
  • 网络Electronic Evidence;digital evidence
  1. WINDOWSnt/2000中电子证据的跟踪与提取

    On the following track and collecting of the electronic evidence in Windows NT / 2000

  2. 在检测到非法入侵或恶意行为时利用入侵检测系统收集电子证据是IDS新的应用方向,也是IDS领域的研究热点之一。

    It is one of the hot research fields in IDS and new applying way that use IDS collecting electronic evidence while illegal intrusion and malicious behaviour was detected .

  3. SolicitElectronicEvidenceDocument缺陷审查员开始这个流程来获取一些电子证据文档,这些文档支持来自此案例中确定的源的案例指控。

    Solicit Electronic Evidence Document A disability examiner begins the process to obtain electronic evidence documents that support case allegations from the sources identified in the case .

  4. 计算机取证(computerforensics)主要是围绕电子证据来展开工作的,其目的就是将储存在计算机及相关设备中反映犯罪者犯罪的信息成为有效的诉讼证据提供给法庭。

    The computer forensics primarily works around electronics evidence and its purpose is to reflect the offender 's crime in the computer and related equipments and make it become the valid litigation evidence and then offer to the law court .

  5. 电子证据的获取及可靠性关键技术研究

    Study on Key Techniques for Acquiring and Reliability of Electronic Evidence

  6. 电子证据研究相控阵天线的光电轴匹配探讨

    Study of Optic - Electronic boresight Match of Phased Array Antenna

  7. 电子证据的概念应该从广义上理解,并赋予其独立的法律地位。

    We should comprehend electronic testimony as an independent law concept .

  8. 第二章:电子证据的法律定位。

    Next , it comparatively analyzes overseas electronic evidence law localization .

  9. 最后,对电子证据审查制度进行构建。

    Finally , we build the system of reviewing electronic evidence .

  10. 分析探讨了电子证据的概念、特征。

    It analyze of the concept and characteristics of electronic evidence .

  11. 电子证据的搜查扣押措施研究

    The Research of Search and Seizure Measure in Electronic Evidence

  12. 即分析电子证据作为证据的资格问题。

    Chapter Four : Weight of proof of electronic evidence .

  13. 电子证据的立法预测3、修正(如由于计算的需要进行差分或有限元分段等);

    Lawmaking Prediction on E - evidence 3 , revise .

  14. 电子证据与反拒认协议及形式化分析

    An Electronic Evidence and Non-Repudiation Protocol and Its Formal Analysis

  15. 电子证据之证明力问题分析

    The Analysis on the Power to Prove of Electronic Evidence

  16. 电子证据与我国现行民事证据制度的冲突

    The Conflict of Electronic Evidence with China 's Current Civil Evidence System

  17. 试论电子证据在司法实践中的运用

    A Brief Discussion on the Application of Electronic Evidences in Judicial Practice

  18. 刑事电子证据的收集与运用问题研究

    The Research on Collection and Application of Criminal Electronic Evidence

  19. 散列函数和数字签名在保存电子证据方面的应用

    Applying Hash Algorithms and Digital Signature to Preserve Electronic Evidence

  20. 探讨了电子证据的收集和运用规则。

    Discusses the way of gathering and operating electronic evidence .

  21. 电子证据的基本问题与取证初探

    An Analysis of Basic Issues and Collection of Electronic Evidence

  22. 论刑事侦查中的命令提交电子证据措施

    On the Measures of Ordering to Offer Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations

  23. 论电子证据的特点及其对取证的影响

    On the Characteristic of Electronic Evidence and Its Influence to Obtaining Evidence

  24. 美国的电子证据和法庭计算机科学

    Electronic Evidence and Forensic Computer Science in the United States

  25. 网络犯罪、电子证据与数字化刑事侦查

    Network Crime 、 Electronic Evidences and Digital Criminal Investigation

  26. 电子证据可采论损贫系数与三级矿量可采期应用初探

    On the Admissibility of E-evidence Preliminary discussion on loss-dilution coefficient and recoverable period

  27. 电子证据鉴定技术框架研究

    Research of the Frame of Electronic Evidence Identification Technology

  28. 其中对电子证据的真实性、合法性、关联性进行了分析,重点把握电子证据证明力的认定标准。

    The author analyzed the authenticity , legality , relevance of electronic evidence .

  29. 手机取证及其电子证据获取研究

    Study on Mobile Phone Forensic and Digital Evidence Acquisition

  30. 电子证据的收集程序研究

    On The Collection Procedure of Criminal Electronic Evidence System