
  • 网络Regional Public Management
  1. 区域公共管理模式:理论基础与结构要素

    Regional Public Management Mode : Theoretical Base and Structural Elements

  2. 论区域公共管理的制度创新

    On the Institutional Innovation of Regional Public Management

  3. 区域公共管理的制度与机制创新探析&以山东半岛城市群为例

    An Analysis of the System and Mechanism Innovation of Regional Public Administration

  4. 新时期区域公共管理创新

    Innovation in regional public administration in the new era

  5. 区域公共管理视阈下的政府职能研究

    Government Functions of the Regional Public Administration 's Domain

  6. 区域公共管理泛行政化现象初探

    Discussion on Overused Administrative Behavior in Regional Public Administration

  7. 区域公共管理中的协调合作组织优化路径

    The path of the optimization of organizational coordination and cooperation in regional public administration

  8. 网络技术的发展为区域公共管理的高效运作提供了技术支持;

    The net technique offers the tech-support for the effective operation of the regional public management ;

  9. 当前,在我国开展有效的区域公共管理,困难重重。

    At present , the effective public administration of the region meets a lot of difficulties .

  10. 区域公共管理制度创新困境的内在机理探究&基于新制度经济学视角的考量

    Study on Difficulty of the Regional Public Administration Innovation & Based on the angle of New Institutional Economics

  11. 泛北经济合作需要建构与实施泛北区域公共管理。

    The construction and implementation of the regional public management in Pan-Beibu Gulf is necessary to the economic cooperation in the region .

  12. 区域公共管理研究对于拓展区域科学、现代公共管理学科的研究,促进区域协调与区域发展具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    Regional public management research contributes a lot to widen regional public management research and promote coordination and development of region theoretically and practically .

  13. 只有坚持效率与公平并重、注重均衡和创新,同时强化区域公共管理、发展社会资本,培育区域文化,我国和谐区域建设才能得以实现。

    It can only be realized if we attach equal stress on efficiency and fairness , emphasize balance and innovation while strengthening regional public administration , developing social capital and cultivating regional culture .

  14. 四是要建立健全区域公共管理制度以规范政府职能,因为职能的转变涉及到多方利益主体博弈,必须以制度的力量来保障政府职能的转变。

    Fourth , we should known that it is necessary to make a system to ensure the change of government functions . Because the system of multi-stakeholder change related to the main game .

  15. 本文应用区域公共管理理论和生态补偿理论来分析流域水环境管理中的地方政府合作,探索促进地方政府良性合作的路径。

    In this paper application of regional public management theory and public pool resources theory to analyze the water environment management of local government cooperation , explore boost local government benign cooperation of the path .

  16. 本研究认为,随着公共管理的发展,区域公共管理出现了科层制向网络化发展的趋势,多元主体的参与是政府提高应对环境变化和危机挑战的必然要求。

    With the development of the public administration , the regional public administration appeared of bureaucracy to network development trend , the participation of multifactor Government to improve the response to environmental change and crisis challenges inevitable requirements .

  17. 区域公共管理要求政府打破行政区划的刚性桎梏,摒弃狭隘的行政区行政的种种制度缺失,建构科学发展观与和谐社会视野下区域公共管理的制度基础和政策框架。

    Regional public management requires the governments to break the rigid shackle of administrative districts and discard the institutional deficit caused by district administration and to construct institutional foundation and policy framework of regional public management in the context of " scientific development " and " harmonious society " .

  18. 强化和创新区域政府公共管理职能;

    Second , it strengthenes and innovates the public management of the government ;

  19. 分别阐述了区域、公共管理、公共管理创新以及区域公共管理创新的概念和相关的内容。

    Elaborated the region , the public administration , the public administration innovation as well as the region public administration innovation concept and the correlation content separately .

  20. 综上所述,在大量研究和分析的基础上,我们形成了一种以预见性管理和集成管理等模式为基础的全面、科学、而又合理的甲级写字楼公用区域公共设施管理模式。

    In summary , in the massive research and in the analysis foundation , we have formed one kind take patterns and so on foresighted management and integrated management as the foundation .

  21. 区域综合公共安全管理模式及中国综合公共安全管理对策

    Public Relations Integrated regional public security management mode and strategies of China

  22. 州际协议:美国的区域协作性公共管理机制

    Interstate Contract : the Public Administration Mechanism of Regional Cooperation

  23. 区域地方政策一体化在区域公共管理过程中发挥着基础性作用。

    The integration of regional local policies play a fundamental role in the regional public management process .

  24. 随着区域一体化的深入发展,协调合作组织在区域公共管理中日益发挥着重要作用。

    With the further development of regional integration , organizational coordination and cooperation has played an increasingly important role in regional public administration .

  25. 分析了区域物流产业与区域经济增长,区域物流产业与公共管理之间的关系。

    Analysis the regional logistics industry and regional economic growth , regional logistics industry and the relationship between public administrations .

  26. 从国外的区域经济发展协调模式来看,经济发展的背后是区域公共管理的理念。

    According to foreign coordination model of regional economic development , there lies the idea of regional public management behind the economic development .

  27. 因此,文章分析了区域公共问题的滋生及其成因,剖析了我国区域公共管理中存在的制度缺失,并探讨了创新区域公共管理制度的政策建议。

    The article analyzes the causes of public problems , the institutional deficit in China s regional public management and probes into the policy suggestions to innovate the institution of regional public management .

  28. 摘要在全球化和区域一体化浪潮滚滚而至,市场化、工业化、城市化和现代化进程加速推进的背景下,我国区域性公共问题急剧滋生起来,由此引发新型的治理形态-区域公共管理。

    With the trend of globalization and regional integration , the acceleration of marketization , industralization , urbanization and modernization , regional public problems increases rapidly , which gives birth to a new form of governance-regional public management .