
  • 网络Performance orientation;performance-oriented
  1. 因此,本文基于印象管理理论,以建言行为为研究对象,试图探讨建言行为、领导权力距离、领导绩效导向和绩效评价之间的关系。

    Therefore , based on the theory of impression management , in order to explore the relationship between voice behavior , power distance , performance orientation and performance evaluation .

  2. 进入新世纪,公务员制度改革的趋势发生了新的变化,这就是绩效导向型公务员制度的改革。

    The trend of the public servant systerm reform has a new change in the new century , that is the reform of the performance orientation of the public servant systerm .

  3. 现代政府的公共行政中,绩效导向型管理(performance-orientedmanagement)已成为各国政府改革追求的方向和目标。

    In the public administration of modern governments , performance-oriented management has become the common direction and goal that has been pursuing by lots of governments .

  4. 绩效导向的物流组织结构设计模型&以权变理论为基础

    Performance-oriented Design Model for Logistics Organization Structure Based on Contingency Theory

  5. 我们的方式是强调长期性、支持性和绩效导向性。

    It also allows us to emphasize our approach as long term , supportive , performance oriented company builders .

  6. 四是要把塑造绩效导向的机关文化作为丰富、提升机关品牌内涵和品质的前提和基础。

    To build performance-oriented organ culture is the basis and premise to promote connotation and quality of name brand . 5 .

  7. 上市公司高管人员股权激励的绩效导向研究2008年深市主板公司高管薪酬及股权激励分析

    The Research of Performance Based Stock Option of Executives in Public Companies Executive Salary and Share Compensation in Shenzhen Main Board Market 2008

  8. 20世纪90年代早期,美国爆发了一轰轰烈烈的新公共管理运动(政府再造运动),运动中的绩效导向催生了新绩效预算改革。

    The new public management ( the movement of reinventing government ) came into American in 1990s and it led to the new performance budget reform .

  9. 宽带薪酬是与现代企业组织结构扁平化和以能力、绩效导向管理模式相适应的一种新型薪酬结构设计方式。

    Broadbanding salary is a new kind of salary design which is fit for the modern firms ' flat organization structure and the management mode based on performance .

  10. 政府的绩效导向型管理是有目的地对资源与信息加以运用,以获取和显示在达到绩效导向型政府与项目的目标方面的显著进步;

    The performance-oriented management of government is to make use of resources and information pointedly in order to acquire and demonstrate the eminent progress that exits in making performance-oriented management and meeting the goal of program ;

  11. 随着传统官僚制模式弊端的显现,西方国家在公共管理实践中不断推出新的模式:绩效导向模式、以公民为中心的模式、市场模式、弹性管理模式、风险管理模式等。

    As the malpractice of the traditional bureaucracy begins to appear , the Western countries keep putting forward some new models in the practice of public management , such as the performance-oriented model , citizen-centered model , market model , flexible management model and risk management model , etc.

  12. 搭建这一平台,需要构造核心数据库,统一基础组件和规范标准,重建绩效导向、事件驱动的体系结构,具体通过信息采集、处理、维护、应用、输出等模块实现。

    The measures of building this information platform should includes designing core data bade , making unified foundational component , reconstructing architecture drived by events under the guidance of performance . And the system is available by modules of information collecting , processing , maintaining , applying , outputting .

  13. 其次,分析了基于CRM的电子政务业务模式,构建了以绩效为导向的政务处理模式,提出了政府治理绩效评估的指标体系。

    Second , the e-government affair model based on CRM is put forward on the basis of analysis of e-government business model .

  14. 交易员/投资组合经理:该岗位以过往绩效为导向。

    Trader / Portfolio Manager : This position is past performance driven .

  15. 第三是建立以绩效为导向的企业文化;

    The third is to cultivate a performance-oriented enterprise culture ;

  16. 自我激励,以绩效为导向的工作原则。

    Self motivated and performance driven business sense .

  17. 企业社会绩效战略导向的推进和实现在很大程度上取决于高管的价值观和决策。

    Strategic direction of corporate social performance depends largely on the promotion and decision-making of executives .

  18. 如果我们希望保持对外来人才的吸引力,还需要建立效率更高、效果更好、以绩效为导向的体系。

    We also need to build a system that is even more efficient , effective and performance-oriented if we want to remain attractive to external talent .

  19. 宽带薪酬,是近几年兴起的一种与现代组织结构扁平化和以能力绩效为导向的,管理模式相适应的新型薪酬体系。

    Broad band salary is a newly-arising salary design system which is fit for the modern firms'flat organization structure and the management pattern based on performance .

  20. 因此,构建科学合理的大学教师绩效考评导向机制,入而施铺绩效考评对于大学教师的导向作用成为本文研讨的重点。

    So the emphases of this article is to design the orientation mechanism of the performance appraisal for university teacher and exert its orientation function to the teachers .

  21. 随着政府成本意识的强化和公民监督意识的加强,致力于建立以绩效为导向的公共管理体制已经势在必行。

    As the government pay more attention on cost and public pay more attention on monitoring government , it is very necessary to set up a public administration system oriented by performance .

  22. 建立新的以绩效为导向的公共管理体系对加快服务型政府的建设,增强公众对公共部门的信心、保障政令通畅、降低行政成本、提高行政效率以及提高公众满意度和执政合法性有重要意义。

    A performance-oriented public administration system is important to construct service-oriented government , enhance public confidence , guarantee smooth communication , lower administrative costs , improve administrative efficiency and legitimacy and improve public satisfaction .

  23. 在教学体系方面,要规划核心课程、构建岗位-能力-课程体系、完善现行师资体系、建立以绩效为导向的评价体系。

    Secondly in the aspect of educational system , Chinese corporate universities should project core courses , construct a post-ability-curriculum educational system , improve the current staff system and establish an performance-based evaluation system .

  24. 基于空间结构的宏观经济政策是公共政策的重要内容之一,主要内容包括以最佳结构和最佳发展为导向的总体空间布局和以最佳空间经济绩效为导向的城市空间发展政策。

    Macroeconomic policies based on spatial structure are important public policies . Either aggregate spatial pattern which pursues optimal spatial structure and development , or urban spatial developmental policy which pursues the optimal efficiency of spatial economy , is its main content .

  25. 第一章绪论,从阐述本文研究的背景入手,提出了如何修正绩效考核导向,完善绩效管理体系,发挥对组织和个人的激励作用这个需要解决的问题,进而梳理了本文的研究思路。

    The first chapter is " Introduction ", start with the background of this study , then propose the problem of how to amend the guidance of performance appraisal , improve the performance management system , bring on incentive effect of organizations and individuals that need to be resolved .

  26. 预算功能取向与部门预算绩效评价理论导向光导向切换功能提高了同成本下的机械性能。

    Toward the Orientation of Budget Function and Departmental Budget Performance Evaluation Theory ; Switchable Light Guides for Improved Cost performance .

  27. 第八部分是非营利组织会计报告问题,非营利组织的信息披露应当以绩效评价为导向,遵循完全披露的原则。

    Part 8 is NPO accounting reporting . The information exposure of NPOs should be leaded by performance evaluation and abide by the principle of full exposure .

  28. 政府在企业R&D绩效评估中的导向作用

    Government 's oriented role of the enterprise R & D performance evaluation

  29. 充分发挥公务员绩效考核的激励导向作用

    On giving full play of performance assessment of civil servants to the effect of encouragement guidance

  30. 而交互协调又在客户导向与绩效之间以及竞争导向与绩效之间起到缓冲作用。客户满意对绩效有显著的影响作用,但是客户忠诚与绩效无关。

    However , inter-functional coordination had a moderating effect on the customer orientation-performance chain and competitor orientation-performance linkage .