in the government efficiency and capability practice .

  12. 第二部分,介绍了天宇有限公司现行的员工绩效管理制度,并对该制度存在的问题进行了详尽的分析。

    The second part introduces the current staff performance management system of Tianyu limited company , and analysis existing problem of this system exhaustively .

  13. 我国政府绩效管理制度起步较晚,考核评价体系建设相对滞后。

    Governmental performance management system started rather late in our country , and the construction of its appraisal and evaluation system still lags behind .

  14. 在我国,国有企业推行绩效管理制度,是国有资产管理体制改革进程中的一项重要创新举措。

    In our country , the state-owned enterprises implement performance management system , the management system reform of state-owned assets is an important innovation measures .

  15. 中央《关于深化行政管理体制改革的意见》对推行政府绩效管理制度也作出了部署。

    Central " on the deepening of the administrative system of views " on the implementation of government performance management system has also made arrangements .

  16. 本文从实际出发,通过对S公司的绩效管理制度进行分析,力图揭示绩效管理的系统性。

    Started from the practice , this paper aims to prove the performance management as a system by analyzing the performance management system of S Company .

  17. 造成这样情况的原因就是绩效管理制度仍不完善、绩效考评标准缺乏科学性。

    The reason for such a situation is the performance management system is not perfect , performance evaluation standards to the lack of a scientific nature .

  18. 但从理论角度出发,仍未系统地从预算绩效管理制度的实施背景角度进行系统研究与考察。

    But from a theoretical perspective , China still does not carry out systematic researches and investigations from the background of the system of budget performance management .

  19. 通过兰州供电公司人力资源管理提升建立具有鲜明特色的岗位竞聘制度、绩效管理制度和薪酬制度。

    Lanzhou by the power company to upgrade human resources management system to create competition for positions with distinctive features , performance management system and salary structure .

  20. 财政必须设立相关的绩效管理制度,通过对企业和政府部门的考核,引导其行为符合区域一体化的要求,从而实现区域整体利益最大化。

    High-efficiency performance management system is needed to be established to assess and guide the action of local governments and enterprises to consistent with the requirements of regional integration .

  21. 制度创新包括人才工作领导机制、激励机制、绩效管理制度、选用制度、引进制度等方面的创新。

    Institutional innovation includes talented person job the aspect innovation such as leading mechanism , incentive mechanism , achievement effect management system , selecting and using system , introducing system .

  22. 在此基础上,本次研究从科研绩效管理制度和有助于增强教师诚信的道德环境建设两个角度,提出了有助于促进高校科研诚信建设可行措施。

    Based on the result , we proposed some suggestions from the point of research and performance management system and moral environment , which should help to promote the scientific research integrity .

  23. 其次,针对人力资源管理普遍存在的瓶颈问题即没有有效的激励措施和绩效管理制度探讨了适宜于该公司并可进行进一步推广的骨干员工激励方案和绩效管理方案;

    Secondary , backbone staff encouragement scheme and performance management system schemes suitable for this company and can further promptly have been inquired directing against the bottleneck of human resources that exist widely .

  24. 于2010年在全省县级以上行政机关推行效能政府四项制度,其中就包括了行政绩效管理制度,财政支出绩效管理的推行势在必行。

    In 2010 , the four systems concerning High-efficiency Government have been implemented in the administrative organs above the county level , which includes the administrative performance management system , the financial expenditure performance management is imperative .

  25. 根据人力资源管理体系的构建原则、方法和流程,从组织结构、招聘与配置方针、薪酬福利制度和绩效管理制度四个方面进行了全面的设计和研究。

    According to human resource management system construction principles , methods and processes , organizational structure , recruitment and configuration policies , pay and benefits system and the performance management system four aspects of a comprehensive design and research .

  26. 并提出Hotsales公司需要完善绩效管理制度、实施对员工的培训以保障绩效管理体系顺利实施,最终塑造出公司绩效导向的企业文化。

    Furthermore , we propose that the company need to consummate the performance management policy and to train the employees in order to guarantee the system practice , and finally the company figures the enterprise culture by the performance management .

  27. 有效的绩效管理制度能够促进企业内部管理机制的有效运行和经营管理目标的实现。同时,作为一种反馈机制,它为员工创造了沟通与交流的机会。

    An effective performance management system not only can be conducive to a smooth run of internal management mechanism and the realization of business objectives , but also can generate an opportunity for employees to communicate as a feedback system .

  28. 每个企业都应该根据企业自身要求以及企业的资源和实际情况制定相应的绩效管理制度,其中制定绩效计划、实施绩效计划、绩效考核、反馈、改进是关键环节。

    A company should formulate a performance management system based on its own condition and resources , in which the plan , running the plan , assessment , and face-to-face interview of performance assessment , changing are the critical aspects .

  29. 组织上调节包括:构建人本关怀的组织环境;开发公务员心理问题解决渠道;引入公务员心理素质检测;正确认识并合理运用负激励机制以及完善绩效管理制度。

    Organizational adaptation includes building up people oriented caring organizational environment , developing solution channels for the psychological issues of civil servants , introducing civil servants psychological qualities detection , correctly recognizing and rationally applying negative incentive and improving performance management system .

  30. 第三部分对乡镇政府绩效管理制度的综合性、不统一性、最终执行性等特征进行了深入剖析,并指出当前乡镇政府绩效管理制度在管理主体、管理机制和绩效评估方面存在的种种问题。

    In Part ⅲ, analysing the characteristics of the Township Government Performance Management , such as comprehensiveness , not uniformity and enforceability , and pointing out many problems of the system township government performance management in the system , the management mechanism and the performance evaluation .