
  • 网络Internal selection
  1. 提高内部选拔与网络招聘的利用率,不拘一格地引进人才。

    Improve utilization ratio of internal selection and e-recruitment import talent by all means .

  2. 近年来,随着军队信息化建设的不断深入,对人才的需求也是巨大的,军队内部选拔人才采用网上人才交易方式也是社会发展的必然。

    In the military information construction , the demand of human resources is very huge .

  3. 通过内部晋升选拔人才是军队惯常的做法,良好的内部晋升制度,有利于保持军官队伍的稳定性,增强军人提升能力和努力工作的意愿。

    Our army always uses internal promotion to select talents . A good internal promotion system is helpful to maintain the stability of the officer corps and enhance military capability as well as their willingness to work hard . 4 .