
  • 网络Internal communication
  1. 企业管理沟通是一门实践性极强的研究课题,本文将以RIC集团作为研讨重点,主要着墨于企业内部沟通的管理实践。

    Enterprise management communication is a very practical research topic , this paper will focus on the practices of enterprise internal communication management using RIC group as an example .

  2. 通过STS的成功应用可以看出,应用STS软件系统,即可轻松快速地架构起一个高效、强大的企业内部沟通协同的信息平台。

    It can be seen from the successful application of the STS that a highly efficient and powerful information platform for internal communication and cooperation of an enterprise can be set up very easily and rapidly with the STS software system .

  3. 这是一封来自谷歌(Google)曾经的全球最酷公司英国内部沟通主管的电子邮件。

    It was an e-mail from the UK head of internal communications at Google , formerly the coolest company in the world .

  4. 一种内部沟通的方式,根据群组来决定是通过单向的Listserv还是双向的Listserv

    A way to communicate internally , via a one-way or two-way listserv , depending on the group

  5. 同时,也期望本文关于RJC集团的管理沟通探讨能对同行企业改善内部沟通提供有益的借鉴。

    Meanwhile , I also hope discussions on RIC group management communication can provide useful reference for counterpart enterprises in their internal communication improvement process .

  6. 本文以ZL公司为研究对象提出改进对策,最终目的是为了让公司能够解决内部沟通问题,作者也希望这些改进对策能够为更多的企业解决内部沟通问题提供帮助。

    This article research ZL Group and give the suggestion . The final aim is to solve the communication problem that the Group face in daily work , the writer also hopes the suggestion can help more enterprises solve their communication problems .

  7. 企业内部沟通中信息传递问题研究

    The Research on Information Transmission Issue of Communication within the Enterprises

  8. 运用内部沟通促进银行战略转型

    Implementing Intra-organizational Communication to Improve the Transformation of Bank Strategies

  9. 中小企业成长与内部沟通模式的转变

    Growth of medium and small-sized enterprises and change of internal communication pattern

  10. 数据的互相交换是一个很重要的企业内部沟通的手段。

    Data exchange is a very important internal communication tool .

  11. 诺基亚公司致力于建立一种强有力的内部沟通文化和实践体系。

    Nokia is committed to a strong internal communications culture and practice .

  12. 沟通技巧&对外沟通的技巧;通常的沟通技巧;内部沟通技巧

    Communication skills-External communication skills , Communication skills in general

  13. 构建透明的员工参与平台,增加内部沟通,提升信任感。

    To construct open employee participating platform , increase inner communication and improve trust .

  14. 企业内部沟通如果不畅通,将严重影响企业的健康发展。

    The enterprise have communication problem which severely affect the healthy development of enterprise .

  15. 内部沟通差异很大,一些员工错过了关键信息。

    Internal communications varied enormously , with a few staff missing out on key information .

  16. 企业内部沟通研究与策划

    Communication Studying and Planning in Enterprise

  17. 内部沟通主要包括群体之间和个体之间的有效性。

    The internal communication mainly includes the efficiency of the communication between community and the individuals .

  18. 协助公关、展会、经销商培训和内部沟通。

    Responsible for helping to manage public relations , trade shows , dealer training and internal communications .

  19. 办公室沟通重点在改进办公室内部沟通技巧,包括与你的上级,同事和下级。

    Office Communications focuses on improving intra-office communication skills with your superiors , colleagues , and subordinates .

  20. 作为绩效技术的主要干预措施之一,组织内部沟通受到越来越多的关注。

    One of the main performance interventions , internal communications , is getting more and more attentions .

  21. 同时,新闻助理之间的交流也构成了共同体内部沟通的第二种渠道。

    Besides , interactions among news assistants constitute the second rail of communication for the community of correspondents .

  22. 加强内部沟通、加强保安、门卫和总机接线员的安排。

    Strengthening the internal communication , strengthening the deployment of the security guards , gatekeepers and switchboard operators .

  23. 有效的沟通和跨文化沟通是这些在华日资中小企业达到良性运转的重要手段,而如何优化这些企业内部沟通体制,就显得尤为必要。

    Effective communication and cross-cultural communication reached an important means of healthy functioning for the Japanese SMEs in China .

  24. 如何改善内部沟通、提高工作效率、降低办公成本成为需要面对的问题。

    It becomes more and more important to improve internal communication , promote work efficiency , and lower cost .

  25. 联邦快递领导同业,基于以人为本的哲学,为员工建立和提供公开的内部沟通渠道及雇员发展政策。

    FedEx has led the industry in creating employee focused programs to promote positive internal communications and staff development .

  26. 还有多少金融机构正满头冒汗,担心将来审查内部沟通文件可能审出什么问题来?

    How many other institutions are currently sweating profusely wondering what may be revealed in a review of internal communications ?

  27. 对于不少中小型企业来说,更渴望能通过信息化提高企业的办事效率和内部沟通。

    Many medium-sized and small-sized companies are eager to improve their productive efficiency and interior communication by applying information technology .

  28. 公司管理水平、上司、公司内部沟通、工作认同感等因素对企业人才产生离职意图具有显著影响。

    Little work recognition from organization , lack of promotion chance and communication has significant influence on talent turnover intention .

  29. 同时,企业内部沟通更是企业思想政治工作的重要手段。

    At the same time , the intra-communication is an important tool for the ideological and political work in enterprises .

  30. 建立有效的鼓舞员工士气和服务意识的内部沟通体系。

    Set up internal communication system in department , which would give tremendous boost to staff morale and customer service .