
  1. 采用人工时管理控制成本进行项目和企业的绩效量化测评

    Quantitative Evaluation of Project and Enterprise by Man-hours Management to Control Cost

  2. 因此,可以认为在社区护理实施工作绩效量化评价体系,是值得推广的一项举措。

    Therefore , performance evaluation system is worth popularizing in community nursing work .

  3. 军队医院绩效量化考评指标体系构建的宏观思考

    Micro Thought on Establishment of Quantitative Evaluation Index System of Military Hospital Performance

  4. 网络条件下临床医师绩效量化综合评价方法的研究

    A Research on the Comprehensive Quantifying Evaluation Method on Clinicians'Achievements and Effectiveness Under the Conditions of Network System

  5. 但对中国来说,针对检察机关绩效量化考核的研究还处于起步阶段。

    But for China , for the prosecution to quantify the performance evaluation study is still in its early stages .

  6. 另一方面针对检察机关这一特定主体的相关绩效量化考核研究理论还是微乎其微。

    On the other hand for the prosecution of this particular subject related to performance evaluation study of a theory is still negligible .

  7. 结论应用结构效度分析法对临床医师绩效量化指标系统的效度评价可收到预期效果。

    Conclusion Using the method of construction validity to execute the validity evaluation of the Clinical Doctor 's Efficiency Index Evaluation System can get expect effect .

  8. 同时又实现了日常巡检标准化、数据记录规范化、工作绩效量化管理、事故职责可查询等。

    At the same time it actualized the standardization of daily patrol and data recording , quantificational management of working achievement and easy inquiry of accident responsibility , etc.

  9. 以福建省特检院南平分院为例,从员工量化考核指标的制定、量化、实施等方面,提出了完善员工绩效量化考核的方法对策。

    For example about the NP branch institution of FJSEI , we improve the method of appraisal for the quantizing performance from the staff 's appraisal target decision , quantification and implement .

  10. 通过股权结构与公司绩效量化指标的多元回归分析,筛选出与公司绩效具有较大相关关系的股权结构指标,提供了分析我国上市公司股权状况的量化指标。

    By means of selecting the indicators that have greater relevant relationship with corporate performance , we provide the measurement indicators so as to analyze the ownership situation of China 's listed companies .

  11. 论高校教师绩效考核量化的理论限度

    On the Theory Limitation of College Teachers ' Performance Appraisal Quantification

  12. 绩效的量化是审核成果的集中直观体现。

    Quantitative performance is the concentration and intuitive reflect of the audit results .

  13. 高职院校教师科研绩效评价量化的思考

    On the Quantum Appraisal of the Teacher 's Research Achievement in Higher Vocational College

  14. 结论:积分加权法可用于药剂科科研绩效的量化评价。

    CONCLUSION : Integrated weighting method can be used to evaluate pharmaceutical research performance .

  15. 研究本文有助于对营销渠道绩效评估量化研究的理解,也对电信产业全业务背景下的营销渠道建设有一定的借鉴意义。

    This study not only facilitated understanding of quantify the performance evaluation of the marketing channels , but also was helpful to channel construction in the full-service telecommunications industry context .

  16. 建模分为两个步骤,第一步是结合分析模型,通过对目标市场中消费者需求数据的分析,对扩展后产品平台市场绩效进行量化;

    The modeling process consisted of two steps . Firstly , through combining analysis model , quantity of market performance in product platform after extension could be achieved by analysis on customer requirement data in objective market .

  17. 因此必须系统制定数字营销策略,指导汽车行业数字营销的开展,本文讨论了销售引导策略、客户关系管理策略、品牌建设策略、营销过程及绩效指标量化策略及持续改进策略。

    It is necessary to systematically develop digital marketing strategies to guide the auto industry to carry out digital marketing . This paper discusses sales lead strategy , customer relationship management strategy , brand building strategy , performance indicators strategy and continuous improvement strategy to quantify strategies .

  18. 地球评分:一种环保绩效考核的量化可持续性指标体系简评业绩量化考核

    Earthcheck : A Quantitative Sustainability Indicator System for Environmental Achievements Examination

  19. 中国上市公司经营绩效的综合量化模型研究

    The Study on Integrate Quantified Model of Operational Performances of Chinese Listed Companies

  20. 前言:目的:对我科药学科研绩效进行相对量化评价。

    OBJECTIVE : To conduct a quantitative evaluation on pharmaceutical research performance in our department .

  21. 采用财政部国有企业绩效评估准则量化行业的绩效水平。

    The State-owned Enterprises Performance Evaluation Standard under the Financial Ministry is used to evaluate the performance of each walk .

  22. 通过大量文字和数据,客观的对公司部门及员工的绩效进行了量化分析评价,并提出了一些改善方案。

    The paper shows so many letters and data to impersonal analyze performance of staff and put forward to improvement measures .

  23. 在产出分享模型中,文章对影响利润分配的一个重要因素&环境绩效进行了量化的研究。

    One of the most important factors which effect the profit allocation & environmental performance is quantitatively discussed in the output sharing model .

  24. 为了有效地提高高校图书馆咨询服务的质量与效率,对学科馆员职责的定位做了探讨,对其绩效分级的量化提出了判别函数比较模型,并阐述了相关的检验方法。

    In order to improve effectively the quality and efficiency of reference services in university library , this paper probes into the positioning of subject librarian 's duties , advances the discriminant function comparison model for the quantification of performance classifying , and expounds some corresponding testing methods .

  25. 同时,还对合作关系绩效提出了可量化的指标。

    Meanwhile , the thesis puts forward the indexes to measure the performance of the cooperative relationships .

  26. 但是,在电子政务取得成绩的同时,也暴露了不少问题,特别是在绩效评估的统一量化和统一标准方面缺乏一定的监管和措施。

    However , in e-government achievements , it exposes a number of problems , especially in the performance evaluation to quantify the unity and unification of standards and the lack of certain regulatory measures .

  27. 目前,企业员工素质尚未形成固定的结构模式,企业员工素质与绩效的关系难以量化,造成多数情况下员工素质考核带有较强主观性,并缺乏员工绩效的导向。

    At present , the quality of employees has not yet formed a fixed structural model , quality of employees and organizational performance are difficult to quantify , resulting in most cases , there are strong subjective in most staff quality appraisal and lack the orientation of employee performance .

  28. H机构当前的绩效考评以对任务绩效的量化考核为主,情境绩效相对缺失,但情境绩效对整体绩效有着重要影响。

    The current performance evaluation in H agencies is totally quantitative assessment of the task performance , and the Contextual performance is neglected . However , the contextual performance plays an important role in overall performance .

  29. 在对项目经理个人绩效结果的判定中,将绩效的标准予以量化,进行动态的分析和研究,使绩效评价的结果更加科学、合理。

    As to the judgment on project managers ' individual performance , the standard of their performance is to be quantified , and analyzed and studied in a dynamic way , to make the result of performance evaluation more scientific and reasonable .

  30. 关键绩效指标,是用于沟通和管理被评估者绩效的定量化或行为化的标准体系。

    Key Performance Indicators is a kind of standardized system for the employer to evaluate the working effects of the employee .